General Discussion

General DiscussionPaparazzi new world record

Paparazzi new world record in General Discussion

    So i realise no topic has been opened for this yet... currently World highest mmr record 9788 solo mmr ... paparazi...

    9 more games to 10k mmr. 4 games only if he double down.

    I know this forum here are all cuki worshippers but i still want pay tribute to paparazi... what do u guys think? Paparazi or cuki? Who will reach 10k mmr first..?

    doc joferlyn simp
      Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

        LMAO! cookie maybe will take another 10 years to even hit 8k. I know many forum members here like cookie's cock... but to put cookie along paparrazi standard is really over exagerrated.
        Paparazi spent his time playing in world competition while cookie lurked whole day in this forum bragging his achievements.



          chicken spook,,,,

            Lalala got baited




                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  We already had a 10k in SEA server
                  Welcome to the rice fields mutafaka


                    ^but 10k in SEA amounts to 7k on every other server, so not really.

                    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                      True. When I play with friends from SEA the 4k games there feel like 2k US games.

                      And I have like 150ms too.

                      1 MMR SOLO

                        Guys lets continue to monitor paparazi mmr and kep this topic alive. Till the day paparazi hit 10k solo mmr.

                        I always never believe anyone can hit 10k. To hit 10k, paparazi need to carry 4 teammates who are each 500mmr on average below than their opponents. Assuming that their opponent has the highest mmr at 8k.

                        People posted on reddit that opponents lose on purpose becos they want china to be the world first legit 10k mmr country.

                        chicken spook,,,,

                          You get 150ms on SEA while we get 300ms on US games
                          SEA server is a quarantine 🤔

                          1 MMR SOLO

                            Think cuki is the one who coached paparazi.


                              he is actually the first person to have ever followed cookies 1-5k boosting guide and he got 10k from it

                              1 MMR SOLO

                                LMFAO ...


                                  Lol why are we comparing cuki to paparazzi

                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                    That's like comparing me and cutnpaste fucking lmao


                                      paparazzi is a some random dude that got 9k on luck and earned some abysmal money from dota like 100k or something, meanwhile cookie is a bosnian pride, that plays dota for almost a decade (liek 2014) creator of best CS challenges this community has seen and charges only 10 bucks per hour for his analysis. So this comparasion is kinda hilarious


                                        well paparazzi won the 1v1 mid tournament, so hes definitely a good player worthy of 9k


                                          cuki> paparazzi


                                            yes because 1v1 mode is practically the same as 5v5 normal dota kapppöaöaoaö


                                              cuki >>>>> paparazzi


                                                paparazzi is a some random dude that got 9k on luck and earned some abysmal money from dota like 100k or something, meanwhile cookie is a bosnian pride, that plays dota for almost a decade (liek 2014) creator of best CS challenges this community has seen and charges only 10 bucks per hour for his analysis. So this comparasion is kinda hilarious


                                                  Paparazzi is known as the "1v1 King" in China, bcs he spends so many hours playing 1v1 solo mid and therefore shits on most people in lanes. He might start dropping right before he hits 10k, but otherwise good luck to him


                                                    Rofl, paparazii earned 100k? lmao.

                                                    white boy summer

                                                      best cs challenges that was founded in wc3 days by other dudes

                                                      1 MMR SOLO

                                                        I remembered somewhere along the lines cuki said if he play at normal skill games (1 to 3k) , he could win all the way average 900 gold per minute..

                                                        Even waga cant do it on his smurf when he was playing on 3k games..
                                                        Cuki > paparazi + waganama


                                                          paparazzi is a some random dude that got 9k on luck and earned some abysmal money from dota like 100k or something, meanwhile cookie is a bosnian pride, that plays dota for almost a decade (liek 2014) creator of best CS challenges this community has seen and charges only 10 bucks per hour for his analysis. So this comparasion is kinda hilarious


                                                            goes well with:

                                                            Excuse me? my mmr is 2.3k and according to valve i am above average (2.1k) so my opinion must be respected and my analysis on the game is legit and im going on factual basis. I dont like to kiss ass of any pro without any reason. U have no right to critisize it u bastard .


