General Discussion

General DiscussionHuskar plz

Huskar plz in General Discussion

    you can clearly see in that video that i lost because there was a zeus.

    calm your tits xan, no one is telling you anything

    Giff me Wingman

      @Sam:A lot. By saying it's purgable by euls or he gets countered by silvers edge etc. The problem with huskar is, what xan pointed out, huskar shits on almost everything and snowballs fast, but unlike other snowballers like meepo he is much harder to counter.

      There is something people like me and xan understand, which people like you apprently don't understand. We know how to use early game advantage and snowball the game a win, even with counters on the enemy team, you cannot do jack shit once a hero is much more farmed than the others.

      @benao: Keep saying that and maybe you'll believe it urself :troll:

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        who are you guys talkign to!


          haha you're shit, first kill smaug got on me was with a gank (notice my initial low hp), miscalculated the second death (still spammed by supports) and when i was gonna kill him third time, ZEUS ULTIED ME! like the rest of the game.

          Giff me Wingman

            See, that's the difference between 4k trash benao and a 6k player. You didn't lose because of zeus, you died because of misspositioning, poor pick, poor map awareness and poor decision making. Every death was completely ur fault, something which 4k trashlords such as yourself have a hard time understanding because in your own little world you are the one and only and the best.

            You are so adorable benao :*

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            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              You are spitting bullshit. I know how to use my advantage too, but I also know how to play against snowballers. And you still don't understand that this hero needs a perfect setup. I already told you this, he needs a 1v1 lane which he can win, he needs a fast armlet into HotD, then he needs to snowball with kills and towers. And what if he doesn't win his lane? What if he doesn't get a fast armlet? Yes, he just becomes useless for the whole game. You can't even see this, yet you fucking talk like you know shit.


                im done with this shit allison the same way i was done with the other shitposter blunt
                go f"uck yourself.


                  @Shitpicks = autoloss
                  You have 8 games on Huskar with 37,5% win rate. Another account?

                  Giff me Wingman

                    Bullshit, huskar doesn't need optimal 1v1 lane, all he needs is a bit farm and then he can start snowballing.

                    You argument is again insanely flawed.

                    What if huskar loses lane?
                    What i Leshrac loses his lane? Same story, squishy hero, no farm, ez food.

                    But guess what, both have the same retarded shit going for them, both are insanely strong laners and are insanely hard to stop early game. As kitrak already said, you need to commit to the idea to stop him by doing a strong aggressive trilane or something.

                    Stop trying to argue like a little child and start getting realistic. If you have a vlaid point for once, then bring it. Xan asked you to deliver a list with offlaners who would do well in a 1v1 matchup, guess what, you failed in doing that, since every single hero you posted is mediocore at best, and by that i mean they wouldn't feed insanely hard.

                    The only 2 offlaners which could do good against huskar so far are brood and lina.

                    Now that's just precious.

                    i have 11 games with leshrac, only 55% winrate. So leshrac not OP anymore because i suck at lesh? So would you be happy if i would link an account that stomps with huskar to counter your argument?

                    Stop using Sam logic.

                    I'm just waiting to see the day where Sam will get crushed by huskar so hard that he will have to admit how wrong he is.

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                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      Are you retarded? Like, I know you are a troll but right now you just sound retarded. Leshrac loses his lane, fine. And what does he do? He fucking farms the jungle in lightning speed. What does Huskar do? Oh yeah, walk around, hoping to get kills on poor supports. And I never said those heroes would win the lane vs Huskar, I just said they can reliably get farm and they can, in a 1v1 of course. Getting realistic? You should start getting realistic. You are trying so hard to prove your point that Huskar is OP, but all you are doing is ignore everything logical said here and nitpick retarded shit. You even accuse such a good player of selling his account, just because he doesn't agree with you. That's how low you are. Get fucking lost and I hope Huskar assrapes you so you cry even harder.


                        @Shitpicks = autoloss
                        I know that 8 games mean nothing, but isn't it funny? I have 75% win rate on Huskar and I tell that this hero is weaker than he looks, while you have 37,5% and tell that Huskar is OP. =)

                        P.S. I never bought Armlet on Huskar. =)
                        P.P.S. It was impossible for my level of skill to win lane as Huskar (even 1v1), so I played him as a jungler mostly.

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                          I think i mistook allison with another one of blunts acc...I apologize allison :p
                          abandon thread, its the retarded blunt

                          Giff me Wingman

                            I think Sam lives in 6.83.

                            I cannot remember the last game i've ever had where i could recover in jungle when i got shat on in mid. Doesn't matter if i played lesh, meepo, sf or anything else. Neither have i seen it on other page 1 games.

