General Discussion

General DiscussionLinken or BKB

Linken or BKB in General Discussion

    In which situation between this 2 is better? Need advice

    plz do

      one -target spells/nuke ruin ur life and u get (counter-)initiated a lot? (like vs doom, lina, stun/abyssal, duel, dunno whatever...) u can consider linkens
      aoe/global and teamfighting? bkb

      bkb is prob more common though

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      Giff me Wingman

        linkens is only good if you are against something like necro, LC or meepo.

        Some spells go through bkb, some don't. Don't get linkens against doom tho, that's just pointless unless you are a puck/qop/storm/ember

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          BkB is better defense against spells in almost all situations so the real questions is what are the exceptions where linkens is better.

          Linkens is better if you are a hero with a instant escape mechanism and you are fast enough to get out when that first spell hits you before a 2nd can hit.

          Storm Spirit, Ember Spirit, Morphling, Weaver, and Puck have the strongest escapes in the game and are able to reposition enourmous distances almost instantly. Because of this you can use Linkens to split push all the way up to the very last second and still escape.
          You can also use it to be able to attack a target who has only one targetable skill/item completely free from counter attack.

          Linkens is also often used against heroes that like to initiate with a targetable ultimate. Examples would be Doom, Beastmaster, Batrider, Bane, Vengeful Spirit, Bloodseeker, Legion Commander. Such ultimates can completely destroy you and all go through bkb.
          Linkens with bkb, is complete protection against everything but the most powerful spells in the game like Black Hole, Chronosphere, Chaotic Offering or Echo Slam.

          Linkens has an additional advantage as a late game support item because you can put the buff on your carry, or initiator ensuring that the carry will not get picked off before he uses his bkb or that your initator will not be immediately counter stunned when they jump in.

          Овај коментар је измењен

            Blunt : why not on other hero? Wasting doom's doom is always great right?

            If the situation enemy has a carry like PA ( who can break linken ezly) and there is this necro/lc/doom on enemy too, would you consider getting linken? or BKB ?

            Riguma Borusu

              "Wasting doom's doom is always great right?"

              LVL? Death + Doom = fuck your Linkens

              < blank >

                Linken + Octarine Core

                Dire Wolf

                  Yeah but doom's cast animation blows, if he blinks, hits lvl death, then doom, that is plenty of time for someone to react. For a storm or qop or am or anyone with a blink it's plenty of time to escape.

                  Linken's is good on heroes who only need to get one spell off as well like medusa. The whole idea is she has to get her ult off, but after that, if she's stunned a bit, not a big deal. Though bkb is still good on her vs mana drain heroes. Same idea on like a tidehunter or something, though you wouldn't get bkb or linkens on him probably. It's bad on someone like enigma cus his is channeled.

                  Bkb is very core on heroes you don't want to get disabled cus they'll do no dmg like a wraith king getting kited, PA getting chain stunned etc.


                    can puck dodge doom with a phase shift?

                    Dire Wolf

                      you can't dodge doom in the sense that it will put doom on cd, it's not a projectile, but you can phase shift before he casts it cus his animation is slow.


                        if ure a frontliner linkens is absolutely awful, since you are always in position to get hit by useless single target spells. (except for rare circumstance where few targeted spells)
                        linkens is good if you are playing split push game (harder to catch, and when you split the enemy up, linkens becomes stronger in 1v1/1v2 scenarios compared to 5v5)


                          Ah i see , now i got the idea clear. Ty ;)


                            two major cases when u get linkens over bkb were already mentioned
                            3rd one is when u purchase linkens for someone else more important than you, or stack linkens as a team



                              against line ups like this linkens is pretty good