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General DiscussionNeed advice playing support...

Need advice playing support... in General Discussion

    I am just a beginner with 400 hours worth of gaming experience in dota 2. I usually play as support, carries are not my thing. I admit I rarely practice playing with bots to familiarize the heroes I play. I just want that experience playing with real people, since playing with bots are predictable.

    Anyways let us skip tye long talk and get down to business. I want to raise my mmr to 1.5k or 2k range. The problem is that I am stuck below 1100 mmr. I reached 1105 but that's about it, now my mmr plummeted to 1030. I could not reach above that.

    I would like to seek wisdom from seasoned veterans or at least anyone who has more experience than I am... Anyway, I can do wards but I still lack in counter-warding. I got flamed because of that in my last game.

    basement :)

      For a quick read: Skip the obvious stuff in the guide. For an extensive read:

      Supporting is hard. I stopped playing for months and upon returning, I could no longer play it properly. It is also very mentally taxing because it requires the most map awareness (watching for wards, checking inventories of enemies, watching all lanes to teleport in if the enemy ganks or if a gank is available).

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      Ramtin H

        Dude for playing any role u should first pick ur top 3
        For example my top 3 carries are sven-teror blade-monkey king(although now he is a roamer)
        So first pick ur top 3 sups
        I recommend u this guys
        Crystal-abaddon(100% win rate if u master him although he is a offlaner but can be played as a support too)-warlock-treant-lich-ogre magi-omni knight
        So then after picking ur top 3 u should choose what items to get and when to get them

        the most important item for u is wards and (dust if they have invis)
        For example u buy a sentrie for 100 gold then u all can kill bounty and u will get at least 200 gold so u just got benefit from that and also the bh slark or rikki wont stomp the game and u wont lose to this shit heroes
        About itemization
        IF they have strong atacker(physhical damage) go solar crest or crimson guard(if u are tanky)
        If they have so many nukers go pipe (only go pipe if u are a bit tanky suport dont get it on cm warlock) on squshiers go glimer cape for save
        IF they have carries who can be kited or abilities that force ur team mates in a bad place (clockwerk cogs-disruptor kinetic field etc) get force staff
        If u want moblity u can go blink
        If their atackers always kill and 1 shot u go ghost sceptre
        If u want to be a bit tankier drums and rod of atos are great items for this purpose
        And also if they have silencer or too many silence or debuffs u can go for guardian greaves use it only when ur team or u are silenced it will purge most debuffs and also silences
        And thats it I hope u Become better
        GL ^_^
        And also forgive me if I have typing mistakes

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          My top 3 would be crystal, disruptor and necro(I think I am replacing him with skywrath or silencer.) As for the items, I am somewhat lazy in terms of this. I only follow the guide. Anyways thanks for the tips... I'll try to improvise my game sometime.

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            Dude help me too
            Whenever I play support I end up having only 6k networth
            I just buy wards and put them wherever necessary. I never farm creeps and take bountys only when noone is taking so I barely get anything other than a stick , arcane boots and aether.
            Do I keep buying wards or do I stop to get some items?
            Do I farm some creeps?
            I always end up being the solo support :(
            Like this match:
            And this:

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                even playing as support, try to maximise farm on the map. if the carry isnt taking it, you should be taking it. but dont steal the lasthits that your carry would otherwise take.

                also learn kill potential of heroes and always try to save your cores if its possible.

                for very low mmr i recommend lion, he is a noob stomper.

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                  I suggest Jakiro and convince your team to push fast so that you can win fast.


                    dont play supports in 1k

                    doc joferlyn simp

                      Just remember sometimes it pays to be greedy. For some reason I have a higher chance of winning with a stack by playing support rather than taking the core role, despite my MMR usually being the highest/second highest


                        Don't play support in 1k. Learn about efficiency. U can ward and roam farm split push gank and do everything in 1k easily

                        GRANT MACDONALD

                          I suggest shadow shaman. High base damage is good for harass, can take towers and can actually farm late game- good disables too.

                          if the enemy has a solo offlaner max your Q and E and just harass the shit out of them and force them out of the lane. Try not to leech your carry's XP because you want him to get levels. Ideally, he gets to level 4 when the offlaner is still a 2 and then he can just bully the offlaner himself.

                          From there i like to rotate to enemy safelane and cut the enemy creepwave- drag it by a camp, aggro the camp and let the creeps and neutrals duke it out... ez last hits and XP for you plus your offlane shoves into the tower and you can start taking objectives. Your ult is typically a free tower kill so use it when up

                          If smoking, always smoke where they cant see you- on shrines, in base and away from creeps. 1K ers are prone to flaming and rage quitting so thats kind of your goal. If the enemy has an afk jungler let them jungle. Jungle level 1 sucks now so by the time LC gets blink, your carry has a real item and they have started to lose towers

                          GRANT MACDONALD

                            Also in 1k pick supports that can carry late. Mirana is perfect for being strong at nearly every phase of the game. Plus with talents she transitions nicely into a right clicker late which is basically all 1K fights are.