                            You're ignoring everything logical, not me. You are clearly denying the fact that huskar wins his lane all the fucking time. What you're doing is taking a 'what if scenerio' and say everything else doesn't make sense because of your what if. You arguments are so piss poor that i could use it to make carry CM the most OP shit ever. The moment you have to commit hard to shut down a single hero, is the moment you have to admit that he is OP.

                            And to the whole 'good player acc buyer' i still base it on the english text, but due to your piss poor methods of argumenting, despite me clearing that up for you 2 times, you still go with it because you clearly don't have anything you can say because you try to make you more creditable.

                            Let me show you, have awful your arguments are your logic are:
                            You said:

                            To counter Huskar in the lane, you need to just push the lane like no tomorrow. He has terrible armor and is ranged, he really can't afford to lasthit under the tower.

                            Xan said:
                            ok, give me names, of those offlaners that can freely push lane vs huskar.
                            names please.

                            You said:
                            Okay man. Dark Seer, Tusk, Clock, Beastmaster, Phoenix, Earthshaker, even Magnus has some sort of way to push the lane while getting farm.

                            Then xan destroyed you by saying:
                            Out of all those only seer can actually push a lane without getting his ass handed to him. Tusk cant push for shit, clock is borderline mediocre, you dont max axes on beastmaster cuz its bad, phoenix vs huskar is worst choice ever, shaker doesnt push the lane, magnus can be decent.
                            I actually played magnus recently vs husk and was fine on lane until he got 6 and armlet.

                            Point being, none of those work spectaculary well, nor do they counter huskar in any way. Not to mention offlaners usually pick early on, while huskar is mostly last pick.
                            And thats assuming he is alone on lane, even if he is he demolishes all of those 1v1. Bar the seer pick, which once he gets levels, poses no threat what so ever.

                            How are you still able to talk after this? After i poinetd out how flawed your logic is. I'm not sure if you actually are this retarded or trolling, but either way it's hilarious. Your arguments don't work because all you do is going from a situational standpoint and nitpick whereever you can, whereas xan goes from an objective standpoint.

                            What xan is saying can be sumirized in this:
                            Huskar is OP because he snowballs fast and hard, he has very few counters, especially in this meta, he is very strong against most offlaners which he can easily go 1v1 without suffering from farm which also allows people to make aggressive trilane or duo roaming to crush other lanes.

                            My point after that:
                            Moreover it is insanely hard to stop a snowballing huskar especially because of his insane regen.

                            Your point:
                            Huskar is not strong because what if laning is not good. If you push lane, he cannot lasthit under tower because of low armor. ( i will point out that RoP gives decent armor and his inner vitality gives at least huskar +10HP regen, not to mention being around half HP he has so much atkspeed, lasthitting under tower is not even close an issue)

                            So stop living in your little world and try to argue with logic kiddo.

                            It's fine, if you had success with huskar in some low mmr games, then good for you. It still doesn't make my point or your point less valid or invalid. If you argue your point with facts then everything is gucci, but if you start making up scenarios like Sam then you just look like a buffoon.

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                              Huskar has no fuckin come back mechanics and that's clear to anyone that plays the hero. If he falls behind his chance of snowballing becomes so small it's funny. BUT if he gets good 1 vs 1 matchup, fast armlet and you know what you're doing, it's pretty much GG. Those 3 things are pretty much facts. What fucks with Huskar most are the disables. If you deny his armlet toggle ability, he just fuckin dies.


                                Ok, I'll try to be objective.

                                The problems that Huskar has in lane:
                                - he starts with 46 damage (correct me if I'm wrong), which is relatively low, so if you play vs Beastmaster, Lycan or UD (heroes mentioned above) you will get 0 last hits (if you play vs Treant, just give up and leave game, I guess);
                                - he also starts with 1 armor, so he can die really easy if comes too close to his enemy;
                                - lvl 1 burning spear costs 15 health and deals 40 magic damage (30 after reductions), so it's not that great trade or zoning tool.

                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  Again, you are just spitting bullshit. I'll say it again because you are clearly too retarded to understand. THOSE HEROES DON'T WIN THE LANE VS HUSKAR AND I NEVER CLAIMED THEY WOULD. THEY DON'T COUNTER HUSKAR EITHER AND I NEVER SAID THEY DO. WHAT THEY DO IS RELIABLY GET FARM IN AN OTHERWISE TERRIBLE LANE THAT THEY WOULD GET SHIT ON. Also again, you must be retarded if you think coming back to the game using the jungle is a 6.83 thing, then you probably don't even fucking play this game or even watch any pro games at all. Not surprising when you talk shit about everybody but you aren't even fucking brave enough to show your MMR. Oh well, who cares anyway. You are fucking irrelevant, xan is fucking irrelevant and I am fucking irrelevant and all this talk has no fucking meaning.


