General Discussion

General DiscussionTimbersaw is back boys.

Timbersaw is back boys. in General Discussion
ASSESS Product

    So I wonder if this abyssal blade is a good item for him since the vanguard is already his core item.

    acc buyers in my team

      Vanguard core????


      Triple,pls help this lost soul


        vanguard is already his core item.
        vanguard is already core item
        vanguard core item
        core item



          Lmao ;D

          ASSESS Product

            So my whole life had be a lie?


              Your English is certainly a lie :p

              ASSESS Product

                Well I'm trying.

                acc buyers in my team

                  Vanguard is as core on timber as it is core on PA.


                    ur english is fine but vanguard on timbersaw is not.
                    well, it was not a good purchase for the last several years; im not 100% sure about this patch yet.
                    the item that seems super legit on him now is blademail.



                        TOO LATE


                        acc buyers in my team

                          yeah Bm, bs, blink #yolomode


                            nvm i read the patch notes on vanguard, its still just as bad as it used to be. dont go for this item.

                            ASSESS Product

                              Thx! You just increase my knowledge. No wonder i feel like i wasting much time when try to buy vanguard and upgrade it to crimson.


                                triple, i know you said that timber got meaningless and useless buff

                                but still, isn't he a good hero after od and invo nerfs?
                                especially against illusion heroes that got buffed


                                  ye, might be, im looking forwards to figure it out. offlane is kind of a reactig line, and the meta here depends on who the meta cores are. so far it seems like timbersaw gonna fit pretty well - in any case, better than in 6.86 cz it literally cant get worse.

                                  also item reworks kinda favor him. besides the new blademail, the increase in starting charges on BS is super good, and (may be) lotus orb became a bit more viable.

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                                  ASSESS Product

                                    But i think that 1.6 stack armor + health regen make him really good.

                                    acc buyers in my team

                                      Timbersaw always was rather meh and still is. Sure he can initate a lot and rek havoc, but the problem with timbersaw is, that he is still extremely situational. He gets mega useless against BKB users, he is rather greedy and so on.

                                      He is and will always be a situational pick. If you face 2 melee heroes in your offlane, you go for timber, if you face ranged and trilane, timbersaw becomes rather problematic and gets useless rather fast. There are many heroes who can do a way better job in the offlane and ofc in the midgame when the offlane stays poor.

                                      For instance, Tide offlane, no items, only level 6, is able to turn a fight from fail to win, while Timbersaw can't. As soon as we talk items though, then timbersaw scales way better and gets way more useful in the long run.

                                      ASSESS Product

                                        I usually go for timber if enemy didnt pick any tank and range carry. Well i cant really have high hope with my team by playing supp or other non nuke heroes when playing solo and try to win game myself. But I mostly play support if i were play party since i can trust them.

                                        acc buyers in my team

                                          look, your clearly like playing support and you should keep doing that.If you want to support and still have high impact, get high Nuke AOE heroes like shaker, Tide, SK,enigma and so on.

                                          You should preferbly pick timber if:
                                          1.) You have some kind of initiation
                                          2.) Enemy has at least 2 strengh heroes
                                          3.) 3 or more Melee heroes
                                          4.) No early Nuke damage
                                          5.) Enemy has weak Duallane
                                          6.) No hard stuns


                                            Okay but slark is meta now right? I hate playing against timbersaw as a slark so timber will be good this patch I think


                                              Played him twice today and he seems to have huge impact mid--late. ez 40 HP regen and bloodstone with 12 charges.