General Discussion

General Discussiondifference between 3k and 4.5k+ players?

difference between 3k and 4.5k+ players? in General Discussion

    I want to see what I need to do with my play to act like a 4k or 5k. Any advice welcome as long as helpful.

    If you want to queue dota sometime just add me.

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      Bad Intentions

        The higher the mmr the higher the reaction times of the players. So having a mechanical advantage is a good first step of improving something.

        Woof Woof

          i played both when ranked mm got released, back then it mainly came down to individual skill, not overkilling, letting carry get kills, map awareness, proper/better builds/items/picks/ against certain setups also supports used to smoke gank and roam early

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              1,5k MMR.


                Game sense is really important, I have friends who are very skilled with some heroes but can't win with them because of poor judgement and make wrong decisions like when to farm, when to push and when to fight.
                I recommend Dota 2 Navigation for you, it's really helpful and that's how I improved mainly.


                  They don't rage on everything, they don't blame everyone for their mistakes, and if someone on his team wants mid, they let him go mid.
                  I tried to boost a 3k account, they just start flaming from minute 1 onwards, and always trying to ruin the game.
                  And, they can flash farm with mid heroes, I have seen a 3k storm with 200 creeps in 45 minutes (we were winning).
                  They tend to follow an item build trend, without thinking if the items they go for are needed. Why would I buy an armlet versus AA or a Doom?

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                  Sexo Meister

                    No diff

                    Only 4k know more trick than 3k

                    You still get crybaby on 4k.


                      low 4k is full of babyrages and people with egos
                      a 4k does everything better compared to a 3k in terms of mechanics, awareness and decision making

                      A waifu a day keeps socie...

                        Both are shit tbh tbf



                          < blank >

                            You need to witness the strength of street knowledge


                              the difference is ... 60 times more EZ 25 games

                              the real world starts at 5k

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                                game pace is faster and generally, players are a bit better in everything, react a bit faster, move a bit more efficiently
                                but yeah there are still people who build shadow blade on sven and try to clear the stacks with 0 points in cleave

                                also i lol'd at "They don't rage on everything, they don't blame everyone for their mistakes, and if someone on his team wants mid, they let him go mid."

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                                plz do

                                  i'd say the difference is timing, game knowledge and prob more played games. i think that reaction and precision is most important to get from 4k to 5k.


                                    Low 3k is a different world from upper 3k. Low 3k doesn't push when they should. Upper 3k/4k will push whenever they can.


                                      in 3k people are fucking garbage
                                      in 4k people are just terrible
                                      in 5k people are bad
                                      in 6k people are acc buyers

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        4k players do everything 3k players do but like twice as fast. Their reaction time is much, much better, from simple stuff like not missing cs in lane, to noticing a gank on mid and tp'ing in to rotate instantly as a support. A 3k will recognize this situation but usually a bit too late and fail to rotate in time. There isn't a huge knowledge gap here but a reaction time one. This is my own experience having played with 4ks sometimes.


                                          i have reaction time of a retarded mammal but i had ~5k mmr so reaction has no heavy influence on your mmr.

                                          nad i played the same at 3500 and 4900 btw


                                            "4k players do everything 3k players do but like twice as fast. Their reaction time is much, much better"

                                            Relentless, is that you?

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              No, I'm just telling you how my 4k friends play, they don't really do anything different than me but they do it so much fucking faster. Like the tp example is exactly it, or recognizing a gank is coming so they back to tower, I'll recognize too late. They are just faster and don't miss cs in lane and shit. I mean what do people think the differences are? It's not some mystery, dota is a game of tactics so quick thinking and action are required, the quicker you are the better you will be.

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                                                if marshall mathers was a 4.5k dota player and was asked this question, he would say that a 3k would fuck you, but a 4.5k would fuck you and your mother, too.

                                                plz do

                                                  @Dire Wolf
                                                  that is anticipation and not reaction. They are a second ahead of u, because they know what will happen earlier than u. Hence, it seems like it would be faster reaction speed, whilst it is a tactical sense.


                                                    Some ppl posting interesting stuff here.

                                                    4k's push whenever they can? Bullshit. I once had a game, where i told my team: BLACKHOLE IS DOWN PUSH NOW (4 Dead) and they went farming. Mostly its just mechanical skill and now and then you have some supportplayers, who are willing to take one for the team. The major difference from 4k to 5k is gamesense and the ability to stay calm. Every 4k player can get 70+X Lasthits in a freefarm lane in the first 10 min.

