General Discussion

General Discussionmid void

mid void in General Discussion

    why isnt he picked more vs ember and other melee mids


      If I don't remember wrong, Na'Vi played Xboct Void mid vs an Ember at TI.

      I think it went fine, he outlasthitted him very nicely, but got no momentum thruout the game and they lost eventually. (If I remember shit correctly.)

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        ^I think you are right.


          i think iG ran mid void with YYF aswell, but not in TI iirc


            Because when you choose a hero for mid lane is not just about who can do well on lane but who brings more to the table in the mid game. Sure, Void can do well in mid but why would you put him there when he can do the same in the offlane?


              he can't farm as much in the offlane as he could in mid. also, in offlane he will generally be in disadvantage playing versus numerous enemies whereas in mid lane he will be 1v1, a scenario that can favor him due to his bashes. he can outcs his enemy in midlane due to his innate high atk dmg and he can trade hits consitently due to his bash. he gets more levels because probably he won't be zoned out of mid as he would in the offlane, he gets more farm.

              imo you pick void as offlane to use him mainly as an initiator mid game, without being capable of deal dmg on his own (thats why usually you put him alongside with heroes with AoE dmg (lich, SK, jakiro) or with heroes whos skills need enemies to be static, like Skywrath mage and witch doctor), while when you pick him as a mid you need him to also deal dmg, usually you have a better initiator on your line up already

              when iG for example picked Void, if im not wrong, YYF went mid with him, and 420 went ember spirit in an aggressive trilane, so they needed both Void and Ember to deal dmg because the rest of their team was more crowd control oriented rather than burst dmg oriented.

              tl;dr: pick void on offlane if you need him as the initiator without being capable of pulling out much dmg
              pick void on mid if you need him to be more active in the game as he would be in safelane, without losing much farm.

                Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                  With naga you (and your team) will pretty much skip mid game by split pushing until you are six slotted or close, so it doesn¿t matter how much naga brings to the table.
                  Void needs little farm to be effective, PT + MoM is all you need to solo kill almost anyone inside your chrono. He's not extremely level dependant either. These reasons make him a strong offlaner with a huge carry potential.
                  Think about Tidehunter: He wins most 1v1 matchups, then why don't you put him in mid? Because he has huge impact with or without farm, so you send him offlane and put someone who will benefit more from farm and levels in mid lane.

                    Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                      Because basically all a Tidehunter need for the mid game is a 2150 item while Void needs MoM + Treads and an Aghs (if we're talking about competitive), and sometimes a BKB. Yea you can solo kill pretty much anyone under your Chrono but - again - if we're talking about competitive, you probably won't be 1v1ing anyone, or when you do, tps will come soon so you will most likely end up dying as well.

                      About your comparation, again, Tide is tanky, he has -60% dmg skill, another one that passively blocks dmg. What does Void do? A jump and a 10~15% evasion chance. While a Tide can farm the ancients with ease, a Void will have a hard time playing from behind because he will lack both ways to survive and to deal dmg.

                      Tide will be ok with a blink dagger until the late stages of the game because he is naturally tanky. A PT and a MoM means 3350 gold, which seems easy to achieve in safe lane, but its hard if you're shut down in the offlane. If you add to that an Aghs, we have almost 8k, which is most of the time very hard to get on offlane.

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                          Huge carry potential means that he can transition into a hard carry with a good start, but that he will be still useful if not. See support naga/alch/wk.
                          He doesn't have the greatest lane presence, that's why he's a situational offlaner. He will do well against most dual lanes or "trilane" with two heavy roaming supports that spend little to no time in lane (which has been seen a lot lately), therefore getting those items with a decent timing is not out of this world. If you put him against a super strong trilane of course he's gonna be a big creep.
                          And yes, he needs little farm to be effective as an offlaner. He will be useful in any early gank/skirmishes thanks to chrono if your lineup can dish out enough damage.

                          I don't play him as an offlaner though, I wouldn't say i'm running off the meta.

                          Pros hardly pick up aghs, they rather go for straight right click/bkb (see eg.universe). As you said you won't be 1v1'ing anyone, therefore PT is enough to gank with your teammates dealing damage as well.

                            Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                              If people with 4k+ MMR are the only ones allowed to talk I have no idea why you're still in the thread, bro.


                                "uhm a walking ulti void isnt that great because it has a huge cooldown"
                                "the hero is a strong offlaner because he can transition well, play catchup."
                                I might suck at the game, but you clearly can't hold a decent argument without contradict yourself. Welp, nothing to do here, enjoy smurfing HAHA.

                                Овај коментар је измењен
                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  Void is one of the worst heroes to be sent vs Ember. You can't even pop his flame guard with anything and as long as it's active you can't manfight either.

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                                  Quick maffs

                                    Void is cancer