General Discussion

General DiscussionTOP 2 MMR SOLO RATING 6762 = 26 HOURS GAME PLAY

TOP 2 MMR SOLO RATING 6762 = 26 HOURS GAME PLAY in General Discussion

    steam profile: < STEAM

    so this guy was advertising about his account selling for dota 2 keys... I added him and saw the game hours + it was a real mmr, winning about 5 games on the calibration.. all Previous games was fix (abuse)= Team match making and 4 accounts with 400% xp each, saw some replay what he do is just afk in fountain wait for 1hour every game, there was not even a single kills or item on those TMM history just 1 hour afk or more maybe... (TMM games was about 15 games, no co-op matches history / public matches)

    dota buff history:

    So if people decided to get 6k mmr and sell it.. all they need is to afk fountain in TMM matches til they get level 13? and just win atleast 5 wins in calibration?

    damn VOLVO

    Ова тема је измењена

      Damn.. im 4500 guess i should stayed afk in fountain more

      Овај коментар је измењен

        no idea why anyone would pay for a 6k account. If they play it, they will just wait in queue for 15-20 minutes and then get shit stomped by the other team repeatedly.

        I mean, i get the concept behind buying a 5k account, despite it being stupid.


          after buying the account



            its really easy to do that just takes quite some time anyway ppls who buy accounts are retarded and they will get back to their normal mmr in no time


              We stompd him in his last calibration game ;D


                yeah dude TMM and co-op gives rating

                holy fuck you are disgusting OP


                  I would have bet money wave was going to comment in this thread.

                  Moth to a flame.

                  Edit: Also, it appears the account use juked his stats heavily in team matchmaking games, which initiated valves anti-smurf system and hyper-boosted his unranked MMR. Then when he went into ranked, he started off with a really high MMR to begin with. Before valve hid it, players were not going into ranked matchmaking at 3k mmr unless they neverp played normal match making games, and instead started ranked from where there unranked mmr place them.

                  Thus, it appears TMM actually did in a way contributed* the account rating, in that it boosted the accounts starting point.

                  Inevitably, Wave will again post a disproportionately insulting and derogatory post, because apparently he never learned to be civil.

                  Овај коментар је измењен

                    ? the starting point is 3k, this applies for every new account, check the players in first match and add them to find out or better yet check this video, why people even assume garbage shit that TMM/Co-Op affects rating without proving it is so funny


                    theres always anti smurf detection for new accounts, it gives an accurate rating after 10 matches
                    you can read more about it here

                    im always getting 5.8k-5.9k after 10 games, on this account i got 5900 which is 6205 rating now.

                    Овај коментар је измењен

                      6700 is pretty impressive i hope i can beat that, respect to the player :)

                      i checked his calibration matches and extremely well done hero performance overall

                      Овај коментар је измењен

                        We are both right it seems. If the player went into normal match making with a party, it would change his starting point in ranked match making.

                        However this account doesn't appear to have done that. I think of "team matchmaking" as normal mode with party, but I think it was actually the "find a team match" lobby option.

                        Not sure why only 7 matches are visible. Might have turned off sharing after 7. Regardless the player seemed to stomp 2 game and then proceed to lose multiple times. Something to do with tinker getting a lot of kills, teleports , gpm/last hits per game, would be my guess.

                        Овај коментар је измењен

                          only kills matters


                            players like me with 6k rating can easily do this and turn it into a profitable business, i already do it with a couple of other 6k rated friends.

                            valve should've predicted this type of shit even tho smurf detection is close to 90% accuracy, what they need to do is change limits of getting into RMM by playing at least 150 minimum games in normal matchmaking instead of simply getting level 13

                            what a joke that company is

                            Овај коментар је измењен

                              One time I accused a person of buying his account since his MMR was totally not matching his farming/ganking/last hitting/game sense/anything. He goes, "What is buying an account? I bet YOU bought YOUR account since you're the one talking about it."

                              lol was the funniest shit I have ever seen, so obvious he bought it after that reply :(


                                are you talking about that faggot called Hael? he bought the account from one of my friends


                                  I have no idea what your shift+tab overlay is, probably a steam mod?

                                  Regardless, it has function for you to see the players in your game and link to them which is cool. What i don't get is how you were able to view their MMR in their profile tab without being friends with them.



                                    i was friends with them, you can see i added them and after they appeared in my friend list..


