General Discussion

General Discussionall about smurfing

all about smurfing in General Discussion
Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    So, which guy do you think a overall better player?

    1000 games, 55% winrate, 3500+ MMR, or

    200 games, 40% winrate, 4500+ MMR?

    I vote for player A. Player B mmr will gradually fall later on, while Player A will get better as time goes on.

    No point for having a big MMR if you keep losing. (눈_눈)


      This is the most retarded thread I've read in a while.

      Riguma Borusu

        you can report him @ his profile


          Yeah lc spammer?? Hahahah


            ^ enough on this thread :)

            Riguma Borusu

              yeah smurftard


                I've been silently lurking here for a LONG time, chuckling at the occasional stupid comment, but THIS is by far the most incoherent, nonsensical, made up, stupid bull shit I have seen in a VERY long time.

                Please, stahp.


                  @road to oblivion, thanks buddy! done.
                  "Thank you for your report, we'll look into it and take appropriate action."


                    Cek my profile. I want to sell this acc. Maybe can calibrate >4k mmr


                      "So, which guy do you think a overall better player?
                      1000 games, 55% winrate, 3500+ MMR, or
                      200 games, 40% winrate, 4500+ MMR?
                      I vote for player A. Player B mmr will gradually fall later on, while Player A will get better as time goes on.
                      No point for having a big MMR if you keep losing. (눈_눈)"

                      It depends. No one can't answer this question with great accuracy.

                      Difference between 3500 and 4500 MMR is noticable. Also you need to take sample size from both guys on week/month basis.

                      Like, what winrate 3500+ MMR guy had this week, and what winrate 4500+ guy had for this week.

                      Also, how many games they play in solo ranked is important.

                      You can't compare global winrates, you can't even compare ranked-winrate, because ranked winrate might be mixed with both party and solo.

                      So basically if you compare those 2 players you need to make realistic statistic comparation.

                      But basically, yeh. Everything is possible.

                      I'll make one comparation for you:

                      I'm still 4.3k+ on my smurf account (4370 atm) after almost @ 100 games of solo ranked.

                      My friend is 3.5k on his smurf and he calibrated 3.6k, and at some point went also 3.8k+. (he has almost the same number of games on his smurf for solo ranked as me, but he has better winrate for both ranked/global).

                      So it's all relative.

                      But I can guarantee you that mistakes in 4.3k+ will cost you much more compared to 3.5k+. It's way easier to drop back to 3k from 4k+, than to drop from 3.6k+ to lower parts of 3k or even 2k.

                      Mistakes means less in lower skilled brackets basically because enemy team makes them more frequantly aswell.

                      So unless you improve after you calibrate to 4.5k(as I did for my smurf,4451), chances that after 100 games of solo ranked for you to stay in close to your calibration number are almost non-existant.

                      Basically what I want to say with my bad english is that you need to improve if you want to hang with 4.5k+ players as a player or you'll drop back to 3k.

                      If you abused something to get there, after @ 100 games you'll get there where you belong(probably even faster), because playing core/mid in 4k+ bracket is very punishing if you're not on that level.

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