                                                    But finding farm after that or when your towers crumble fast; tp reactions, positining in fights AND proper execution in teamfights is a key to climb beyond 4k.

                                                    AND: Staying calm. You can't influence your teammates very much. Its beyond your control. So why get mad? Esp: If you get mad, they will not cooperate with you.

                                                    Long story short:

                                                    1k: Slightly aware of a hero on their screen, doing stuff. Does know nothing about doto; spells, heros items. Everything is new.

                                                    2k: Slightly awere of hotkeys. They do not click on abilities and know some things (orb effects do not stack etc.).

                                                    3k: Knows most things in theory. Not aware of timings for spells/cool downs no executions; shitty lineups; shitty plays all over the place. Diving etc. Slightly aware of minimap.

                                                    4k: Knows how to control their hero and everything in theory. Still bad decisionmaking; slowly start to play objective based dota. Start using Microphone: Still: Farming Junglers happen etc.

                                                    5k: Knows Game. Proper execution. Minor mistakes. Objective based.

                                                    6k: Pro material; unless you are a 1 Trick Pony (Ebola Spirit every game).

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                                                    Elo - Hell

                                                      3ks just play thier own game, 4ks have to think to make plays, 5k does it automaticly, 6k does it flawlessly


                                                        @anatoli As someone who has played as and with 1k, your decription of both 1k and 2k isn't entirely accurate. your description of 1k matched people with sub 500. The 1k will know how to play most heroes, and know the effects of almost every ability (they do not know the exact cooldown but have a rough idea). They can last hit poorly, and will be ganked easily. They rarely check minimap.
                                                        The 2k will do as above but will gank / escape ganks occasionally and ineffectively. They can last hit a bit better than 1k, but with minimal improvement. They will still make stupid plays (e.g. running into enemy location when warned not to).they have minimal map knowledge / knowledge of enemy movement, and have a firm idea of appropriate ability and item builds.


                                                          1k: no idea, never played
                                                          2k: no idea, never played
                                                          3k: crap
                                                          4k: crap
                                                          5k: crap
                                                          6k: crap
                                                          7k: crap
                                                          8k: crap with high mechanical skills


                                                            ^ 1 and 2k players are so good, they are just stuck in 1 and 2k cuz their team is crap.


                                                              the only difference between the players is the number next to their name kappa


                                                                Hmm...having played with friends at all levels below 3.5k, I'll say this....
                                                                Sub 0.5k People here are worse than bots. They build items that don't work (zeus with milojnir, WR with heaven's halberd), forget to level up skills, need to click on skills to use them, do not know where the secret shop is, build many different items at once, and generally finish games with only 1-2 kills at most.
                                                                Sub 1.5k People here at least can follow an item and skill build. Unless they misclick, they always build/skill the same thing, and easily die to heroes not in the pro meta or the pub meta of Pudge/sniper/PA... because they have never faced that hero before.
                                                                Sub 2.5k Typically are decent at one DotA skill and bad at everything else. (In my case, I have decent map awareness and below average reflexes/LHs and inconsistent laning/decision-making.) Typically are the types of players who think "I'll get VHS if I just spam X". People here begin to actually care about losing MMR rather than see themselves as "just playing a game".
                                                                Sub 3.5k Typically are decent at 2 DotA skills. Other than the people who only spammed 1-2 heroes, no one here has a glaring ignorance of the ~1.5k players, but teamplay is just starting to develop. Mistimed spells/ganks/pushes/getting outdrafted seem to be the biggest problems. (This may be skewed by the fact I've only ever played/watched games in this bracket with Chinese friends who play 5-stack.)

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                                                                  3k player: Semi-retard

                                                                  4k player: Journeyman

                                                                  4.5k player: Has been carrying the team


                                                                    Same shit man, 3ks doesn`t know basics same as 4500 especially for items on heroes


                                                                      People seem to think 3k and 4k are different brackets when brackets are really divided into hundreths of mmr.

                                                                      High 3k and low 4k is basically the same bracket, same skills mechanically, low 4k players seem to think they've become good at the game and have a big ego.

