General Discussion

General DiscussionEarth/Storm/Ember Spirit - Which one is better?

Earth/Storm/Ember Spirit - Which one is better? in General Discussion

    Which one is the better u think?

    Earth spirit is currently sitting @ 30% winrate
    Ember is sitting @ 37% WR
    Storm is sitting @ 45%

    All of these seems appear to be in the low end when it comes to winrate.

    But which of these is more useful to a team (i know it depends on rest of the lineup, but a general thing)


      why include storm wtf


        Because he is a spirit like earth and ember.


          So this fire spirit fucked me up twice, yet if you hit him he dies :D

          King of Low Prio

            low winrate in pubs means nothing


              I don't think the winrates matter yet, some people are probably still learning how to play them. Yesterday we had our Earth go mid, then on the enemy team there was a Ember spirit. Ember has annoying nukes early game but our Earth Spirit came out on top. We dived their team a lot too lol.

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                30% is however the lowest winrate i have ever seen on a hero. Even on new heroes. It will go up as time progresses, but if u look at Aba, he started out with 54% then slowly went up to 59% and now he is climbing down a bit. No way Earth will reach the 50%.

                Dire Wolf

                  Because abba is one of the easiest heroes to play, you spam shield and dive and no skill ult.

                  These new heroes actually require a fair bit of positioning and the noobs don't get it. Earth can be pretty freakin nasty though, sort of like a tusk in the way he initiates but with more dmg and a silence. Fire doesn't seem that bad.

                  Ples Mercy

                    You cannot compare those 2 heroes. Earthspirit is pretty hard 2 play, since you have to be very tricky, id also predict him at the 51-52% later on.


                      These 3 heroes are totally different. So comparing them of who's strongest doesn't seem reasonable in my opinion.

                      Ember can be a strong hardcarry if freefarm
                      Earth can turn around fights and escape from any situations, so can storm.

                      Vanity  ツ

                        ember spirit got the best attack animation in the game though


                          Why are you comparing different things? The only reason stone and ember spirit have low win rate is because they were introduced to dota lately when d2 started to gather the most people so basically it's the first time ever people play them. Especially stone spirit, even veteran dota players played him for the first time. Abaddon was an old dota 1 hero.

                          King of Low Prio

                            also the biggest reason why the winrate is slow low is that they came out AFTER dota 2 came out which means alot of players did not touch them(I believe that they are the first wave of the "new" heroes to enter dota 2) only reason I have some experience with ember is because I got into dota 2 late.


                              ^we say the same:)


                                Out of the two new, I like Ember. I think that Earth needs a little time for people to learn how to solidly play him, while for the most part Ember is really, really simple.


                                  Earth spirit will soon be played less than chen or visage on pubs probably. I imagine chen would have similar win rate if he was played most of the time and nobody knew how to play him. Soon only good ESs and those who randomed him will play him. his WR will probably stabilize beetween 40-43% within a month.
                                  I played earth spirit against bots and it was quite fun and good. and he is a good mid as he can flash farm and gank effectively. as well as he suites bottle with his low mana spells. 10/10 would stomp.


                                    No way on earth that earth will ever be 51-52% winrate. That is for sure. I will bet my house on that one.

                                    Stone spirit? xDDD

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      I don't think their win rates will ever rise because they are so tanked right now. If in a few months they average out to 51-52% for that month lifetime is still going to lag behind in the 40s.


                                        ember spirit to me feels like a really weak juggernaut dont think he ll be used in the pro scene at all but you never know ,i think once people get used to earth spirit he will be played alot he has so much utility that he cant be ignored already seen some great plays with him and storms well storm an annoying little electric pest i think storm is the best for now but think earth will be used alot in the pro scene.


                                          Ember is an extremely strong ganker. He doesn't scale so well as a carry because he has to build survival items to be able to reliably cast SoF consistently, but doesn't have the stats to rush in. He can get out easily, for sure, but as a carry his late game impact isn't really as strong as it seems on paper.

                                          Throw him mid, on the other hand, going Q/E/E/Q/Q/R and he becomes a beast. Guaranteed runes, free base tps and back while being able to dish out a shit ton of DPS while absorbing nukes like free. Land his Q once you hit 8/9 and he can do over 700 damage easily with his shield on. SoF is too overrated early, but people like its flashiness too much.


                                            did anyone noticed how fuckin ugly storm icon is ?


                                              I'm surprised that Ember is above 30%. While he is an incredibly strong hero, that in the right hands is an absolute powerhouse, can you actually imagine 98-99% of the player pool using his ultimate correctly at all, and manage to stay alive with low armor and relatively low HP? Probably not, he seems like the kind of hero that would get picked off time and time again.

                                              I don't have enough experience playing with/against Earth Spirit, but he looks OP as fuck, but takes a fair amount of skill to use effectively. He seems like a HoN hero...which isn't a good thing.

                                              waku waku

                                                i got owned by ember spirit op pls nerf


                                                  xin is fine, he got overnerfed alrdy. but kaolin idk, 4sec cd for the ball, hm


                                                    i remmember ember used to be mega imba on w3 dota but he receive many nerfs in last patches so i guess he isnt that op anymore abd the strenght one is gay


                                                      I'm surprised you remember anything vaikiss.

                                                      btw ember got buffed in last patches, so..


                                                        Impossible to tell yet, far too many Earth and Ember instapickers who feed all day or idiots who don't know how to play against Ember (silence works wonders on him, but no, pure DPS items are obviously better than Orchid when he has invulnerability every 5 or less seconds...) feeding him constantly.


                                                          Earth will be seen in competitive matches
                                                          The game I played with him I had to learn him in lane then he became extremely useful I won 2 teamfights with 4 man silences and the stun can save teammates like pudge's hook the push can also launch enemies into your tower early game. Also the roll has a 4sec cooldown and makes you one of the most mobile heroes


                                                            Vengeful one is best