General Discussion

General Discussionso i just when 49/5/8 and was extremely close to losing. 1k is fucked

so i just when 49/5/8 and was extremely close to losing. 1k is fucked in General Discussion

    1.5k is all the new players who have just calibrated and do so many stupid things. they don't know what hero to pick and how to ward below 1k on Australian servers is just alot of Philippians and these people are just crap. also in this mmr its just smurfs everywhere which is another reason i lose

    Many of the people between 1.5-2k are new and calibrate that high and are destined to be below 1000 soon.

    and yes nyamugg playing with you would be the most horrible thing ever. since you play on SeAsia


      How do u even manage to calibrate that low?
      I calibrated at 3.5k about 2-3 years ago and I felt like I had no freaking clue about what was going on. I guess there have to be some people who really don't even TRY to play, prbly.

        Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

          800 mmr


          8 0 0

          800 is less than 1000.

          I never even thought such people existed.


            i used a trackpad when i got the mmr and it my first time ever playing PC as well sooo yeah

            Овај коментар је измењен

              Lol you could've bought AC since they got mkb instead of bfly, there's a ton of rightclicks from Wr, PL and huskar. + ac gives armor to ur teammates. that could help them too. Your item choices isnt good man. thats why ppl telling you that you're bad. Double BF isnt good. If you got BKB you coulda kill the backlines 1st. ez. kappa.


                lmao u no NICE, i unfriend. and atleast we have fnatic and minooski at major.


                  Huskar right clicks? he doesn't even touch me. The Wr brought the MKB but didn't even know what the items does . but who give a fuck you can go 100 kills and still everyone will say you went bad. pure toxic community


                    didn't havoc play on like 1900 mmr account and get 50 kills with support visage?

                    Sup m8

                      Just went 33/10 and lost. Sad life.


                        I dont believe you. There is no 1k mmr. Its literally impossible. MMR starts at 3k.


                          Rofl Philippians (they're called Filipinos)

                          Also "But really you can do this well and still lose. I've had some of my very high skill friends lose matches even 5000 mmr lose heaps of matches in 1.5k mmr everyone is just so fucked here"

                          I'm 3.5k but I have no problem carrying on the 2k bracket? (And I mainly play support)


                            OP is just trying to justify his sucking in ls games; he just doesn't realise, that he's simply bad.
                            Guess it's a good thing he's stuck on 1.5k, means I will never meet him in my games.


                              Like seriously dude. I went like a perfect game with naga siren one match and I still lost cause my choices, and items were bad. (A year ago, not going to bother looking for the match.)

                              Buy bkb on heroes that need them, and you're in 1.5k for a reason.


                                one a game in high skill ^ so i feeling like im not now


                                  Uhh, whatever.


                                    Uhh, rekt

                                      Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                                        Pick omni carry every game except against riki and PL, nobody else will buy diffusal


                                          climbed 300 since this post so im not stuck,, every few games can be some of the most fucked up games you can experience


                                            OP I suggest you spam Necrophos, this hero can take you all the way from 1k to 3k.