General Discussion

General DiscussionOutworld Devourer

Outworld Devourer in General Discussion

    It's been quite a while since I last saw one. And I'm interested in him becoz I like playing heroes that arent commonly picked. How do you play him and can I go as a safelane carry instead of going mid?

    D the Superior
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        Who's Typhox?


          tbh I actually had to check to see if that was his actual name since it's been so long.

          anyways, it's typically ideal to play him as a midlaner since he needs to max his e asap.

 - 4k games as OD. He tends to play OD mid and goes Bottle>Threads>Blink>Scythe>Utilities.


            Safe lane OD could be awkward. OD needs levels really fast, and if your zapports leach at all you wont get them fast enough. Mid is better. He could be really good in a side lane if you know it is going to be a 1v1 match up in that lane, if not just go mid.


              wow. i see thanks.

              Elo - Hell

                he's currently trash atm because he doesn't play well from behind and his ulti cooldown is too long in comparison to the speed fights break out for a mid hero. You want your mid to always be active and or in a position to splitpush or fight. An od doesnt offer any splitpush nor does OD offer any fighting potential when his ulti is on cd.
                love the hero, wish he was better but yeah.

                If he is ahead at the start, you ahve to think to yourself 'what does od do better than a qop would do in this situation'
                if he is behind at the start, 'why didn't i pick qop so i could still be useful'

                In most cases OD will win you the lane, win you a fight, then they respawn and 5man a tower. Rinse repeat and you can't stop them.
                OD is great situationally vs some heros eg. Wraith king, Invoker etc.
                i personally think OD is best suited mid as a counter pick to shutdown X hero that you might be scared of for a push strat.
                eg. having a healers and deathballing with inifinate mana.

                Smaug might reply here if he sees it, him and OD are butt buddies 1.5k OD games or something ;)

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                    thanks guys


                      Most of ODs issues have been mentioned above. I want to focus on some items

                      I propose a different build which is very farming focussed as default:
                      2branch and salve+tango
                      NO bottle
                      Mek (or Force but preferbly Mek)
                      Rod of Atos

                      Join all fights via TP as a counterintiator and defensivly astral your allys, heal em with mek, ulti early in the fight, right click. U can sustain rightclicking in the frontline alot longer than other builds can cause of +14 strg=261 HP, 250 Heal, 375 raw HP and deal alot of dmg cause of attspeed and alot of Int from the atos.
                      The skadi gives amazing stats and dps increase in fact (more than sythe for same price). the orb is useful when enemys are BKBed so i suggest it as situational. This build relies on your allies CCing the enemy heros for u. Atos Slow helps keeping up with people, aggro astral when they try to tp. For QoPs, Storm spirits, Embers etc u need allys with stuns or better go for the sythe build.

                      Drum of Endurance and Glimmer Cape might also be useful to build early. Drum gives nice HP, helps stick to targets, push towers and tank up a bit. Glimmer is good cause u have infinite mana and need attackspeed, also allows u to delay your BKB couple of minutes in the game so u can have longer charges later in the game.

                      octarine core: u dont use the CD reduction well, u dont use the mana regen at all, u dont use the spell lifesteal almost at all, the HP regen can be nice for farming wood i suppose lel
                      on the bright side it gives amazing stats. dont see how it is ever better than eye of skadi honestly

                      Force Sythe is defenetly the default way of playing OD and allows u to solokill enemy splitpushers. however i suggest u dont intitate teamfights like that. U d have to make and use an early BKB then.

                      blinkdagger: is good for 2 reasons. 1st u can blink sythe as amazing engage (force - hex is less reliable). 2nd u can selfastral and blink out if there is not like an elder titan spirit or something on top of u. i think force is better in most cases

                      fun build: Aghs refresher. DONT make aghs early this is luxury. stay back, let enemy group a bit, if they try gank/pickoff on ally defensive astral; if they commit hard ulti refresh and ulti again. all the stolen int on the 2nd hit will make it massivly damaging. if u have good game its probably like a 2000 dmg big aoe magic dmg nuke. Drop the Hammer, with style

                      Playstyle wise i suggest u:
                      -get Midas asap in 90 % of games cause OD rly uses the lvls well (amazing statgain) and the attspeed is also useful.
                      -dont be afraid to get extra tango / healing salve with courier rather than bottle. runs and manaregen arend useful anyways
                      -dont fight to much, get your mek and take part in teamfights but not in early skirmishes (2v2 2v3 3v3s).
                      -die as little as possible, better be safe and get farm then dive and get that extra kill.
                      -deal with bkbs by waiting them out. kite, force, mek, defensive astral. (still item counters u rly hard...)
                      -get rosh, if someone tanks for u u can take it insanly quick cause of pure dmg from orb does work on rosh
                      -finish midgame with advantage from laningphase OR
                      -go for lategame with delayed BKB, 7 slotted OD is insane (with moonshard obviously)

                      Regarding heros to play with on team:
                      -any space creator that doesnt farm lanes much himself like spirit breaker
                      -ogre magi with aghs rly enjoys your aura with his low CD spells and the bloodlust on OD can be super scary
                      -Undying tombston while u astral your ally can be amazing coutnerengage. also low CD spells so he gains alot of manasustain from your presence. also makes up for ODs lack of early pressure
                      -rexxar can be nice with his bkb piercing CC he can make up for your weakness to BKBs somewhat, his attspeed aura is nice, he can regen mana by summoning animals in your presence and he can help team push early towers
                      -for fun games and garbage lvl mmr u can play with Troll warlord on your team and his Ulti mean ANY enemy dies in like 1,5 seconds