                                    nice thread 10/10

                                    < blank >

                                      would life break again

                                      Giff me Wingman

                                        point 1: I maybe it was even like 51 or so, but yeah, it's compared to other heroes low, main damage is burning spears tho. You are right about those 3 heroes, they do relatively well against huskar in a 1v1 matchup, but thats 3 uncommon solo offlaners (except for undying, if i remember correcly that is being played a lot in lower brackets a lot).

                                        point 2:
                                        Burning spears make way to much damage, as that you would simply ignore it and go head on huskar, also ring of protection is a common item on huskar, easy +3 armor.

                                        Point 3:
                                        You get lvl 3 in 1v1 matchup in like what? 1min and 20 seconds? Then we talk about lv 2 burning spears, suddenly its 80 magical dmg per hit on retarded attackspeed from huskar.


                                        You must be a fucking moron if u think when your mid gets shit on that the enemy is stupid enough to give him a chance to come back. As i said, when i stack and try to make a comeback because of lesh/lina mid, then the enemies contest the stack by warding and farming it away, this also happens in most 5k+ games on the live tab. Apparently you stacked so much with trash that you forgot that people are not completely shit at dota. This same problem is something Xan is also facing.

                                        And again, arguments are as good as ones from a 7 year old kid who can't read properly and rants about how noone understands him whikle making a fool out of himself.

                                        Congratz sam, your way of discussing something is on a level of a 7 year old. Congratz

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                                        lm ao



                                            I apologise for joining in at this late point,

                                            In my personal opinion Huskar is fun to play and a very good hero but I have never found him to be unbalanced, just very stong in certain situations.

                                            This ofcourse is referring to my experience in unranked play.

                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                              Blunt the manchild, talking about the immaturity of other people. You don't even understand this simple fact, people have opinions. I don't care about how OP a hero is, if he isn't giving me any trouble in my games. If you are too retarded to deal with a certain hero, that's your problem, not mine. I'm done with you and this useless talk, it has no point and doesn't prove anything, other than the fact that you are a retard of course. I just hope you get raped against Huskars because I will enjoy my free wins.

                                              lm ao

                                                Being raped by a blue-skinned bellomaniac troll with a severe case of scoliosis is kinda scary Sam. Givee my babyboo Blunt a breeak :/

                                                Giff me Wingman

                                                  Sam the child, talking about immaturity of other people. You don't understand that opinions are not = facts.

                                                  If you don't care then why bother to put in some random scenarios and come with arguments of a 7 year old child in a topic that apprently doesn't bother you.

                                                  How do you function as a human being? I wonder how you even learned to get past the dipers (ofc only if you actually got past it).


                                                    well this escalated quickly. I'm not calling anyone bad because they disagree with me. I certainly wouldn't trash matrice I just find it funny I can't see eye to eye with him once on these forums, and that to me is strange.

                                                    as far as topic goes lest we forget it's a 5v5 game. god forbid if huskar has a repel on, or a shallow grave (VP played huskar with dazzle recently) and hero just becomes retarded off the charts. so retarded to the point I don't feel comfortable playing a game without Lina wr or aa in a team from a fear of last pick huskar. the fact he almost doesn't need mana either (spears, passive, ulti) doesn't help but make me think they need to rework that hero a bit.

                                                    lesh is op, but everyone knows that and people expect him in games. he is either fp, or accounted for by thinking about your picks vs lesh. certainly lesh last pick doesn't surprise anymore if it comes to the point. (and it takes some amount of skill to play)
                                                    but husk is in the place where he is/can be extremely effective, isn't that much obvious as a pick and shares a same sentiment with brood last pick. you just say "well fuck"


                                                      ^ well said

                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                        Did you watch 5Jungz vs newteam Mr Blunt? You probably didn't but let me tell you, they picked a Huskar and he was absolutely useless. Not surprising though.


                                                          Why these arguments are so stupid is cause you all are basing it on the first thing sam said: "To counter Huskar in the lane, you need to just push the lane like no tomorrow. To counter Huskar in the lane, you need to just push the lane like no tomorrow."

                                                          All of you based your dog on this. In an 1v1 matchup that doesn't happen ever unless you're a hero like Dark Seer. Now what's true is these heroes Sam listed are heroes that can get farm using their spells and still can sneak themselves into EXP range before Huskar get's level 6.

                                                          What Sam stated about pushing lane vs. Huskar is also perfectly legit, but is more realistic when you're running a dual lane like: Undying+Qop. I've even gone Offlane Undying+Vengeful+Anti-Mage and shit on his face. Undying+anyhthing shits on Huskar in 90% of scenarios.

                                                          All I see is butthurt trash players crying cause they lost vs. Huskar :cry:


                                                            then i recommend getting glasses




                                                                Ok 1st if u want to make serious argumentation stop insulting each other.

