General Discussion

General DiscussionWill today marks the start of Gentleman Doto?

Will today marks the start of Gentleman Doto? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    With the game breaking update to LPQ, will we start seeing Gentlemens in Doto from now on? Well behaved individuals who are polite, courteous and friendly? Will the days of salt, rage and flame be a forgotten history?


    Are you ready for a new era?


      I so badly wanna see high mmr low prio games now, that shits gonna be juicier than most LAN finals

      King of Low Prio


        Sexo Meister

          Shittalking would never disappear, no patch will be able to create an era of gentelman players having a jolly time with each other

          Evil always finds its way.

          Also peaceful dota = no 1v1 fights

          King of Low Prio

            btw I have never gotten into LPQ for flaming I usually only get it for intentional feeding or abandons


              I only get for abandons (Fkn internet problems)

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              Pom Pom 🍕

                Doesn't flaming only get you muted?

                plz do

                  I always report for feeding and not for anything else - so they get into lpq.


                    no i will flame them ten times more because i'll actually want to win
                    though i get there only because of abandons caused by my parents or other unexpectable rl bullshit

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                      naaah that's not gonna happen


                      I N T E R N E T


                        Imagine a person who only wants to play LP games. He will feed couriers and lose every game on purpose, it's not like Valve can ban someone for that.

                        Riguma Borusu

                          Well, just went through my 3 games of LPQ. Some really nice guys I must say... I went solo support 2/3 games and people actually thanked me when I'd help them and didn't bitch as much when I did not.

                          But yeah, somehow those people really wanted to win those games, you could tell most of them were not comfortable with hero picks but were still in an awkward position where they have to win.

                          Also there's no "high skill lpq", everyone's dumped into the same pool, so you can have a 7k player with 9 1ks in LPQ, it's often hilarious to watch, and even more so now.

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