General Discussion

General DiscussionSupports in a trilane

Supports in a trilane in General Discussion

    How do I support a carry in the trilane? When to pull? Often I wanna pull but my carry has hardly any way to lasthit under tower, so I end up underleveled and underfarmed. How do I behave on the lane against certain heroes/line-ups? (solo/strong dual lane like undy+1/ag. trilane)


      also I'd appreciate any general tips on playing supports, like what do 5.5k+ ppl facepalm about when they see their supports


        just don't do this (happened to me from 4k up to 5k) >>pull the second wave.

        i mean you just make your carry miss cs and tank a wave of creeps.


          you don't pull when the wave is near the tower or the wave is going to push towards your tower. and don't single pull. either stack the camp or connect the pull. if you pull when the creeps are already at your tower, your carry has to last hit 2 waves of creeps under his tower and also tank the creeps. if you do that, then you'd better give him your regen because that's your fault.

          even at 4.5k there are still idiots that don't know when to pull.

          if you single pull, your creeps don't die, you get 2 waves of creeps vs the enemy 1 wave, and then the offlaner gets free XP. then he either threatens the carry so you can't leave your carry solo, or he gets enough levels to gank a teammate.

          if you're on dire side you can pull the hard camp up and right towards the lane. the timing is around 23/53 which means you can also stack the camp but the timing's quite flexible. you can still get it even at :50/51

          if the creep wave is near your own tower and the offlaner is still leeching XP, go harass him. you should be forcing him to use his regen. even if you don't trade hits favourably the key thing is that you're forcing him to use his regen as soon as possible. the sooner he uses all his regen, the sooner he can't stay in the lane.

          if the offlaner still has all his regen and he's level 4 or something, it'll be really hard to stop him getting 6. but if you can make him use all his regen before he even gets level 3, even if you use all your regen too, it's worth it, because your carry will still have regen while the offlaner won't, which makes the lane easier for your carry when he's left alone.

          also you should keep him low enough level so that even if you leave the lane, your carry can still solo zone him because your carry will have extra levels (therefore extra attack damage) as well as items like ring of health, poor mans, treads/phase, whatever.

          if you're a solo support against a dual lane you shouldn't pull generally, because a carry is not going to be able to cs alone against a dual lane unless the dual lane is shit. ask your jungler to pull the camp if possible. some junglers should be pulling anyway because it means they don't have to tank creeps for a bit.


            if the support pulls my creeps under my tower why don't i jsut pull the enemy's creeps to my pull camp and i can last hit there and they can zone out the offlaner more easily than if the creeps are in lane. makes us more vulnerable to ganks but there is 3 of us.

            the realm's delight

              dont know how to support but i finished epic boss fight 4Head




                  how many hours did that take?

                  the realm's delight

                    1 hour


                      has it changed recently? i would've sworn i played it for 3hrs a month ago without finishing

                      the realm's delight

                        idk theres been many updates on it, the last boss is the necrophos. and we also played as 4 cause techies sf and sniper left. the absolute worst is nyx boss if u play anything that has less than 80k hp i think cause u die from 1 stun


                          become good as a carry and as offlaner
                          pick support
                          think of what u would like to see from ur support as carry, and which enemy support's moves would hurt you as offlaner. combine these two and do it.