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For those who only uses this forum. in General Discussion

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    Monkey see, Monkey do.

    Hex Sigma

      It was to be expected tbh. It's the same story as pudge. Prepare to also see tinker and es.


        As long as tinker stops...please


          When I was playing Razor these trashes didn't know what doto is. :)

          ICE SKULL

            this is typical 4k mmr shit


              tinker has been 100% pick cancer for 2 months now it will never stop


                Bro, I started playing SkyWrath Mage mid before it was even cool. (over 1 year ago)


                  "I hate Razor, he is boring to watch, he is like a pedophile who trys to touch grown ups and if he reaches them, they turn slowly into children when they arent fast enough"

                  The imagination of some people...


                    Skywrath I understand. But Razor? That trashcan lost almost every game he was picked in. Shadow Shaman was the real champ of group stages.

                    Though I'm not sure if I love or hate seeing more Voids in my games...


                      ^i just stomped a void game with you yesterday, enjoooooy the voiiiiid

                      King of Low Prio

                        the issue with picking uncommon heroes in pubs is that it automatically puts your team at a disadvantage. When I play drow, from the moment the hero is picked you hear the 'omg drow we lost blah blah blah' 'I afk in jungle til this game over'

                        I am enjoying the skywrath hype because it lets me play him without all the drama

                        King of Low Prio

                          btw void is as much a cancer as doom, hopefully more teams ban him early


                            I don't think I ever got a complaint when I picked skywrath prior to ti :\


                              I dont get why people call good heroes cancer... Arent cancer heroes illusion rats like PL, naga, TB, etc?


                                @Wink: Yeah, but you got to dual offlane and get farm. I'm afraid I'll see last pick voids that have no team synergy and that ruin games with bad chronos.

                                Like, compare offlane void to Centaur. You miss your stomp, whatever, just walk away you're a cow. Do it again when blink comes off CD. With void, the cd is much longer (especially at 6) and you have less burst potential. Without coordination, he's much worse.

                                Also Centaur can't stun his own team.

                                Basically I don't trust people in my mmr with any ability that can target me.


                                  That makes a lot of sense. Now im scared :s

                                  King of Low Prio


                                    not only did I get counter picked with pugna

                                    void would chrono our team

                                    wisp would use his ulti to teleport me into chrono too..........

                                    void is pure cancer atm


                                      "counter picked...pugna"


                                        then you both die


                                          Skywrath has better str growth than pugna, so as long as you're able to get a health item out prior to the blade mail, you will kill him without dying yourself(level 3 ult is only 1400 damage, atos alone takes care of that at 16). And since you'll survive(even if pugna does slightly) you'll essentially kill one other hero and leave your team to fight 4v3.

                                          King of Low Prio

                                            counter does not mean you automatically die when he sees you on the map


                                              Yea I know, but you counter him with a single item just as much as he counters you.

                                              EDIT: a cheap item at that.

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                                              King of Low Prio

                                                he can buy a bkb


                                                  Then you've effectively enabled your team's right clicker to kill him.

                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                    so if pugna banishes anyone but himself he is automatically killed by a player on the map?


                                                      All I said was it enabled him to be slaughtered by your right clicker. Not "he automatically dies".

                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                        yes if u are out of position and a right clicker is standing on top of u and you are playing pugna with no banish up a PA will kill you.