General Discussion

General DiscussionDear compendium user

Dear compendium user in General Discussion

    When do you bet? And why. Everytime i bet i end up with fuking useless team a**hole that play like shit and just throwing the game. Other time that i dont bet i have great team, ez lane, idiot enemies. Is my luck ran out? Im virgo btw. Anyone has same problem as me?

    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

      No, you're impatient. Really really analyze the teams/picks. But really that sort of thing is rng. If you are on a two win streak, bet, you might have a nice win streak going your way.


        i bet when im gonna play the game, if i go play just for killin my time or realise that my team is pure garbage i just keep my wagers in my pocket


          I'm pretty sure u wager 250 everytime cuz its the most efficient reward, and u get em back every week anyway.


            250 is a satisfying reward if win, if lose you feel like that moment when you mistaken your breakfast bowl with cat's bowl that has poop in it


              Valve know u predict and want u to spend more rigged match making Isn't new


                Check teammates last 20 game graph. Then check enemy's analyze. Then see how they pick.

                Then make the bet. This is the best way to do it


                  I did Kievlike this.
                  Ivent bought this time as I'm not sure if I'll be able to play that many game. Plus you can't sell this time


                    May i ask what graph? Do you mean that graph with pushing, supporting, versatility things? If yeah what do you look at.


                      you guys think too hard, just bet if u think ull win and don't if u think ull lose.
                      its not that big of a deal we aren't at the ti predictions yet.


                        Yes. See if they are support then there avg gpmxpm will be low. If they don't have good points in supp then look for two things
                        1 gpm xpm obviously
                        2 push/ fight ratio. If he has more team fights points then he usually plays hero that come online fast and join team fight for eg pa
                        If he has more push then he picks heroes that afk farm and pushes while team is fighting. So if he is going to pick such hero in your match then it's obvious he will perform.

                        This isn't a full proof solution but it's better


                          But srly don't put so much thought unless you want that item that is 2-3 level away xD


                            ^wtf are u looking at that moronic chart that maps supporting and farming and shit?
                            cuz u can get hella support points as lycan with howl, its complete bullshit.


                              Don't be a pousti


                                Bet when u have a good lineup


                                  Lol not everybody has that gambling sixth godly heaven and earth sense like you whitebeard. When i think that i can win this, it turns up that i lose. Vice versa. People like us need to wreck open some part of the brain to win probably


                                    I always bet on solo q


                                      Wtf nox with 5k wager profit in 1 week wtf is this shit


                                        Always 250 when playing 2 or 3 stack

                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                          50/100 when i think we have pretty good chance of winning if i dont fuck up
                                          250 when enemy pick is shit and our lineup is robust
                                          500/1000 or more when its the end of the wagering week or when im absolutely sure we win


                                            50 every game i think we have a good chance, 250 when its obvious we will win from the draft.

                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                              Confirmation bias.


                                                @deprresed guy
                                                What part of not full proof u don't understand? Stop retarded comments pls