                                      they accepted your friend requests that fast during pick screen?

                                      Bizarre. So responsive for randoms.

                                      So basically it appears the issue is anti-smurf fucking the mmr rating up. When players with normal accounts they played on went into ranked, they started from their normal mmr and would go up or down a maximum of approximate 100-150 point. The best a players at 3k could hope for was to end up at around 4-4.4k by the end of their calibration.

                                      limiting it to 150 games wouldn't even be necessary if they just hard capped the mmr gain at 1000 points.

                                      edit: and thanks for the metro link. Your still a douche though :).

                                      Овај коментар је измењен

                                        a 3k player would end up at 3.5k as most, for 5k and 6k players, it can be anything from 5000 to 6000 depending on how well they perform. people are free to try this out as well, this is intended by valve after all

                                        the smurf detection is ok tbh, but it'd be so much better if valve changed it to 100-150 games played in normal matchmaking for many obvious reasons and i think if people started at 1000 points, it'd give experienced players a 200 winstreak or more


                                          No, i mean a new account would start at 3000 like it does now, but after its 10 games the highest it could place is 4.25k. Basically as now, but with a hard cap on MMR gain. Simply put, make it so that each calibration match can't give more than 150 MRR.

                                          100 games in normal mode would be alright as well though. I can see that they may not want to discourage smurfing though for monetary reasons.

                                          Who knows.

                                          At the same time though, you are profiting from it. You could make a more detailed guide as to how you are doing this, post it on reddit, and it will probably get fixed in a week.

                                          More importantly, i had used pixelvision a year or two ago, but this new metro shit is fucking awesome. Thx.

                                          Овај коментар је измењен

                                            its this guy who does the tmm boosting for wave and the owner of the account op mentioned


                                            pure professional


                                              Sorry, but thats pretty funny. They shouldn't of even done a ranked matchmaking feature anyways.


                                                im pretty sure valve has no intention of "fixing" anything because 10 calibration matches, level 13 and so on is pretty much intended and made to be like this, if im getting 5800 and 5900 on each attempt, then i guess thats how well i perform even though i have no idea how this player got 6.7k when his matches seem to be in worse state than mine (no offense to the 6.7k player, im just a bit shocked)

                                                the only guide i can think of getting 5k+:
                                                1. find a 5.5k-6k player
                                                2. ask him or her to play calibration like he or she normally would on her main account

                                                Овај коментар је измењен

                                                  wave, can't u tell us how much ur russian friend charges for a level 13 tmm only account?

                                                  on epicnpc i saw 40$ mentioned and with the amount of time involved (20 hours in tmm) and bots/alt accounts (guy has like 10) i wouldn't be surprised


                                                    If you play TMM to level 13 that means you don't have any games as reference points so the uncertainty is higher. You may start at 3k rating but the uncertainty of that rating would be very high, because the system doesn't know how good or bad you are since you have 0 games.

                                                    So you start at 3000, but the uncertainly could be 1500 i.e. the person playing the game could in reality, be anywhere from 1500 to 4500 rating and 3000 is just the mean.

                                                    As quoted from
                                                    "New accounts and those playing in Ranked Matchmaking for the first time have high uncertainty. Higher uncertainty allows larger adjustments after each match"

                                                    "individual performance also plays a role, especially when our uncertainty about your MMR is high"

                                                    That's how you're able to get 6k instantly after calibration, by scoring well in your calibration matches while having huge uncertainty. It wouldn't be doable if you played actual games in order to get to level 13 because you'd probably reach about 5.5k until your MMR uncertainty would be something like +/- 100 to it's actual value. So it says 6k on your screen but that number is just the mean, the variance of what your MMR actually is isn't shown, there's a possibility it could deviate from that value by several hundreds of points.

                                                    If you were actually 6k then play games that count towards win/loss on the way to level 13 so that the game has more reference points to find your true MMR.


                                                      kaisle, there are chinese sellers who sell for really cheap, i really dont know how much jet_shark charges for but it's somewhere around 30 bucks or so. my friend (the 6.7k player) paid for my lvl 13 boosting :D

                                                      @Androgynous you're correct but the uncertainty isn't as badly as you expressed, there's no way a sub 5k player can get past 5k after calibration (they are free to try this lol)

                                                      at most, they'll get 300 or 400 more points from what they have on their main account

                                                      Овај коментар је измењен

                                                        i bought a lvl 13 acc for 10 bucks, after calibration my rating was 4.6 k and my main one is sitting at 4.1k
                                                        >> this is my smurf in case anyone don't believe me

                                                        edit: not 10 bucks actually 8 dota keys which is roughly 14 bucks with traders

                                                        Овај коментар је измењен

                                                          4600 is not that bad, keep performing exceptionally well and stand out from rest of your team and opponents and you'll get 5k



                                                            well sorta, except I assume you cant do it with a support hero like CM or something.


