General Discussion

General DiscussionIs there a limit of age for pro?

Is there a limit of age for pro? in General Discussion
Cheap Laugh Guy

    Does Valve have a rule to prohibit >27 yo to participate their event?



      doc joferlyn simp

        What's the point? If a guy can impress a team's scouts such that they recommend his invitation to the team which will participate in a Valve event, why not?


          There is no limit seeing as Arteezy will still be a pro player at TI 30, still aiming to win his first aegis.

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            ^@Unfazed that's really possible if dota can survive that long xD

            I see... so the reason why there aren't any older pro players is because passion is compulsory to die at that certain age

            I've always thought there would be a age limit since having adults playing computer games competitively is quite an 'unhealthy' image as perceived by public. Well wasting life on virtual entertainment does sound trash

            doc joferlyn simp

              If they're successful the money they take in makes it worth it. There will come a time where they will have to retire, but if they do something worthwhile with their money by investing or starting a business then they're all set, so is their family


                Dota will survive for like another 10 years. By then, Old Man Fear already has a family and RTZ is still waiting for his 1st Aegis.

                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                  American Football has been around since 1869.
                  (it is not only pretty gay, but very boring)

                  I promise you Dota 2 has much more than 10 years to continue.
                  (pretty fun, and entertaining, plus maniler. No chicks running in little skirts and guys acting like bafoons when vagina is present.)


                    Prediction: Miracle-'s son will win TI before RTZ

                    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                      That is a good prediction lmao


                        And then, I'm going to eat my words after Artour wins TI7. Lmfao

                        Dire Wolf

                          Did you pick 27 cus that's how old fear was when he won TI5? He still played pro at TI6 when he was 28.

                          There's no explicit rules but it is true that younger people have quicker micro reactions needed for a video game, their brains can absorb more and they can learn quicker and probably the number one reason, they have time and don't need money yet. All the pros started playing this game at 15, 16, 17 when they can throw loads of free time at it. Then many of them go on hiatus to finish college or even high school, then sometimes come back, or they skip all that stuff. EG's old coach charlie said on a podcast he was doing sumail's homework for him so he could play more dota. No normal 20+ year old has the time required to go pro cus they have to work and support themselves or go to school or have families.


                            yes, i'm yet to see a pro over the age of 200


                              It's a load of rubbish suggesting people's reactions and brains slow down significantly until much later in life.

                              Time to practice and desire are the reasons people don't play competitively in their 30s.


                                i still dont see how the initial suggestion was supposed to make sense at all

                                also jdf8

                                  age limit of body


                                    reaction peaks at 24- 27 then goes down. look at Street Fighter. Their top player used to be a guy called Daigo. He was a god until he got old and now cant win tier 3 tournaments.

                                    Livin' Real Good

                                      Tier 3 tournaments? Lmao

                                      What are you talking about?

                                      There's just one kind of tournament when it comes to fighting games, anyone can enter. I can enter, and get dumpstered in pools by Daigo, or he can get randomed out by a no name, that's what makes fighting game tournaments interesting, anyone can enter. There's no " tier 1 and tier 2 " tournaments unless you're talking about the few invite tournaments that happen, and even then you don't have to be a top player to get invited to those, you gotta at least be known in the community and decent.

                                      Also, Daigo doesn't practice nearly as much due to their being no arcade version of SFV, and cause he's older now and busy with business. People say that all the time, they say " daigo's washed up " then he randomly wins a major out of nowhere. I remember in 2014 when he destroyed the Topanga league tournament at age 33, then was almost unbeatable for a few months near the end of SF4 v2012 before Ultra street fighter 4 came out, everyone was like " He's back! He's back! " Cycle has been repeating itself for years. But yes, he's 36 now and eventually the cycle will end, but i'm just saying, people have been saying that for years.

