General Discussion

General DiscussionPaparazzi new world record

Paparazzi new world record in General Discussion

    Am I only one here that doesn't know who the fucks are Cookie and Paparazi?

    1 MMR SOLO

      Alright boys, Paparazi mmr now 9811 . 10k is real.


        Inb4 lose streak

        chicken spook,,,,

          paparazzi is a some random dude that got 9k on luck and earned some abysmal money from dota like 100k or something, meanwhile cookie is a bosnian pride, that plays dota for almost a decade (liek 2014) creator of best CS challenges this community has seen and charges only 10 bucks per hour for his analysis. So this comparasion is kinda hilarious


            Lmaooop, cuki participate? He cant even reach 6k , did any pros like arteezy, notail or fly know him? The answer is no, those pros have practiced way longer than him, they just didnt show it, and cookie here showing of his 5k skills and u guys comparing him to a world record? Lmao, only some idiot in dotabuff know cookie,such an idiot


              Cookie is like a infant to paparazzi,and if u think this cookie or bread guy can win against him, go ask this guy to reach 7k first, then talk

              chicken spook,,,,

                I sincerely hope you aren't dumb enough to not notice everyone here is making fun of him

                1 MMR SOLO

                  Paparazi has yet to complete cuki challenge of 800 last hits in 30 seconds in an empty lobby using octarine core techies

                  If cookie and cream decided to grind his mmr , i m sure he will reach 10k mmr too

                  Président® Salted Butter

                    Cuki gets 900 gpm avg on support io in 2k, CAN PEPPERONI DO THAT??!! :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

                    chicken spook,,,,

                      Why win nearly every single 1v1 match against pro players if you can destroy the enemy ancient in 10 mins??????


                        I didnt hear paparazzi creating mega advanced CM guide that gives you insta 400 MMR and that makes scientist baffled?


                          we have official response from Cookie that moderator deleted for some reason:

                          "I had to respond to you guys after all this mockery. Paparazzi indeed contacted me first. He needed help getting out of 7k which I already mastered but its too boring and time consuming so I didnt reach it on my account. Even though I often reject my clients cause they look retarded, I saw some potential in paparazzi and I charged him only 5bucks. It was hard job in beginning cause he had so many flaws with laning, dealing with lane pressure but I had patience and kept calm explaining him the basics of the basics. My sand king and arc warden (66,66% of my hero pool) guides helped him breach out 7k and storm trough 8k. Even after 8k he had alot of problems with farming patterns so ofcourse, I suggested him my 800 LH challenge. And boy, that kiddo became new player afterwards. If you spectate his TA now, you can see 90% his farm patterns are MY farming patterns. I stopped giving him coaching but here and there I spam his steam with the link of my CM guide (rest of my hero pool) that gives you insta 400 mmr so he can reach 10k, but that stubborn kiddo simply doesnt listen."

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                          chicken spook,,,,

                            Good shit

                            L L Let me die

                              paparazzi is a some random dude that got 9k on luck and earned some abysmal money from dota like 100k or something, meanwhile cookie is a bosnian pride, that plays dota for almost a decade (liek 2014) creator of best CS challenges this community has seen and charges only 10 bucks per hour for his analysis. So this comparasion is kinda hilarious

                              주 롄양

                                me wait cuki to cum out


                                  i am losing hope for humanity. people who cant understand a meme and people who spread the meme but then get involved in the retarded discussion... smh


                                    cookie cant even reach frank level lul


                                      This is the best treads at dotabuff so far


                                        @Coroner, that was good xD

                                        do you by any chance have the reply icefrog gave in defense of Cookie? :P


                                          Lul cuki some 5k noobs making such a guide,ask him to reach 6k first pls then talk, paparazzi have all of it,all guides and tips is in his mind, he dont talk about it meanwhile cookie a 5k making useless guides lul


                                            @xf why make guides when u cant even reach 6k urself?