                                                                      4k Is also where the account buyers start and you see them in 5k and 6k as well, anyone that thinks 5k is where dota gets good is wrong.

                                                                      Being that I climbed from 2k to 6k in 8 months I can say that the best way to climb the ladder is learn to stay calm, when you die or loss a game, don't immediately blame your team, think about what you did wrong, I found that over time, the less I flamed, and the more i analyzed the game, the better I got because I was focusing more on core mechanics rather than how stupid my team mates are.

                                                                      There are many different aspects of dota to improve at, the easiest and most basic of those that will help you get better are probably, being,
                                                                      Map Awareness- I remember getting angry when I was a 3k player because my teammates didnt call missing or I didn't have a ward mid or safelane, when really I should have been keeping a closer eye on the offlane to see where the supports were. Often times carries sit and afk farm a lane when their supports are both missing and most likely doing something on the map, when they should just go farm the pull camp. Or as a mid, go stack a camp and wait for their supports to show up.

                                                                      Last hitting/Farming- This seems to me the biggest thing. I used to think i was a decent mid because I could always kill their mid laner 2 or 3 times pre-10 minutes, but then I came out of the lane with 15-25 cs, which on average, you should have 20-30 by 5 minutes if you're around 4.8k+ because if their mids dieing, they can still keep up with jungle stacks or spamming waves for last hits.

                                                                      item builds- Item builds are also very important on heros such as Shadow fiend. Often times people see a pro build such as sumail's euls- blink SF, but this build is only substantial if you are an early game oriented team or are snowballing insanely and can get the farm to transition late game, a build like that will very minimally help you farm and therefore you need to get kills otherwise you will fall behind. Mech first is another popular SF pro build, but what people don't understand is this build is designed to group early and push towers,often at lower brackets players refuse to group as 5 and therefore your mek has been wasted and again, your farming potential was hurt and you cannot keep up with their battlefurry AM. A better build would be one that allows you to farm as well as fight, such as a helm into S&Y, good damage, movement speed, you can rosh at 10 minutes with a wolf or 3 levels of presence and keep up with farm while fighting and taking towers.

                                                                      Just a small amount of insight, hope its helpful,I noticed most people just post their opinions on how every mmr bracket is shit rather than actually providing tips like you asked for. And those that think 3k and 4k are a big difference are completely wrong, it's only your attitude that makes the difference between that set of mmr. 2k-3k, 4k-7k are most of a skill based and knowledge difference, the higher up you get, the smaller the difference, but the smallest amount of detail or skill can make a great difference in a game as complex as dota.

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                                                                        "...I found that over time, the less I flamed, and the more i analyzed the game, the better I got because I was focusing more on core mechanics rather than how stupid my team mates are."

                                                                        Good to see that I'm trying to do something right. This is the mindset everyone should have when they play.


                                                                          Well, when I see the CM in my team going jungle at min 1 and building Midas as her first item it's hard to concentrate and think the game loss is all my fault...

                                                                          Kind regards


                                                                            Husky guy got it.

                                                                            I can talk about 3k and low 4k all day long. No real difference between 3.8-4.1k MMR.

                                                                            Noticable difference between 2.9-3.3k MMR and 3.3 - 3.8k MMR tho.

                                                                            But then again, it's not only MMR that represents the difference. How much ranked-solo games you have per week?

                                                                            If you managed to get 3.2k MMR(let's say) and you never-ever touch Ranked again, or you barely do it, ofc I won't call you legit 3.2k MMR player.

                                                                            Same goes for higher ranks pretty much, but you know, after you archive high 5k/6k MMR, ofc you can call yourself better then most of the 5k/4k players, since we all know games in 6k/7k/8k are harder then 4k/5k games, for example.

                                                                            I think bigest difference between 3k and 4k is actually hero pool and MMR gap.

                                                                            You can't really compare 3.2k to 4.1k and say "same shit" - it's not.

                                                                            But you can't really compare 3.8k that used to be 4.1k at some point(my case) and say "same shit" if you compare it to 4.5k. It's not.

                                                                            You need to be consistent. You can improve, ofc, but if you manage to get 4.1k and you never-ever touch ranked again, you will never be a really 4k player, you'll be just 3k that managed to get to the 4k.

                                                                            Someone said every ~500 MMR matters, and I'd say he's right.

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