General Discussion

General DiscussionPa 6.8.5 new meta?

Pa 6.8.5 new meta? in General Discussion

    Recently been going back to pa, just for fun tried radiance on her.

    Holy shit 6 wins in a row new meta confirmed?

    I tested on normal skill,high skill and very high skill,kda dosn't vary much with high chance of success :D


      Radiance is kind of expensive (and the evasion is irrelevant)

      people usually build her for early game (pt drums bkb hotd etc) because the further you get into the game, the easier it is go kite PA so

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        The longer you delay the game, the more time enemy supports have to farm their glimmers, force staffs, ghost scepters or w/e while your BKB is losing its duration...

        ROAD TO HERALD 0

          My question is: what's your radiance timing?

          Riguma Borusu

            Big damage items obviously work really well on PA, but what would've been different if you got a timely Abyssal instead of it?


              Radiance trash item on PA. But yea PA is on a good spot right now.

              Tread > aquila > HoD > bkb > Abyssal/basher+sny end game asap before they get Mkb.

              Only go BF vs illusions like PL. Unless you have wombo combo like black hole, you wont be hitting 2-3 heroes the same time anyway.


                Radiance adds a lot to PA teamfight prescence since she will now damage all the heroes that don't have magic immunity whether she attacks them or not. During a 10 sec bkb time for PA you do more than just blink and attack a couple targets... you also do 2500 magic dmg if their whole team is there. That's about as much a level 2 venomancer ult.

                When PA is chasing, and PA is so often chasing - radiance ensures your target ticks down so you don't have to do that extra blink that might get counter attacked, can still kill them if they try to juke around in fog, and get random bonus farming done as creeps die around you.

                Radiance evasion stacks with PA's evasion. MKB is probably coming, but before it does and for all the heroes that can't afford it PA is even harder to finish off. When close to dead and they already used their nukes, radience helps you be the one to live. I think radience early is better on PA than bfury. It does not replace abyssal blade, which has a different purpose. And late game a bfury on PA is better teamfight damage and farming than radiance because it scales with coup de grace and the damage items that best compliment PA. But if you get it quickly I think radiance could be a game dominating item on PA, just like it can be on alchemist.

                Remmeber though that radiance is mostly a farming item, like bfury. Getting a farming item means you intend to win the game later rather than ealier. It will not work as well if you are facing better lategame carries that are likely to get MKB, or don't need it (faceless void). You won your last 5 PA games and got farming oriented items in all of them. None of the opposing 25 heroes got an MKB against you so you were not punished for low hp, no bkb, no control (bash-abysal) builds... building very aggresively works because they were always running away. But your opponents won't always just fold up and die like that.

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                  43.70% lifetime
                  46.43% on PA
                  no no no no no


                    Lol at this relentless guy.


                      There is no reason to get Radiance instead of BF, it's just retarded
                      Radiance = no regen, slow farming speed compared to BF, more expensive, shit buildup, evasion is useless because enemy will get MKB anyway

                      and i'm not saying that BF is good





                          I completely agree that bfury is better for PA in a long game than radiance, and that HotD > bkb > basher is better than a farming build in most games.

                          But that doesn't mean that radiance is trash and doesn't offer some advantages in certain, peculiar circumstances. Those circumstances are really quite unlikely at high mmr levels, but not so unlikely at low MMR. You have to remmeber a 2k MMR player can't lasthit. Radiance solves that problem for every low skill carry player no matter what hero they play, just getting it means they will have real item progression no matter how badly they farm. On the other hand people do still miss lasthits with battlefury because the timing of the attacks is still in their control. If its possible to screw it up, they will. Watch a low MMR replay sometime and see for yourself.

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                            ^ Theres an item that cost 225g and will help you last hit, ill let you figure it out yourself ;)


                              Quelling blade helps if you can lasthit and are simply against an opponent trying to deny. It also helps if you are marginally ok at lasthitting but still make a fair number of mistakes. But for low skill players it doesn't help much at all. Their error's in timing the lasthit attack are larger than the qblade corrects.

                              I have analysed the lasthitting of many players of all skill levels from true beginners to pros and the fact is almost all dota players can't lasthit with any real consistency in a real game situation where they have to think about more than just the lasthits. (remmeber 90% are below 3.2k MMR) Lasthits in Normal skill games are usually achieved by accident, by autoattacking after a heroes attack damage become high enough that attacking the creep randomly will get the lasthit. When a low skill player does attempt to get the lasthit on purpose, their chance of missing it actually increases unless they sit there spamming animation cancels and focusing all their attention on the lasthit. When they do this, they lose all map awareness and often die to attacks that were very obvious and called by their teamates.

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                                like ok lets assume 2k mmr players just right click and leave it at auto attack on
                                you buy qb which increases ur white+stat based dmg by 40%
                                your going to get 40% more last hits on average or something..


                                  If they autoattack yes, qblade will help get them more lasthits sooner because their attack dmg will be high enough to make autoattacking work better.

