General Discussion

General DiscussionI want to keep winning, am I dreaming?

I want to keep winning, am I dreaming? in General Discussion
Pew Pew Pew

    Im bad at mid, Im bad as carry.
    But I can fucking support 4x carriy in any game.
    Im looking for baby(carry) to babysit.

    Are you a good carry?
    Are you very good at last hitting?
    Are you good at making decision?
    Are you try hard?
    Are you looking for support?

    If you have answered at least 3x ,,yes"

    then add me so we can snowball :


      Wow. First Capcom stalks me, now - people. This world is going to become much better place after all...

      bum farto

        Your top heroes show us what an impressive support player looks like.


          havoc ur telling me u cant support with carries and mids ?


            Support invoker, best invoker, every int hero is a support imo.

            Pew Pew Pew

              Havod Badge: I was following the poem ,,Only the good mid can win the game" but seems its a wrong way.

              Sunrice : I played few times Invoker as support, its aint that bad !

              Vaikiss : Seems he hadnt. Even Spectra can support well and farm well in one shot ^_^


                Even Spectra can support well

                im looking for ppl like you to up my party mmr, i'll add you

                Pew Pew Pew

                  Taylor Swift:

                  When you are solo matchmaking you never know what kind of teammates you will get.

                  It was long time ago. I picked first Spectra and then rest pick 1x mid and 3x carry heroes =))))))))

                  And because no one wanted to support and I was awared (it wasnt the first time and even the last time) that without visions it will be a free win for opponents.

                  Then I as Spectra, I choosed to be solo support =)) it pissed me off, because we were loosing hard obviously.

                  But thx to opponents , they gave us enough time to get some farm and I as Spectra got few free kills with my ulti.From that I got mine farm.

                  I started as solo support and ended up as hard carry =)))) From that game, I learned how supporting/vision is important and the meaning of never give up :D

                  But you know,....sometimes you get dumbass, even if you dont want to give up, its better to leave the game, like the game yesterday I played.


                  The story was about mid, Ember wanted mid, but SF wanted it too.
                  One of them could go bot. But Ember intentionally ruined game from the first second of the game.He just sent his hero mid to feed PA.
                  After 3x of deaths I rather left the game.

                  Then I were forced to play normal low priority games.
                  I picked Bane, early and mid game was in our favor.

                  But those guys once they pushed, they dont know what is suppose to go back means.
                  I even warned them,many times, but they ignored me =(( from that point I already knew that it will cost me the game =(

                  Then I jumped on 2nd game.
                  I picked sand king.
                  That game I ruined it to be frankly =( I had dagger late (20+minutes of the game)

                  So do you still want to me play with me? :D
                  Im human, Im just normal noob. So you cant expect me to do perfect perfomance anytime.

                  I just can guarantee you that if you play carry with me as support , I will always make sure you have enough space and vision to farm without fear to be ganged ;)

                  SOHAI KIA OF TANJUNG MALIM

                    this guy is lying pig, he just want 4 carries to carry him because he is too noob to carry game on hi own

                    click eye ward and put floor is not hard , support = -999 mmr

                    good luck


                      Support is for losers, real men play mid.

                      Pew Pew Pew

                        Why do you think support is for losers?
                        Any decent reasons to make you think like that?

                        Pew Pew Pew

                          CL.mid or feed

                          I wish I could be carried by carries.
                          Seems you are good at Invoker.
                          Im novice at Invoker.
                          Would like to watch your Invoker games.
                          Can I add you?Would like to watch when you are playing :P


                            Supporting in solo pub is manliest thing in Dota

                            Pew Pew Pew


                              Can you tell me how did lose you this game: ?