                                                                U have to understand that dota is not inherently a balanced game. Only on the highest lvl of play with CM dota is rly balanced. People that dont udnerstand the game and picks (i agree with your name dude so true) just play it casually might be better of playing league. People that play league seriously (cant believe i just said those 2 words in 1 sentence) should better learn dota.

                                                                Just lastpick brood everytime enemy team doesnt have broodcounter and u can easily achieve like 80 % winrate, same with Huskar. His game results differ massivly depending on the opponent teams pick. In the current meta which is insanly kill and burst focussed (and therefore magic dmg focussed) he will fit in more often then not. Playing husk vs PA or Omni on the otehr hand is completly garbage. The hero hero interactions are just a little to much and u can, just by making regular pick in current meta, end up with a lineup that can simply not kill and not win against Husk.
                                                                Also Huskar can imho be laned very differnetly with is also a strong aspect of the hero. Both mid aswell as solo side 1v1 aswell as 1v2 and 2v2 and 2v3 are oftentimes in his favor unless there is early killing happening (u wont outharras a Husk ever).
                                                                If husk gets big with Solar Crests he is rly fking strong in pubs. I suggest u focus on gettign to the lategame, make sure your carry is a good matchup (like PA) and maintains equal networth with husk. I like support Chen vs husk cause of the pure dmg nuke for legit ks ing.

                                                                Regarding Leshrac im with Sam, he can farm wood rly well after lost lane and can be very viable Lategame cause of shorter BKBs and therefore doesnt compare well to Husk.

                                                                I am garbage MMR myself i gained MMR from 2800 to 4600 with peak at 4900 so u can judge my skill and what skillbrackets im talking about.


                                                                  ^PA is actually really bad in this meta due to Lina/All burt heroes which shits on low str hero PA. PA doesn't even damage Huskar cause he has so much armor. Maybe if you get into very lategame PA can be good against Huskar, BUT HEY then he might have mkb so you just get shit on anyway.

                                                                  Lategame Huskar usually have 30-40 armor so PA's dmg wont be overwhelming.

                                                                  And yes, Leshrac losing lane usually doesn't mean too much cause you will have stacks supports prepped for you, or just gank a sidelane/push. Lol.


                                                                    1234: Huskar has no fuckin come back mechanics and that's clear to anyone that plays the hero. If he falls behind his chance of snowballing becomes so small it's funny. BUT if he gets good 1 vs 1 matchup, fast armlet and you know what you're doing, it's pretty much GG. Those 3 things are pretty much facts. What fucks with Huskar most are the disables. If you deny his armlet toggle ability, he just fuckin dies.

                                                                    Thats somewhat wrong. Huskar is a hero that is great at trading killls even from behind on higher enemy etworth targets. As long as enemys are not massivly invested into surviabilty items (cloaks glimmer capes shit has not come out on the supports yet) het can totally make a comeback just by hardcommitting in fights.

                                                                    Saying husk is countered by not allowing him good start is the same as saying
                                                                    'ok storm spirit / ember / etc is coutnered by chain disableing him and then bursting him'
                                                                    there is like no hero in the game that is not counterd by permastun and dmg (ok Tide and WK). same for Husk and an early aggression. If early aggro and pressuring him out of lane is your only way of winning against husk, than u should consider him. Luckily there are other ways of dealing with him.


                                                                      I m huskar picker, I really like hero as I like to live "on the edge" picked it even is previous patch/meta with trolls. Most of you dont know what you are talking and just blubbering nonsenses.

                                                                      Just wanted to say...

                                                                      Huskar works against braindeads mostly. Thats why I love playing 10v10 with it coz its full of braindeads and geting rampage after rampage is fun. When u get close to 5k people start understand what coordination means and you can easily get focused down.

                                                                      Huskar hardcounters or gets hardcountered by plenty of heroes and just so happened that this meta has plenty of magical nukers with exception of lina who hardcounters him. Last meta was physical dmg meta and huskar was complete trash against troll pickers n so on. So pls.

                                                                      All nubs who say that huskar is op are mostly morons who doesnt understand how hero works feeds him then cries. "my magical chisel doesnt kill him buu and then he came to at 20 min for racks".


                                                                        "doesnt understand how the hero works"
                                                                        builds 0 solar crest


                                                                          YOU ARE OBVIOUSLY NOT VERY GOOD....

                                                                          2 WORDS .. SILVER'S EDGE. GG.

                                                                          IF YOU USE SILVERS EDGE.. BURST HIM DOWN WITH MAGIC DAMAGE..

                                                                          IF HE GETS SOLAR CREST.. GET MKB..

                                                                          VERY SIMPRRUU MY FRIEND.

                                                                          ALSO, HUSKAR IS 100% USELESS VS URSA. AND PL.


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                                                                            Phantom Lancer, Terrorblade, Lina ( aghs ), Void, he isnt so hard to counter :D