General Discussion

General DiscussionHas average mmr gone up since when ranked was first introduced?

Has average mmr gone up since when ranked was first introduced? in General Discussion

    For example, are people who calibrated at 3500 when ranked came out equivalent to the 4000 players today? Were the people who calibrated at 5000 when ranked was first introduced higher skilled *at that point in time* than the 5000 players *at the point in time today*?

    Hope I make my question clear. I want to know if there has been mmr inflation since when ranked was first introduced.

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      You might thought that, but keep in mind:

      New players comes too. It's not like its 1000 players and they improve over time, but it comes new people.

      Answer to question:
      No, 4ks are just as trash as they were before, and 3k is the same as its even been. (Meta changes might make you think difference, but no. Still the same)

      Hope I gave a good answer.

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        ^ I understand what u are saying, but I think I worded my question poorly. I am not asking for the ACTUAL average of all players, I am asking if there has been mmr inflation.

        When ranked was first introduced, everyone was amazed at people who had over 6k mmr. Now lots of people have 6k mmr, even 7k mmr. I don't want to include those players as part of an mmr inflation example, since the player base of 6k+ players is extremely low and not a good sample size.

        This might mean there is mmr inflation at the very top of the ladder, and not much inflation 5k and below?

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          I would guess it went down.

          King of Low Prio

            outliers stretch on both sides of the spectrum balancing out the average


              since if you abandon a game you lose MMR even if you won the game, in those games 6 people would lose and 4 people would gain, changing it from a zero sum game to MMR gradually decreasing.


                But people that are at 1 mmr (or slightly upper) create mmr
                since it make like (if they lose)
                -25 four times and +25 fives time in their game ^^.

                the whole is to know which happen the more often

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                  I have no clue what this thread is about, but I saw Matrice write here so:

                  Shoutout to Matrice.

                  Very nice high skilled player that teached me some nice things to improve my gameplay, and I really appreciate it.
                  Thank you very much Matrice. I'd love to fuck you. (No lesbian)


                    I think what op says is 4k player right now is worse, than what a 4k player was half year ago. so hitting 5k is less of an achievement than hitting 5k was half year ago. so you need less skill to get to x mmr than you needed before and everyone has sligtly higher mmr than what they had even if their skill is the same. He doesnt care about the avg or anything, just what "a 4k player" means, etc.
                    Or i completly misunderstood...


                      oh yh thats what this thread is about. I've actually answered here already, but I'm just too tired and lazy to read.


                        when the ranked system came out, i got 2k8 solo
                        after several months, my 2nd calibration ended up 3k6
                        recently, my 3rd calibration was 4k1

                        not the avarage mmr is go up or down, it's just people is getting better.


                          Vaeldiithia pretty much got it.


                          Dota has been increasingly popular as of late thanks to TI4 and Riot being a douche so people swap over from LoL. The more people that join the game, the more MMR is received at higher tiers.

                          Dota is a zero-sum game so entering the system doesn't increase actually add 2k or 3k MMR to the system because you gain/lose it equally BUT there is actually more MMR floating around... doesn't make sense?

                          You ever hear the phrase "the rich get richer, the poor get poorer?"

                          The majority of these new players are going to drop and feed MMR to the higher tiers. 2k players will win against these 'new 2k players' and rise in MMR, subsequently the previously 2k players rise up, they lose to the 2.5k players and then they rise up. This is a slow gradual process so people probably didn't really notice it.

                          Lastly, among the people who quit dota, I think its safe to assume more than 50% of them quit because they were bad instead of the other. This means they enter the system and give out MMR and then stop. This increases the amount of MMR floating around.

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                            You understood my question perfectly.


                            That's a pretty good explanation.

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                              Yeph, and your question has also been answered.

                              People improve, and new players comes.

                              5k players 6 months back are (if they still was 5k) just as good as the current 5k players. (Probably the 5k players now even are a bit better). However since a lot of pro/pubstars tryhard pub and get 7k etc. makes 5k less "impressing" as it was earlier.


                                it just applies for the lower rankings, 5.1k+ mmr pool is pretty much the same having people thrown in the same games, regardless if the highest is 7k. though, you'll never find a 4k playing with 2k mmrs in solo que.


                                  I love you my boy, I'll always do my best to save you. V-God. Even if it causes death to myself. *cough* Fuck you Lion *cough*

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                                    go play, noone active during mornings >.<


                                      I'm too tired, also I don't have you on steam anymore cause you don't play on that Smurf anymore apparently.
                                      Currently teaching a guy that he's fuckin horrible and that's why he's still stuck at 3k mmr even though he played straight 6months.

                                      goaddme and we can play tomorrow. Just trust me, you wont die!

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                                        the smurf I had you on was sold long ago xD



                                          Yeah, it was an easy lose however. >.<


                                            u actually need more skill, cuz u have to carry worse players and all those trashses who just smurf to get in 4.5+


                                              We have no way of knowing that. Depends on what short of people have been taking up ranked. I'm too bored to look into it. Done enough statistics from college already.


                                                @dd: teach me tooo, im still stucked at 3k too couse i suck.. :( :D

                                                @bob I just tried to explain what I understood from OP's post. But i think he is right in that, I think the same as humdinger, what he said sounds about right. Smurf dont inflate other ppl's mmr, only fuck up the game and make them worse. I mean, there will always be some lucky ones playing more against smurf than with them and vica versa, but that wouldnt change the fact that for most players, they get smurf on their team as often as on the enemy team.

                                                For climbing higher, you need enemies being that high, so more ppl going to get 6k++ mmr means its easier to get 7k couse you get someone to climb on. Something similar goes to the lower tiers too, 2ks can climb on new players, they get higher, real highers climb on them etc, so the skill lvl at 3k is lower than it was before, etc. Question is, if it goes up to 4-5k or has some diminishing and fades away on the way up there... There can be a skill lvl around 3.5 where ppl cant climb on the newcomers anymore, couse their mistakes arent big enough and the "old" 3.5ks arent good enough to climb on them. Or it can be around 4k-4.5k couse the newcomers are as good as the "old" 4ks or so, and cant climb each other that effectively. Or whatever. So this is the question.


                                                  @Vael, i feel like i've read a book x).


                                                    ^ noo, books have good english and grammer, my text was gibberish so we call it wall of text, not book :D


                                                      ^heheh :D

                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                        It shouldn't change because every game has 5 winners and 5 losers but new people play the game as well so it probably went down.


                                                          anyway they will change mmr system at some point.
                                                          when w33 reach 14k wats gonna happend ? he will play with 1k players ? ~ flawled system from the start

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