General Discussion

General DiscussionPeople are so fucked up when it comes to facebook rofl

People are so fucked up when it comes to facebook rofl in General Discussion

    You know my cuz add me in a post about some how family is strong together and he tags me. Then like 4 hours later i get untaged rofl are people that concerned about a fucking like that if you dont like something ur tagged in u get un tagged ROFL So i bassically have to like everything im tagged in even the fucking type amen and share post fuck that.



      Pale Mannie


          well you actually do cuz you wasted 5 minutes of ur time to find a gif to post here.

          Vem Comigo

            like i give 4 fucks

            Овај коментар је измењен
            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

              Ya, dude. Look at Instagram