General Discussion

General DiscussionProfile not Updating Statistics (But updating Matches)

Profile not Updating Statistics (But updating Matches) in General Discussion

    I've a Friend (DotaBUFF URL
    His profile is not updating Statistics (Heroes played, KD+A, Matches Count, etc...) BUT it IS updating his latest matches (we can see the matches from little time ago).

    His settings on DotA CLIENT are fine:
    ** Hide Dota & Steam Profile UNCHECKED **
    ** Expose Public Match Data CHECKED **

    It appears that it could be a bug with his name as well, since he recently changed between Uppercases and Lowercases in his nickname, and now even if he changes his name, it doesn't updates in the DotABuff profile..

    Thanks for any help.


      Damn idiots who cant read dotabuff faq for 2 sec.

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        First, thanks for your polite reply, it really represents the mentality of overall players on DotA.
        Secondly: I said CLEARLY (would this if possible) the problem wasn't in match history, but in STATISTICS.
        There is NOTHING RELATED about this in the FAQ, it involves MATCH HISTORY issues, but not STATISTICS.

        The problem was solved by the player with the following actions:
        * Turning ON and OFF Profile Privacy Settings
        * Changing to a different name and returning to the original one.

        So SHIBA, thanks for your SO HELPFUL answer.

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            Moderation should really be stricter on this forum.


              ...srsly OP

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