General Discussion

General DiscussionDSC by Server

DSC by Server in General Discussion

    Am I the only one getting DSC by server, I got dropped 2 games in a row, first one was winning badly second was just made FB and got dropped, think its kinda gay that I have low priority for 2 games now, Oh and what should I do in LP, use Sampson as my name pick drow and make vangard and diffusal or something?


      what server


        eu east


          ive had some massive lag spikes on eu 1 hour ago, no dcs tho


            NO dsc today but yesterday all of my team and 3 of their team in the same time dropped, and the other games me and a couple of other guys, its stupid... you try to recconect and it just loads for 10 hours until you get a error or somethi

            Ples Mercy

              It seems like your provider had some major issues and that people the enemyteam and/ur team had the same provider or at least the same routing. It couldn't have been a valve server issue, since if that was the case you wouldn't get an abandon and the match wouldn't count. Also the fact that it's fixed 2day makes it even more likely.


                Dont know I got a new windows yesterday maybe thats it but i dout it cuz It was not only me those 2 games

                Ples Mercy

                  try to read for once


                    i had 10 fps spikes for awhile now, but today i played 1 game and that shit was stuttering like hell non stop all game.
                    still ez game.

                    Ples Mercy

                      btw what fucking shit PC do you have to get 10FPS in doto, dafaq. That shit must be like a Pentium 4 CPU, 512MB ram and maybe some Geforce 7300 or some shit like that LoL


                        ^nigga i have an average pc that ran dota well enough 50-80 fps, until like 3 or 2 weeks ago, i started having FOKEN lags, but not all game.
                        10 fps for 10 seconds then 10 minutes its ok.

                        Ples Mercy

                          so it's not perm 10FPS, it's only in a short period?

                          and you still have that issue?


                            ^not perm, but sometimes this shit drops in the middle of a fight.
                            i feel like im already used to it, and if i ever get to play @ 120 fps ill probably have ez 6k mmr.

                            Ples Mercy

                              mhkay. If u want some help you may add me, just tell me beforehand if you're going to. Since i have a lot of pending requests.


                                ^ill add u


                                  delete dat porn boy

                                  Ples Mercy

                                    got caught ;_;


                                      I get huge ping spikes in Valve games lately :(