General Discussion

General DiscussionSelf promotion csgo frags vid.

Self promotion csgo frags vid. in General Discussion
saving private RTZ

    That moment when....

    A MGE who got there by stacking calls other trash.


    Giff me Wingman

      the moment a MGE thinks he's hit shit Dx

      MGE = 3.5k mmr

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      < blank >

        MGE is 2.5k mmr
        The skill level dropped hard

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          i cant throw grenades/shoot from anything aside from ak and awp/i regularly fuck over my teammates but i have mge


            i just dont buy grenades and dont know to shoot at all because CS:GO is closer to CoD rather than CS 1.6, but i still calibrated at MGE

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              ^oh shit sorry im not some trash mge i have the big star shit, i thought mge is le big star, no thats dmg sorry sorry.


                but still its around 3100 mmr for sure

                saving private RTZ


                  Idk what to say, CSGO is much more challenging game than CS 1.6, and much more complex than 1.6 ever was.

                  Also MG is like the new Novas, skill level dropped, as i said, a 14 kiddo who is braindead is DMG/LE

                  Mind Games

                    LMAO I thought this thread was fucking unrelatable trash (since I dont have CSGO in my account)

                    OMG what a gem how could I be so ignorant >.<

                    the realm's delight

                      i get frags like urs in every game

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                        GO is more challenging? basically whole shooting mechanism was simplified besides deagle. With reworked jumping/bhop system, changes in no-scoping for sniper rifles, doubleduck bug fixing etc. the game became even more casual that Source.
                        from an action shooter it used to be, CS became smthng like a co-op strategy with shooting elements, but overall its way simplier. A lot of micro details that you had to master for hundreads of hours back in the days were completely removed.


                          i mean, I like GO, but it is so noob-friendly, that I feel like being in a disney cartoon sometimes

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                          Mind Games

                            Explains why sometimes youre like Looney Tunes when you talk right, Triple?

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                            the realm's delight

                              yes go is way harder than 1.6

                              the realm's delight

                                actuallly not harder but more complex


                                  it is more multi-dimentional, but way easier to learn


                                    i would have said it is a better game overall, if i was not such a fan of hardcore competitive games


                                      Khaleesi so do I? I get these frags nonstop every game.

                                      That's why it's so easy for me to make these videos, I have enough clips for atleast another 2-3 videos.

                                      Just looking for a good song to use.

                                      puni puni butt UWU

                                        i think u should focus on making the edit look good and fit the song rather than getting as many clips in as u can.

                                        dont change color correction/filters throughout the edit. i think the flow of the edit > effects.

                                        i would use but thats just my music taste. whatever kind of music u can make fit well with your clips would work very well

                                        puni puni butt UWU

                                          also i just felt like it was boring. nothing really was highlighted and it was just like watching a frag compilation with music, if thats what youre going for.

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                                            ^ That's exactly what im going for.

                                            Giff me Wingman

                                              Allison drunk, CS 1.6 is a fuckton harder than CS:GO.

                                              The skillcap in CS 1.6 is also way way higher than CS:GO. If you are bad at CS 1.6 and play against good players u can literally not do anything, while in CS:GO u can actually still win a couple of rounds. I remember when i played CS 1.6 in the night and we had to search for mid skilled instead of high skilled players, the enemy left after 5 rounds because they couldn't even plant the bomb on de_nuke because they got wallbanged before they could even do anything.

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                                                i just knifed 2 guys in a row on dust2 dmg im sure this is not an achievement tho

                                                Giff me Wingman

                                                  CS:GO: Players bitch how OP AWP and deagle is. Volvo nerfs it.

                                                  CS 1.6:


                                                  CS:GO: Movement 2 hard for noobs 2 aim, better nerf shit!

                                                  CS 1.6:


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                                                    the bhop/longjump nerf is what i dislike most about cs go changes. i spent ~500 hrs on all kinds of Kreedz servers to train it, and here strafes just do not work the way they are supposed to.

                                                    Giff me Wingman

                                                      CS:GO is turnling like LoL, to a shitty casual game. That's why i switched to Dota, i played the beta of CS:GO a lot and tried to get along with it but nope, it's simplly not the same as it used to be, that shitty ass game went full casual...

                                                      saving private RTZ

                                                        You obv don't know what you are talking about.

                                                        first of all, sprays in CS 1.6 were not consistent, in CSGO every single gun has its own spray pattern, thus you can do some flashy things like long-range sprays if u know how to do it.

                                                        Also, overall skill level is higher than cs 1.6. Now that might be because CS 1.6 has like a 14 year old average player base but CSGO average age is going down as well.

                                                        Maps now also have a larger influence on players, not just terrain, but for example now players are way less visible which i dont know if its good or not, but its definetely harder to spot enemies.

                                                        Now ofc some playstyles got out of the game like wallbanging but i dont think that was a bad move.

