General Discussion

General DiscussionTips on sieging highground

Tips on sieging highground in General Discussion

    So we have just taken Aegis and are now proceeding highground. Uncoordination in pubs often result in team wipes here with enemy bb and we are back to 0 again. With team mates motivation going down, thinking that we just lost.
    Any tips on doing a smarter highground?
    I mean everyone is waiting for you after you take Aegis. Their is no finesse just rushing down mid after rosh...

    What I have tried:
    a. Getting highground wards - need that vision. Often gets dewarded.
    b. Telling team to ward up their jungle and we try and choke them out, hoping for 1 of their team mates getting bored and going out. However this has also turned the other way where they get a pick off and proceed to dominate their jungle again.
    c. Sacrificing a couple of team mates while the rest of us take tier 3 tower then back, regroup and take their shrines. Wait next rosh go again.
    d. Split pushing, 4 man go down a lane starting a fight, disengange while 1 of us go for racks other lane. Can turn out good but also horribly wrong.

    Lost many games 7.xx by trying to go highground even though clear advantage. Anyone with some solid tips? Pref. +4k


      i explaned the pincer in either my guide or the videos in it

      one syllable anglo-saxon

        take all the outer towers and get bots so u can split multiple lanes and slowly chip down their t3s

        white boy summer

          mantas can get any bit of damage to t3's which can benefit in the long run. except if they have a treant, fuck that hero
          idk but playing snowball heroes is a death sentence in pubs this patch. i used to own with ember but the changes to hg made it impossible to siege hg, making enemies comeback for killing me just once

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