General Discussion

General DiscussionI was better after smurf than now! Stay in 3.3-3k made me a really sh...

I was better after smurf than now! Stay in 3.3-3k made me a really shit in dota. in General Discussion

    Smurf is guut

    Harry hamburgerryg

      So whats ur mmr now?. I'm also bouncing between 3,3k-3,4k its a shit hole, only way to win is to carry it out all by yourself. Had some pretty decent games recently.


        Win Rate

        bum farto

          Here's the deal with smurfing...

          It will overtime improve you as a player as you will be matched with people above your pay grade and if you keep at it you will eventually adjust and improve. Going back to the grind of your low MMR bracket can be defeating if you've tasted better and are hinged on improving but are surrounded by literal poop.

          The issue lies with the people you're playing with as on a smurf you are effectively dragging the team down even if you try and support only any team you are on will be hindered by you till you adjust.




              I guess the trench is real :(. I'm personally stuck at 4.2-4.3 T^T

              Harry hamburgerryg

                :D :D :D :D :D

                bum farto

                  Lets take for example the two games I have played with you as evidence of this....

                  When we're doing well you can pull your shit together as you have the farm to do so, you are proficient and active which is a good thing and you played very well....

                  ...but when things go bad you're unable to recalibrate your thinking from your old 3K mindset and you were unable to cleverly farm anything useful, you made poor decisions, you fed, and you didn't have any impact (Hero Damage).

                  I personally think you complain too much about others and about the team instead of looking to your weaknesses, consider that I have taken (to my shame) a lot of my friends 3K accounts and within a day have ranked them up to low end 4K's simply because I am a lot better than the players in that bracket and equally if you were really that much better you could also carry your "bad" team mates to a higher bracket.

                  Harry hamburgerryg

                    Well i was on 3700 when i started ranked, then got up to 3978. Went for playing d3 when the release came. Shit got boring after a moth. Back to dota and straight down to 3300. Ive been struggling alot at this rating, it's really hard to get up again. Some games are totally random, where people troll the game from the very start. A good example is people playing pudge mid having urn, boots of speed, and bottle 30min in the game, and not a single gank done or sucessful hook.

                    bum farto

                      @Wraze Pick Silencer, Witch Doctor, or Jakiro. It's a big fuck you to all the Sky, Void, Tinker players in this bracket.

                      Trust me I went through your bracket not that long ago and it was harsh but I made it out support with people who counter the meta heroes cause every boy and his dog in your bracket will pick at least 1-2 current meta heroes without thinking.


                        @Havor Yeah that might probably work with all the Void and Tinker games I'm going through. So sick of those heroes D:

                        bum farto

                          Both Jakiro and Witch Doctor are either good with or against a Void so picking them is a good item.

                          Say Void on your team catches 1-2 you can WD Stun + Bounce or Jakiro ult then ice path right as the chrono wears off to keep in locked in place for the additional couple of seconds.

                          Silencer is Silencer.

                          bum farto

                            If you're against a Void I think the rest is pretty obvious...

                            Icepath or ult to scare him off or to keep people from attacking allies in the chrono or Maelidict and Ult with Witch Doctor to kill the Void (don't stun it won't do anything and you may need it once the team comes in after the chrono)


                              Agaisnt void, support naga is gg until he gets his bkb but it's a good 15-20 early game that he won't have impact

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                                @bröt min röv your calibration mmr was 3700 which wasn't really an accurate rating, that is why overtime your mmr went down to 3.3k. If you want to get out of shithole/trench you have to play heroes like void, tinker, meepo or some kind of mid to create space for your team. You play support means you relying on luck whether the carry is good/bad.

                                Harry hamburgerryg

                                  I only play supports when retards instant lock. And no i dropped down that far because i had a 2 month break from dota, while playing d3


                                    Tbh if you're any good you can get to 4k+ even playing high impact support like wd or lion. People who say you need to be mid/carry below 4k are probably trash themselves. Hell ive gotten a buddies account from 2.7 to 3.8 playing sand king only and had over 75% winrate.

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                                        i've climbed from 4.1k to 4.3k mmr while on my main im sitting at 2.6k (dont play this acc for a long time though)


                                          My wishlist is for Havoc to teach me

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