General Discussion

General DiscussionAnyone got replays of MMR boosted games?

Anyone got replays of MMR boosted games? in General Discussion

    Especially boosts for 4k MMR games.

    I want to see how these players exploit 4k players to achieve over 90% win rates on non-snowbowlling heroes such as WD, Phoenix and etc.

    Besides the mechanics skill difference, how their playstyle differs from the normal ones?


      In those games there are 9 retards with 4k mmr and one account booster who is not a retard. Because the account booster is not a retard he tends to win the game by himself without too much efford. Remember, 4 retards with one good player will easily win against 5 retards whereas none of them are as good as the account booster.


        There is not anything different, they just play their best heroes and they are just better simply as that.


          This guy boosts accounts all the time:


            what's the point of watching russian players if they suck


              Are you joking? Phoenix is the most retarded snowball hero in the entire universe, get a good start and you'll rape the entire enemy team apart.

              On topic : Just roam efficiently and get kills everywhere, its not that hard to do against people with bad map awareness.


                Are you implying that Russian players suck?

                  Овај коментар је измењен

                    @Davai then do you have Phoenix boosting replays I can watch?

                    Anyone have anymore?