                                                        Also csgo is much more Balanced. Look at pistols case. Valve made every single pistol worth to use it. In cs 1.6 would you use other pistol thanUSP/glock/deagle in a serious competitive environment?

                                                        Or the SMGs. Who the fuck used P90 or UMP or mac 10 in CS 1.6? Nobody.

                                                        Also i have no idea what are you talking about AWP. Quickscope was nerfed, thats why you think awp is slower but its also more difficult.

                                                        Running speed was capped at 300 in Comp thats why bunny hop feels sluggish. But considering with a simple bunny hack you could have avoided all enemy shots in the beta i think this was the right thing.

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                                                        saving private RTZ


                                                          yes, cuz stomping 14 yrs old kiddos in CS 1.6 was less casual.

                                                          also, leaving whenever u want in a 5vs5 mix was less casual.

                                                          Also spraying being a gamble was less casual.


                                                            thats so wrong on so many levels, i dont even know where to start


                                                              buffing spray lowered the overall skill cap in terms of shooting mechanics

                                                              nerfing fastzoom made awp way simplier cz u achieve the max skill possible in just ~100 hrs and improve only reaction afterwards

                                                              bhop scripts were blocked even in shitty tournaments, u had to do it manually to make use of it

                                                              current average global elite player is so far behind the players i was used to deal with in 1.6, that i dont even know why did u come up with the idea of average skill level in favor of GO

                                                              fixing all the wallbang crap made the game so much simplier that i even feel bored. you can just run across the map for 20 mins and you alrdy know it, while it took hours and hours to learn all the wallshot positions on let's say nuke back then.

                                                              I admit that pub games are much better, newbies can get straight into the game pretty easily, mechanics and physics are more realistic, but in terms of competitive plays CS still lost a lot. Well, better to say - it became a different game, and its undoubtfully more casual than 1.6.

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                                                                i remember the times when i would sit in b, wait for steps in tunnel and get 3 headshots through the wall + instaban on that server.
                                                                mane those were the days

                                                                saving private RTZ

                                                                  I dont understand, you talk alot about GEs yet you are still MGE.
                                                                  this is not flaming or anything but you keep saying that GEs now are nowhere what good players were in 1.6 yet you cannot handle the MG bracket which is like 3k mmr equivalent to dota. So if the "good" cs 1.6 player is MGE well then... and dont talk to me about being rusty and shit, yes you lose some aim, game sense but you cannot downgrade from a "good" player to MGE . I started CSGO after no CS for 2 years because i was vac banned in CS 1.6 and simply lost interest in the game because( you cannot find a 5vs5 game where people dont disconnect after being stomped, 14 kiddos banning me cuz i "hacks" and shit, and i still got into LE which i think is the second highest rank you can get after calibration and those were the days when ranked wasnt filled up with boosted fggs or cheaters. 5 months later, i get back in my shape, hit GE and never go down again.
                                                                  again, this is not offense or smth

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                                                                  saving private RTZ

                                                                    And how did buffing spray lowered the skill?
                                                                    They basically added a new mechanic to the game. In 1.6 there was no reason to learn spray or smth cuz they werent consistent.

                                                                    so basically they added a new basic knowledge to the game and thats spray pattern.

                                                                    if making something to need skill and not pure luck is lowering skill level for you then i dont know what to say

                                                                    the realm's delight

                                                                      nerfing fastzooms was needed, idk what ure talking about but they were op as fucking shit in 1.6 and not that hard to do, especially when walking with zoom wasnt nerfed either and u could walk faster. u need to be way better nowadays at awping
                                                                      also some 1.6 wallbangs were so fcuking stupid like the one on dust 2 on b when u wallbang t tunnel, near the car on csgo now, and so many more, its good they removed them.
                                                                      ecos are more complex because nowadays you buy smgs on 2nd round if u win the first and sometimes enemies force you lose the round and then you go eco, or ts get the plant and they buy in 3rd round while u still have smgs and u have to replace them. also you force way more too. on 1.6 if you lose 1st round you always go eco for the next 2, unless u are t and u plant, and you only force towards the end of the first 15 rounds or the end of the game because it makes no sense to eco then
                                                                      also there are so many smokes on every single map that were not possible to do in 1.6, flashing is harder too, avoiding flashes has also a bigger impact than it did in 1.6, there are molotovs theres so much u can do with them on both t and ct
                                                                      1.6 has no movement penalty, physics engine is different too, f.e. jumping and crouching

                                                                      there is no way 1.6 was as complex as csgo

                                                                      Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                      the realm's delight

                                                                        also how do u know ges skill is less than what u used to play with lol since you dont play at that level yet? ges are not even that good the good players u find are on esea, matchmaking is shit because of 64 servers and fucking cheaters, if i play 4-5 csgo games/day and i report the enemy team every game the next time i enter the game i get a message that my reports got som1 vac banned xd


                                                                          the whole idea of spray is LS to me, it doesnt require any skills, and now its optimal to spray even on mid distances. thats why i dislike the SMGs becoming optimal choice sometimes - you dont even have to know anything neither have any skill to use this crap.