                                                              paparazzi is a some random dude that got 9k on luck and earned some abysmal money from dota like 100k or something, meanwhile cookie is a bosnian pride, that plays dota for almost a decade (liek 2014) creator of best CS challenges this community has seen and charges only 10 bucks per hour for his analysis. So this comparasion is kinda hilarious


                                                                Ok dude what? Ur comparing a 5k who spams arc to a guy who is a 9k and won every 1v1 game even against miracle? Are u even sane? Thats like comparing cihuahua and bulldog



                                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                    Thats like comparing cihuahua and bulldog

                                                                    what kind of comparison is that, what do they have top do with cuki and this guy? and who is cihuahua? probably some noob chinese "pro" player, bulldog is at least famous and a ti winner

                                                                    Story Time

                                                                      he is actually the first person to have ever followed cookies 1-5k boosting guide and he got 10k from it

                                                                      looks like followed the guide twice xD to get this 10k

                                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                        idk whys this a thread tbh, how many psychological tricks and techniques has this pepperoni guy mastered? probably like 5 or 6? ROFL

                                                                        and cuki said mutiple times he couldve gotten higher mmr easily hes just tired of analyzing(remember he analyzes so hard he gets migraines)

                                                                        Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                          pepperoni guy


                                                                            This is the most stupid comparison i've ever seen.
                                                                            Paparazzi achieved nothing in his life, while cuki on the other hand has already mastered all the psychological tricks to know the winning team of the next three internationals while simultaneously farming 800 creeps with an octarine anti mage in a lobby.


                                                                              Dude what?did cookie name appear in the leaderboards?,can he even reach 6k?, paparazzi hit world record meanwhile cookie cant even hit leaderboards?? Ur comparing a god to a filthy dog


                                                                                @what up can this idiot bread or smth guy prove it?lmao i bet he cant even reach 6k, 7k is his limit meanwhile paparazzi hit the world record,what have this bread guy achieve in his live?getting some dotabuff idiots following his cock? Lmao meanwhile paparazzi achieve world record and won a 1v1 solo mid against miracle


                                                                                  cuki is lwlegend
                                                                                  paparazzi is cute girl


                                                                                    I think its hilarious u kids talking shit about cookie. U wouldn't say this shit to him at lan, hes jacked, not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants, and hangs with the hottest bitches. Yall are pathetic lol.


                                                                                      Everyone is Diox today

                                                                                      1 MMR SOLO

                                                                                        Do u think paparazi can be the world 1v1 champion if cuki takes part in the tournament?

                                                                                        white boy summer

                                                                                          u dont need to prove anything when u can get 800 lh 30 mins in a lobby.
                                                                                          1v0 god>1v1 god

                                                                                          also jdf8



                                                                                              more like papa johns.
                                                                                              got eeeeeeeeeeeeeem
                                                                                              unfunny meeeeeeme

                                                                                              I want my suffering to end


                                                                                                I had to xD

                                                                                                Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                                  A mod deleted my comment because I said this thread is retarded. Wat xd


                                                                                                    paparazzi is a some random dude that got 9k on luck and earned some abysmal money from dota like 100k or something, meanwhile cookie is a bosnian pride, that plays dota for almost a decade (liek 2014) creator of best CS challenges this community has seen and charges only 10 bucks per hour for his analysis. So this comparasion is kinda hilarious

                                                                                                    Dead Game, Don't Care

                                                                                                      I'm your biggest fan, I'll follow you until I'm 10k... thank you, master cuki -Paparazzi


                                                                                                        paparazzi is a some random dude that got 9k on luck and earned some abysmal money from dota like 100k or something, meanwhile cookie is a bosnian pride, that plays dota for almost a decade (liek 2014) creator of best CS challenges this community has seen and charges only 10 bucks per hour for his analysis. So this comparasion is kinda hilarious