General Discussion

General DiscussionOpen mmr at 3k starting

Open mmr at 3k starting in General Discussion

    Topic says it all, is it good?

    Livin' Real Good

      3K isn't bad, it's usually a good starting point when learning the game.

      But you're a piece of garbage smurfer, why smurf? If you can't calibrate to at least 4K, I don't smurfing is worth it.

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        maybe because smurfing up by 1000-2000 is easier than winning them all


          My previous account about 2.5
          Making new one got 3.1
          Ok not worth it

          Nikosh Adhar

            I was given 1.5k.. I earned to 3.3k now... If I smurf I pretty sure I will get to 4k.. :D Try to earn it... But I already have 59% winrate.. Thus I strongly believe I will make it to 4k..

            < blank >

              I calibrated at 900 and lost some mmr to 700 then went to 4.1k

              And if you guys are really better you will win also on your main

              lm ao

                I'm from 1.3k just play the game and ull learn now mid 2k


                  ^ Such a baller doge, teach me mid

                  lm ao

                    Dear God XD

                    ive calibrated 1 4k smurf but when i play ranked there my hands always sweat and i end up ruining the game simply because i made mmr abuse with oracle KAPPA


                      1.1k to 2.8k here.


                        Redux, it's good. Continue playing on this one. Looking at your heroes page, you can't calibrate more than you already have. So, 3k would make you good with those heroes. Just don't make another one. You will be better after some time. Keep playing.


                          3k MMR is significantly above average. It might be a bit too high for you right now. Don't be surprised if in 100 more games you have lost more games than you win. You will be playing against players who are noticeably better than on your 2.5k MMR account. 2.5k MMR is only just barely above average.

                          But you will improve with more practice. Your stats in High skill games suggest you can eventually get up to maybe 3.5k MMR.

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                            What do stats suggest about me Relentless? Can I make it to 7k?


                              I don't think there is a big difference between 2.5k & 3k. Around 3.5k are significantly better players than in 2.5k, but not before it.


                                Imprecis you are just way far above it to easily notice the difference at lower MMRs.

                                But if you put a team of 3k players against a tea of 2.5k players the higher MMR team would win 90% of the games.

                                @Offlando sadly it does not look likely. 7k MMR is extremely hard to achieve. It looks like you just calibrated a new smurf. A 7k player would start out with 85% to 95% winrate.

                                Овај коментар је измењен

                                  You think so? I really disagree with that. It's almost impossible to win 95% of the games solo, even for pro players.


                                    eleven kei em em ar for my romanian dogshit :D