General Discussion

General DiscussionCountering Life Stealer in 5k MMR.

Countering Life Stealer in 5k MMR. in General Discussion

    How the fuck do you deal with this hero in 5k mmr games where he usually gets free farm due to trilane?

    In my mind, bane, beast master, omni, axe kind of..

    Any ideas?

    Should i pick ta against him?

    Ова тема је измењена
    Vem Comigo

      kite him m8, Ursa should wreck him, if you can disable him it is easy to kill him, sven destroys him as well.

      4k scrub owning ur bitch ass

        Bkb piercing stuns

        Dire Wolf

          Look I'm not even close to 5k but lifestealer still can't carry games late vs real carries. He shines mid game but his wave clear is awful and his tower dmg only takes off once he has deso or ac. so you have to out last his mid game and pick a bunch of disablers.

          This is what I mean, I couldn't do shit late vs alch and lc despite having a good mid game, course my weaver and huskar blew chunks but point is if I had been slark maybe we win that.

          Corona FRIES

            Im pretty sure LS > LC/Alche, your situation is probably just bad team and vsing omni. I vsed lc/alche/omni before and still won after i bought diffusal.

            I believed kiting LS (forcestaff, blink) when rage and disabling/mana draining heroes work better (AM, PL) vs him. Illusion heroes (especially PL) works pretty well too agaisnt LS


              Get an abaddon, build as tanker. Get and oov and keep hitting him. Use shield on the one he slow. So easy..

              Hatsune Miku



                how to rekt ls with lc


                  forcestaff rekt.

                  Venus, MBA

                    Omni beats Lifestealer fine. Viper can kite well with his ulti, Phantom Lancer, Naga, or any illusion hero, force staffs, ghost scepters, a TP scroll.

                    Livin' Real Good

                      Ghost Scepter is an excellent pick up for supports, the little +5 stats you get is nice to, goes good with your wand, he'll be more reluctant to go after you if he knows you have a ghost scepter. Make sure to carry a TP for when you ghost scepter though, and TP to a nearby tower, will annoy him.


                        Kiting him with slardar works well for me. Same thing when I'm up against sven.

                        Pale Mannie

                          every sort of silence reks him when he has no manta/bkb

                          sin blyadi

                            -Sabre on lifestealer
                            -no diffusal against omni
                            ez -25


                              pick sven.

                              also my last naix game i got wrecked by blademail wk but idk how big counter is that

                              Овај коментар је измењен
                              Corona FRIES

                                "-Sabre on lifestealer
                                -no diffusal against omni
                                ez -25"

                                ^ and wondering why ls gtting owned by alchemist / lc


                                  ^why sabre and not sny? isn't the ms good on a melee like lifestealer? just asking, i dont play the hero

                                  btw i dunno, i picked blademail wk against ls and he totally raped my shit
                                  in my experience good counters are sven, meepo and maybe morphling

                                  Овај коментар је измењен

                                    Same goes for Sven, bkb piercing ulties, kiting, disables - both LS and Sven are not op and ez to kite.

                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                      Sabre is cheaper. At the start, I used to get both, but together with Armlet as well, you just have too many cheap items and your damage gets delayed way too much. So now it's either Sabre or S&Y.