General Discussion

General Discussion[HELP] Invoker skill build according to game.

[HELP] Invoker skill build according to game. in General Discussion

    Hi guys I'm currently at 3700 and I would like to improve my plays with Invoker. What build should I get if I got opponents like SF, Silencer, LC, PA, Slark, Omniknight. Also when to pick Invoker and not to pick Invoker. Sorry for the trouble. Thanks!

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      Exort, it's also depending on your lineup

      play for fan

        1. 6.86 exort is so much better than wex
        2. standard skill build for exort is 4 quas 1 wex 4 exort ( 2 forge spirit lvl 9 ) then up exort then wex up ultimate lvl 12
        3. about item choice always get eul and learn eul combo ( you can learn it from youtube and practice )
        4. watch pro players replays but dont try to copy past every thing they do just learn how they play him and how they use skill for example none 4k player use ice wall ever and even when they do they do it for escape or cast in wrong in fights while ice wall is one of the strongest spells in the whole game and top invoker players cast ice wall 15 time in 40 minute game at least so learn to use ice wall but dont copy past every thing for example most of top invo players never get eul but that doesn't mean its not a good item they dont get eul because its so classic invoker play and none is that dumb in their bracket to die every time to eul combo so they get aghanim blink drum instead eul but its not recommended for you

        invoker is a strong hero this patch so all of top mid players play him every day so u can watch their replays i suggest w33 dendi artezy vega.noone or tema but watching w33 replays is best for you because he always get eul
        most of them never get phase boot but its recommended for new invoker players

        my item choice : starting items - boots of speed - magic wand - midas - eul (half the times i get drum instead ) - blink - aghanim - boots of travel - octarine core - refresher or hex or shivas depends on enemy team

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          against slark and omniknight i think u probably want to go QW with orchid but im not an invoker player so idk


            Qw best build and most versatile in team fights!

            Livin' Real Good

              @your name

              Oh, lord, please no auto accept option.

              All that will do is leave people losing tons of gold, AFK, and randoming. If you can't hit accept, that's ON YOU, and if you que again after 10 mins, and miss accept AGAIN, then you deserve that one game of low priority.

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              Pablo, a Beautiful Mexican

                Build really depends which line-up the enemies have and how comfortably you are with each build. Against some (lane) opponents.
                - SF: QE is better here since your ability to contest last hits/denies will determine if you win or lose the lane. Start 2 branches + null + 2 pooled tangos. opt for early lane dominating items, you need to shut him down. Generally a very hard match-up because if he gets an advantage over you he will just double raze the creepwave and piss-off to jungle doing SF things. Also don't be afraid to ask your support to ward midlane.
                - Silencer: both builds are strong, tending more towards QE since euls is already core on him. In lane shouldnt be that annoying since you can always go early points Quas and just outregen him.
                - LC: I like to go QW here, since controlling her is rather important and you can help teammates surviving Duel. Sheepstick is core when playing against an LC.
                - PA: QE and just totally shit on her.
                - Slark: very easy as long as you don't get caught by some shadowblade gank. You can use ice path/deafening blast/tornado while he is in shadowdance. QE and QW work both.
                - Omni: QW, destroy his low mana pool so he has less impact in teamfights. Repel is annoying but that's the only skill he has to do something against you. I would say its one of the easiest supports to deal with.

                When to pick Invoker? Invoker needs some time to get online, so pick him when you think you have the time/space. The good thing about him is that there are almost no good lane counters against him and is thus a good 1st/2nd pick. I want to clarify my previous sentence a bit: There are no good lane counters on the basis of " Ah they picked Invoker mid, so I pick Hero X and dominate the lane". Most of match-ups are very skill based.

                Build, I don't know what's the most popular nowadays since I don't play him this patch (I do not want to get associated with FOTMvokers), but I see most Invokers going QE and just mindlessly spamming the meteor>sunstrike>deff blast combo. I prefer QW. Skill build: E > W > Q > Q > Q > R > Q > max W > max E > max Q (ofc putting points in ult whenever possible). Items: start null + 2 gg branches + 2 pooled tangos. Phase > midas > urn > sheepstick > scepter > octarine > skadi > MKB/shivas. I prefer QW since it gives me more a controlling role in fights instead of just facepalming your combo on whatever poor soul caught in euls.

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                  Help me i facing a big problem fuck that in sea server theres no picking support thats why i have many loses that wins. See my dotabuff.