                                  The trouble is that's not how people use it. Instead, people buy it thinking "now I will lasthit like pros". So they try to lasthit instead of autoattacking and actually miss more cs.

                                  Since I am marginally, ok at lasthiting I did not realize this happened for the first couple years I was playing dota. For me attempting to lasthit does increase my lasthits. But then I had a game where a sniper player was autoattacking and I tried to convince him to stop and control the lane. He said, "autoattacking makes me rich". Rather than dismissing him as a stupid nub I considered the possiblity that it might actually work better for him if he was bad enough. Checking various replays I have found that it is true. There is a skill level below which autoattacking is actually superior to attempting to lasthit.

                                  Here is a game devoted mostly to trying to lasthit and deny a lot early instead of win. I got 53 denies in lane against bad players. Its hard for me to do, but possible. But most players really can't do it at all. That is why they never get lots of denies. Once they figure out that they can't do enough denies to limit enemy farm and xp, they tend to stop even trying to do it.

                                  Even Shadow Fiend players average only 3.34 denies per 10 minutes of game time. No other hero even reaches 2 denies/10 min and over half of all games dota games played all the heroes averaged less than 1 deny per 10 min of gametime. People are typicaly achievng less than 3% of the possible denies in a lane. Low skill players can't intentionally lasthit and don't. They do get lasthits eventually by using spells and when their autattack is big enough.

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                                    WTF just build her with early game items man, PA isnt truly early or late game oriented shes a mid or late mid carry, she peaks at 25-30 min when you have a 10 seconds bkb and enemies dont have mkbs.
                                    You only need basilus / aquila early game to farm in any lane even in offlane with daggers, later you can chose a farm oriented build with bf (dont like this) or a fight oriented build with dominator/basher, desolator/vg, drums/bkb, you need to build a lead before 30 min or youre maybe in trouble.
                                    PA is good in this meta cause she can get farm against those OP offlaners who stomp 6.85 cause safe lane is almost joke right now (im not saying this patch is so unbalanced just this is the meta), you can pick PA mid against lina or alchemist and you can farm thats something...


                                      Consider a starting attack dmg of 50 (typical for a hero) and an attack time of 1.5 seconds vs the lane creeps attacks which take only 1 second and are usually 19 dmg dealt for melee and 32 dmg dealt for range. So even with no extra problems, like enemy and allied heroes, there is only a tiny window during which a lane creep can be last hit. When the creeps meet there are typically 4 attacks hitting the lead creep every 1 second and probably 6 attacks during the 1.5 seconds it takes a hero to do a single attack.

                                      So during the attack time of a hero, the lane creep will drop from about 127 hp to zero. But the heroes attack is only going to do 46 dmg. There is typically about a 0.25 second window during which the heroes attack will get the lasthit, between the final two attacks although there is about 50% chance you can get it betwen the 2nd and 3rd to last attacks. Most people can't percieve this short a timespan accurately. In fact every action they have conciously taken in real life was considerably longer than 0.25 seconds.

                                      Quelling blade helps by boosting that damage enough that hitting between the 2nd to 3rd last attacks becomes certain to work. This means there is typically a 0.5 second window to do the attack. But again most people can't really time their finger pressing to the nearest half-second.

                                      If you autoattack you should get about 1/3 of the creep kills with super weak initial damage. With qblade this increases to 40% of the lasthits autoattacking. Of course people don't achieve anywhere near this because they try to lasthit intentionally and fail badly.

                                      If your damage dealt is 80, then your chance to get the lasthit with an autoattack is about 60%.

                                      If your damage dealt is 100, chances to get the lasthit with an autoattack is about 80%. And when your damage dealt reaches 130 the chance for autoattacking to succeed is nearly 100%.

                                      Because the chances for accidental success are so high throughout most of the game, many dota players opperate under the delusion that they can control their lasthits. The real test is when your attack damge is tiny and accidents won't get many lasthits.

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                                      Wet Old Soggy Vegetable

                                        Anything works in the trench...


                                          ~34 - 37 min radiance after mkb helm bf and threads


                                            Btw pa mid against gyro

                                            Next game went pa safelane against am husk & warlock. Still won both games


                                              @Reese I go both rad and bf
                                              rad mostly for the burn while stifling and the extra dmg


                                                radiance is dumb on PA

                                                case closed.

                                                @ the venomancer lvl 2 ulti thing.

                                                where r u pulling that shit from.

                                                key points: venomancer lvl 2 ulti does: 55dps for 16 seconds that's 880 damage. Radiance is only 50dps, but you said PA is only in fight for 10 seconds which is 500 damage. REGARDLESS, veno ulti sticks, radiance doesn't. also, veno ulti goes thru bkb.


                                                also, radiance miss + pa miss don't stack. they aren't additive anyways.

                                                PA (50%) + Radiance (17%) = 58% miss chance (not 67%)

                                                i should also point out, if you buy a radiance, you're gonna be so fucking squishy you won't even survive 10 seconds. but nice build !!!

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                                                  you have 43% wr and normal skill, lol. On this skill i will destroy all team with DazzleCarry with Desolator