General Discussion

General DiscussionShop and Minimap Broken

Shop and Minimap Broken in General Discussion

    Anyone else unable to open their shop or click on minimap to move the screen? Happened to me twice today, as well as one person in one of my games. After restarting client three times, it was fixed, but in a 1v1 where the other player doesn't speak any English, it's a bit difficult to ask for that, since even people who understand me won't keep it paused long enough.

    Also, trying to open the shop from the build menu causes it to freeze.

    Every single game I have to restart client at the beginning. Or else try to win 1v1 with 10 tp scrolls in my inventory. And maxing devour on Doom is not recommended in that situation.

    Speaking of, what's the skill build for 1v1 Doom?

    Wall of text short version: I can only buy tp scrolls. Every game.


      i cant see my robots in march for some reason atm i can only see the dust they kick up


        I could only see the tip and tail of Mirana arrow yesterday . still didn't get hit ;L

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