                                      Овај коментар је измењен

                                        It only suggests your own brain is underdeveloped if you think older people can't be as good in certain activity as younger ones. Life priorities play the biggest part, age comes latest. If you think otherwise, explain why most of the special forces soldiers are in their 30's or 40's? They are much more experienced and prone to make the right decision in stress situation than a 20 year old. Everyone needs to fucking realise that people in their 30's aren't going to play 14 hours a day anymore because they have to pay rent or spend time with their partners etc..

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          Oh my god you guys special forces and sports are not the same things as video games. Twitch reactions are easier for younger people. It's not a huge gap just a small difference. Its a different kind of muscle memory than other stuff. And lifestyle is a much bigger factor anyway

                                          chicken spook,,,,

                                            Taz and neo is about 30 rn


                                              Guan shi gao shuo.


                                                There is no age limit to what you love and can do. It holds true in every sport. The only limit accounted for is the capacity you can play regularly on a high level. Ofcourse. As for Professional Dota, guys who are in their early 20s have a faster reaction time in various situations than pros who are in their late 20s because playing nearly 14 hours a day will put on stress on various parts in your body parts (mainly your wrist and hand joints). Your hands are the most important tools in competitive gaming. If your hand fails to have near inhuman-like reactions like other pros, you will have a harder time competing with others.

                                                Овај коментар је измењен

                                                  You may say it's only "gaming" but it's still a very complicated activity since it relies more on your decision making and reflexes. Anything you do repeatedly and intensely puts a wear and tear in one's body. Gaming wears down your eyes and hands. You must put respect for the pros who put 100% of their time to make Dota a career.

                                                  casual gamer

                                                    my sister played harp too much and it fucking destroyed her arms any repetitive task can induce crippling injury if taken too far


                                                      Reaction time does fall off with age - I read somewhere that it is to do with falling adrenaline levels? There's a paper somewhere where they study Starcraft 2 players.

                                                      However, Dota isn't primarily a reaction game. Anticipation yes, but there are very few occasions where a few extra ms delay is the difference between activating a bkb in time and not. It is primarily a strategy game where most games are because of the draft/strategy decisions.

                                                      The million dollar dream-cool for example didn't rely on <100ms reaction times.

                                                      I actually feel fast, accurate mouse control is more important than reactions.

                                                      chicken spook,,,,

                                                        If these old hags can still compete at the top 4 on a game that requires quick reflexes, let alone dota


                                                          ^ these guys aren't old at all . Oldest on roster is 24 .

                                                          Potato Marshal

                                                            There's no age limit, old people are just bad at video games.

                                                            Story Time

                                                              i think age limit of 99 is a limit for everything, but i might update this message in 20 years


                                                                I'm surprised no one mentioned Carpal Tunnel... Though jdf8 came close to the point in general... There is no age limit, but over 30, it gets extremely risky and difficult to maintain reaction times, health and dedication to such a thing... I'm not even talking about family people... You can stay single and be a professional Dota player, but your earning will not be guaranteed, monthly salary that deposits from a daily job... It relates to all professions in the field of sports, arts or competition... Winning = you live lavishly, losing = you go hungry...

                                                                You may know that Sumail rarely loses his mid lane, even against 9k players... But a huge factor goes into his age... He does not have garbage filled into his head from college, no stress of getting married or getting an office job... He's a kid whose always been playing games, but after a certain age, everyone changes...

                                                                Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                  It's not just sports - there are lots of fields where people's contribution drops off in their 30s - mathematics, trading, literature for example.

                                                                  People's priorities change and the challenge becomes less satisfying.


                                                                    usually everyone has other goals and dreams they want to satisfy.
                                                                    ye my track coach used to run smth obscene like 100 miles a week and it fucking destroyed the cartilage in his knees.
                                                                    he is actually sad cuz by overworking he actually destroyed his ability to run in the future.

                                                                      Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                                                                        burning still playing he is 29

                                                                        Dead Game, Don't Care

                                                                          Passion tend to deteriorate as you grow older that's why some people seem to get shittier as they get older as a result of poor dedication, less practice and the likes, to the game.