                                                              atum that sounds really cheap, was the account clean (0 games)? if so, where did u buy it?


                                                                ya it had 0 games, add my smurf and i'll link u to the seller


                                                                  yeah supports are basically screwed in calibration unless they played tons of games in normal mm since solo/party is one and the same in normal matchmaking unlike ranked mm


                                                                    yo atum i added you accept


                                                                      seems like the 6.7k guy got to page 1 and was blue after two matches

                                                                      all he had to do was play tinker twice, win and get decent kda + hd

                                                                      at that point he basically had close to 7k mmr and in spite of losing so many games afterwards he didnt really go down in mmr

                                                                      i suspect 90% of the anti smurf mechanism is based on your first couple of games

                                                                      Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                        i guess having a solid amount of hero damage the games you lose does help though

                                                                        which is why u basically have to play zeus or tinker

                                                                        Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                          Its anti-smurf.

                                                                          Also, you don't have to be a 5k player necessarily to stop your first two games with tinker. I'm not going to say that anyone get pull out a 6k rating on a fresh account, however anti-smurf has a long history of placing players way higher than they should be in the rankings.

                                                                          Its less impressive getting to 5k or 6k on a smurf, than it is to play a 5k-6k account every day and maintain that. A guy like monkeys-forever or w/e is far more impressive to me than people pulling out a 6k smurf.

                                                                          And if you ended up at 4.6k, you will still have to win more than you lose to get to 5k. After calibration, its basically +/-24 to 25 points per game every game.

                                                                          Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                            this 4.6 k rating is actually hilarious, 1 match i have liquid fluff and other really good players on my team, next one theres a peruvian storm stealing my items going 0-9 in 10 min rofl

                                                                            Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                              i dont play every day and im 6230, started with 5.9k, having 6k+ is shit, i'll explain why

                                                                              i know how this whole stupid distribution of balancing teams work out,
                                                                              let's take this match as an example, before i get into this, i haven't added any of the players to see their rating but i am 100% sure what im about to say is true and correct, i am the storm

                                                                              this is how valve "balances" teams, what a huge gap there is

                                                                              Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                there is definitely a noticeable difference between 4.5k and 5k players

                                                                                why does valve do this :(

                                                                                Oh Shit Waddup

                                                                                  how do you see the other players MMR, or did you add them to find them out?


                                                                                    i dont, but i know for a fact it balances out like this

                                                                                    i could add one random player in that match and it'd match with my description


                                                                                      right now one of my friends are playing on front page and his rating is 4500, he's obviously orange in that game


                                                                                        you and I both know for a fact that color has nothing to do with rating and only how long you spent in queue.

                                                                                        Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                          color matters for 5k+ players

                                                                                          im always blue/pink even if the queue is 3 seconds long


                                                                                            colour is only relative to parties on the team. If you are in the middle, then the largest possible party on your team is 2 people, if you are at the top, then there could be a 4 man, a party of 3, or 2 parties of 2. If your whole team is solo, it's either random or relative to queue time, but not mmr.

                                                                                            la the yeezy

                                                                                              90% of the time Pro players who stream are blue or pink k


                                                                                                Color is based on MMR. Queue time (search range) increases your mmr.

                                                                                                If you make two 5 man parties, one being 5k players and the other being 3k players and search with the 3k party for 8 minutes so that their search range maxes out, and then start search with the 5k party for an insta-find, they will both lose/get +25 for a lose/win because the queue time boosted the 3k party's mmr and they are now roughly the same.


                                                                                                  I can pretty much confirm the colours mean nothing. At night when not many people are playing I've been paired with a few of the same solo players multiple matches in a row, and the order we appeared in along the top was not the same...



                                                                                                  Me and Apple[mint] were both solo players

                                                                                                  Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                                                  la the yeezy

                                                                                                    Apparently, for players with high mmr 5k+ color does mean something


                                                                                                      its going for 360 bucks (150 keys) atm according to seller