General Discussion

General DiscussionGyrocopter Nuke Rocket.

Gyrocopter Nuke Rocket. in General Discussion

    So, recently I was mid with a Gyrocopter, I don't have huge experience playing with him. But he kept on spamming the Homing Rockets, rocket barrage and kill, the fucking homing rocket takes me away in TWO shots, and if he wants to, he can just rocket barrage and kill me. I'm talking about early game, not mid or late game. Any counter?


      Get regen, don't get close to the rocket. Its slow as hell, no way you wouldn't see it coming.


        mid gyro with max missile is actually super annoying against some heroes, for example it fucking crushes sf theres no way sf can lane against it

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            You need to just stay by your creeps. If he is maxing missile he won't be able to clear waves for shit, so his Q will spread its damage on your creeps and his missile won't do shit for damage if you don't run away from it.


              Check my recent game, the Shadow Fiend one, I got fucking crushed mid by the gyro's rockets, it's IMPOSSIBLE to counter as even if I run to tier 2, I'm left with like 100 health and he can just ult me or one shot me.


                You don't run.....

                If gyro is maxing rocket, just let it hit you point blank. It will literally do like 50 damage. Since he has no points in Q that will do minimal damage as well, especially if you have allied creeps around.

                Even if he has ult, your best bet is to let the rocket hit you with allied creeps around and tank his ult rather than his missile. 350 damage level 1 ult, vs like 500 damage level 4 missile. It is LITERALLY safer to tank his ult vs his missile, under most circumstances.

                Minute 1:40(game clock) is a perfect example of what I am talking about. Gyro has level 2 rocket, and he targets you with it. You have two healthy creeps right next to you/the rocket, but you decide to run all the way between your tier 1 and 2 towers, letting the rocket hit you for 187 damage(max damage I believe). Instead, you should have walked right up to where the rocket was on the ground and let it hit you there. If gyro uses his rocket barrage, the 210 damage will be split between 3 targets. Overall you will take like 100-120 damage instead of 187, and gyro will quickly run out of mana.

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                  The problem is, I was SF, it did about 50-100 damage at first, which was okay, but when he maxed it, I didn't have enough time to even move,

                  500 damage+ stun = 1 hit, kill.


                    Do you even know that rocket damage increases with distance?


                      It does? WHAT? I DID NOT KNOW THAT. OMFG THANKS!


                        In pur 1v1, sf lose only to gyro and brood though.

                        You need either to have illusion rune, haste rune, or a ranged sup if you want to survive as sf to gyro middle.

                        Which mean in pub you have 0 chance to survive the lane.


                          HAHAHAH, no problem.

                          Took me a while to learn that as well. Yeah, so if you stand right next to it, even a maxed rocket will do like 100 damage only.


                            I didn't know about the damage thing, I always ran to the tier 2 where it did 500 maximum damage. That clears my misconception up.


                              i pick od against gyro mid. ez astral-urself-b4-missile impacts

                              The Ice Truck Killer

                                Anyone know if targeting the missile in the air draw enemy creep aggro??


                                  uh dont let him push out the wave faster than you, if not he will use rocket when your wave is about to die and you have to run
                                  max homing build is level 1 flak then rocket at 2 and 3, barrage at 4 i believe, so stand among ur creeps and fight him
                                  hero counter can be puck storm lina

                                  Овај коментар је измењен

                                    it doesn't draw enemy aggro, it's not a hero.
                                    And no you don't take barrage rocket at all. unless you face qop/ta


                                      slahsers way
                                      max rocket
                                      get eul
                                      its quite potent 4k downwards and defenetly fun adn worth a try.

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        it worked one game for me, beat invoker mid. He was basically zoned out whole time, only killed him twice and died once cus of a support rotation though.

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          then this abomination happend. I was 3-0, other lanes were 1-15 at min 12 or some shit.