General Discussion

General Discussionthe new dota 2

the new dota 2 in General Discussion
死の恐怖 Haseo

    why am i not having fun playing dota anymore like i used to play when i started last year? :sad:


      take a break
      this has happened to me several times

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        play other games, come next patch


          because ur not fucking kid anymore lol

          死の恐怖 Haseo

            when you play dota everyday it become a habit everytime i wake up the first thing i do is open dota even when i know i dont wanna play i just open it and afk staring & thinking should i find match or not . Feelsbadman


              no , Op, thats pretty good only retards like game forever no wonder pros are retarded kidos lookalike

              死の恐怖 Haseo

                If i find ranked match i will tilted cuz i have a hard time winning . If i find normal match its filled with tryhard vhs smurf . What should i do to have fun

                Dire Wolf

                  play something else

                  feel realised

                    Play party, learn new heroes or roles, play arcade, play another game


                      I don't know about you, but ever since I started to play 5-man party doto exclusively, I haven't had any issues with dota not being fun.


                        all heroes are broken and not fun anymore because every hero is balanced and its a 50% win now. can you deal with it or not?


                          new updates just make the game worse.

                          white boy summer

                            people after 16 yo mostly play games cuz they are used to and they cant find anything else. personally i like to set up goals in every dota match like it's a race or some shit but if you would get REAL bored u would just quit.


                              Watch Dora.


                                watch this instead

                                死の恐怖 Haseo

                                  Playing in 5 stack might help :thinking:

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    or just, you know, do something else? There are so many tv shows and movies I need to catch up on. Plus other games and irl crap.

                                    Last Hit

                                      You need friends

                                      Playing these games with friends is so much more entertaining.


                                        Is dota your first moba? If not why not play the one you used to play a bit

                                        死の恐怖 Haseo
                                          Овај коментар је избрисан.

                                            Just relax and live life. Get a job and make friends there or go back to college. Tbh there are no good games out atm, besides prey.
                                            Could play that tbh

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              well that's a huge load of crap but whatever. I haven't played these but overwatch people love, and the new zelda is supposed to be amazing as is horizon zero dawn. The division is supposed to be pretty good too. There's a new shadow of mordor sequel out too. Gaming isn't exclusively online pvp games. I guess for a lot of dota players it is cus they are shitters from sea or poor euro countries on $50 laptops that can only play super old shit like dota.


                                                Well everyone gets bored playing alone or even with friends like look at singsing he know mostly plays other games like puBG or Outlast and stuff.
                                                You should try to play some other game too. Like look at EG. They play csgo when they get bored. you can try going out and treat yourself. XD
                                                Goodluck man.

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                                                Pale Mannie

                                                  playing san andreas right now and it feels good to take a break from dotes and shoot around the hood as a fat fuck blasting some ballas heads

                                                  Livin' Real Good

                                                    Cause you're getting older, you're in depression, or you're just finding other things that interest you more, so they overshadow the interest you once had in Dota, that's all. There's no " Dota is dying! IT'S NOT THE SAME! " It changed after 7.00, but it's still fucking Dota, get over it, change needs to happen. In everything, there will always be a nostalgia bias for the old stuff, you just gotta learn to recognize if you're just talking out of your own ass, or if the game actually has made a turn for the worse, which I don't think it has. TI will be fun this year.

                                                    Some people say the 90's and early 2000's were the best time of their lives, what if I told you your child hood was the best time of your life, not the time period. But yes, the 90's and early 2000's were the shit. cough*

                                                    Овај коментар је измењен

                                                      make it more casual, actually dont play raned it's the opposite lf fun. try meme builds and stuff and mute ppl u dunno and arent in party with, party meme games sre the best ones i still remember that mirana bane earth spirit game me and my friends had where we got clarities and all the smokes and then roamed the whole map from bot to top twice and killed everyone. also remember that all mid game we had where i was slark and only bought salves for us and our medusa only bought clarity and our riki went beyond godlike i played sup slark bought crest and glimmer and we WON xD


                                                        You dont know real memes until you stack with seatards

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                                                        死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                          i took a break yesterday , i hope im gonna have fun play today! thanks guys


                                                            ive stacked with some of u and all I know how to do is carry Haffy


                                                              I suggest that you play with your friends open mic and have fun.


                                                                Direwolf feelsbadman I can't even buy Playerunknown's Battlegrounds


                                                                  i forgot how offline story mode games felt like :(

                                                                  死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                                    offline story mode games are dogshit .


                                                                      u r dogshet telltale masterrace

                                                                      also jdf8

                                                                        yeah this game fucking sucks