                                                                          in 1.6 u had to spray sometimes, too, it was just more difficult - like for AK the real AoE (not the right term but w/e) of spray was a bit higher than crosshair, the m4a1 usually went a bit to the right and top, etc. and u had to adjust all this shit by correctly rebalancing your aim.

                                                                          i played 1.6 competitively about 6 years ago, and i was awp player in the first place. now im shit in cs cz after a break, and even if i recovered my old skill, it wouldnt help cz games are too hell different. so i kinda can downgrade to gme pretty easily, and i did it. "game sense" from 1.6 doesnt help in GO, sadly.

                                                                          have u played 1.6 casually, or on competitive level, too?

                                                                          Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                            im watching streams to finds out what the optimal way to play this game is, because i cant figure it out myself. i dont even understand how to shoot not-moving targets, heh.

                                                                            the pro scene looks more or less same strong as it did in 1.6 (and sometimes ppl are the same, too), i was just expecting that the highest pub rank in the whole game would be more difficult to achieve and only real pros could do it, and it turned out that GE is just smthng that involves all the players after a certain skill level, which I would say is barely equal to 5k in DotA.

                                                                            Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                              i dont say 1.6 is "complex", its just difficult to learn.
                                                                              GO is complex, but still more user-friendly. theorically, it means it is a better game, actually.

                                                                              nerfing awp was needed because of the jump system rework. in 1.6 you could be active with awp, now im just a bit bored cz the only thing you can do with this weapon in GO is hold ur position and wait for people to come. Yes, it is more realistic. But I spent thousands of hours to learn to play it in another way, and now im just disappointed. Same goes for wallshooting.

                                                                              the realm's delight

                                                                                well most pros play esea and not matchmaking, they rarely play mm


                                                                                  Everyone knows the P in P90 stands for Pro. P90+armor+flash = free round. Also GE is about the top 1%, so i guess thats around 5k or somethin?

                                                                                  the realm's delight

                                                                                    how do u know it is 1%? afaik valve has not made public the rank distribution


                                                                                      also 5k is not top 1% in dota as well, i guess. its less than that.

                                                                                      Giff me Wingman

                                                                                        first of all, sprays in CS 1.6 were not consistent, in CSGO every single gun has its own spray pattern, thus you can do some flashy things like long-range sprays if u know how to do it.


                                                                                        I dare say that you are ultra shit in CS 1.6, congratz.

                                                                                        Giff me Wingman

                                                                                          Average age is MUCH higher in CS 1.6.
                                                                                          Maps are more detailed, hence more shit., more opertunyties for little kids to sit in their corner and camp better skilled players.
                                                                                          No Wallbang = less communication needed.
                                                                                          Yeah, i've seen plenty of times where people did buy other pistols, it wasn't as many times as usp/deagle or clock, but it's the EXACT same thing with CS:GO. They rather want to buy five seven and p250.
                                                                                          plenty people used p90, the rest was trash yes.
                                                                                          Quickscope was nerfed because lower skilled people like you were bitching.
                                                                                          Running speed and movement was nerfed and removed because it made noobs like you complain that the game was 2 hard.

                                                                                          You have NO room to talk about higher level players. You are trash compared to me and triple and you should know that, we played together and you were not even close on our level. It's like 2k trash trying to talk how 6k bracket is.



                                                                                            Giff me Wingman

                                                                                              Silver 1: 0,43%
                                                                                              Silver 2: 0,56%
                                                                                              Silver 3: 1,45%
                                                                                              Silver 4: 2,51%
                                                                                              Silver Elite: 4,39%
                                                                                              Silver Elite Master: 7,01%
                                                                                              Gold Nova 1: 9,11%
                                                                                              Gold Nova 2: 11,61%
                                                                                              Gold Nova 3: 12.93%
                                                                                              Gold Nova Master: 12,93%
                                                                                              Master Guardian 1: 11,61%
                                                                                              Master Guardian 2: 9,11%
                                                                                              Master Guardian Elite: 7,01%
                                                                                              Distinguished Master Guardian: 4,39%
                                                                                              Legendary Eagle: 2,51%
                                                                                              Legendary Eagle Master: 1,45%
                                                                                              Supreme Master First Class: 0,56%
                                                                                              The Global Elite: 0,43%

                                                                                              I heard the ranksystem was changed, so i guess I'm not SMFC anymore. I should try and see where i calibrate when i should play CS:GO again.


                                                                                                i used mp5 in cs 1.6 was really easy to pwn .
                                                                                                and i didn't quickscope, i noscoped rofl

                                                                                                Giff me Wingman

                                                                                                  mp5 is gud eco weapon.

                                                                                                  saving private RTZ


                                                                                                    are you talking to me or smth? Because i beat both you and TripleSteal with one hand at CS.

                                                                                                    Also you have no idea what you are talking about but okay.

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