                                              ^cuki is god dont make me kill u now


                                                my stats after practicing cuki last hit challenge everyday for the last 3 weeks :cheeky:

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                                                  ^ and u stil lose nornal akill games and feed


                                                    fk yeah m8


                                                      doesnt sound like u did cuki chalnege


                                                        I opened this thread expecting an intellectual discussion about what kind of mentality and effort it takes to reach 10k MMR... I mean this guy is 9.8k right now compared to a second best 9.3k where many other players of such calibre are struggling and have even admitted that people will not see a 10k soon... Anyway, keep on with the trash... This forum is pointless...

                                                        Овај коментар је измењен

                                                          I opened this thread expecting an intellectual discussion
                                                          hahahahahahaha. well, you are on right place broski!

                                                            Овај коментар је избрисан.

                                                              y'all noobs, cuki don't need 10k. remember the SEA 10k? he got fcked wahahaha. what's the point in reaching 10k? 1v0 > 1v1


                                                                Excuse me? my mmr is 2.3k and according to valve i am above average (2.1k) so my opinion must be respected and my analysis on the game is legit and im going on factual basis. I dont like to kiss ass of any pro without any reason. U have no right to criticize it u bastard.


                                                                  get a life dude ^

                                                                  U so serious


                                                                    HAHAHA Ur mmr is actually 2,3k LMAO GOT EM


                                                                      @Aimer-: WAHAHAHA bastard

                                                                      @Coroner : that was some good shit indeed


                                                                        you don't even know what bastard means. get a life dude ^


                                                                          paparazzi is a some random dude that got 9k on luck and earned some abysmal money from dota like 100k or something, meanwhile cookie is a bosnian pride, that plays dota for almost a decade (liek 2014) creator of best CS challenges this community has seen and charges only 10 bucks per hour for his analysis. So this comparasion is kinda hilarious



                                                                            1 MMR SOLO

                                                                              Once paparazi reach 10k mmr, which is most likely next week, paparazi's coach cuki will appear in this tread. Cuki will tell u guys how paparazi follow his guide and be world champion.


                                                                                Step 1: Read Thread
                                                                                Step 2: Try to decide whether the people here are serious or not
                                                                                Step 3: Check the mmr of people here
                                                                                Step 4: Realize pretty much everyone is below 3k or barely 3k, and they arguing on players double and triple their mmr at most
                                                                                Step 5: Join in the shitpost


                                                                                  paparazzi is a some random dude that got 9k on luck and earned some abysmal money from dota like 100k or something, meanwhile cookie is a bosnian pride, that plays dota for almost a decade (liek 2014) creator of best CS challenges this community has seen and charges only 10 bucks per hour for his analysis. So this comparasion is kinda hilarious


                                                                                    welcome to dotabuff forums sir GabeN, this is just another day here


                                                                                      Whats wrong with being 2k . Still above average (2.1)


                                                                                        I dont like to kiss ass of any pro without any reason. U have no right to criticize it u bastard.


                                                                                          paparazzi is a some random dude that got 9k on luck and earned some abysmal money from dota like 100k or something, meanwhile cookie is a bosnian pride, that plays dota for almost a decade (liek 2014) creator of best CS challenges this community has seen and charges only 10 bucks per hour for his analysis. So this comparasion is kinda hilarious


                                                                                            paparazzi is a some random dude that got 9k on luck and earned some abysmal money from dota like 100k or something, meanwhile cookie is a bosnian pride, that plays dota for almost a decade (liek 2014) creator of best CS challenges this community has seen and charges only 10 bucks per hour for his analysis. So this comparasion is kinda hilarious


                                                                                              paparazzi is a some random dude that got 9k on luck and earned some abysmal money from dota like 100k or something, meanwhile cookie is a bosnian pride, that plays dota for almost a decade (liek 2014) creator of best CS challenges this community has seen and charges only 10 bucks per hour for his analysis. So this comparasion is kinda hilarious