General Discussion

General DiscussionROad to 2k

ROad to 2k in General Discussion
Mr. Ä

    What hero is good to spam to reach 2k?



      Warren Buffet



          Anything can work
          Just spam whatever you enjoy playing


            Spam shadow blade, no one gets dust.


              Spam Slark or Jugg since you seem to play well with those heroes


                Go with jugg, btw wanna race to 2k? Or even 3k?

                Use chatwhell=mute

                  Pa ....


                    slark, and if you're gud try meepo !


                      Anything works in 2K




                          Slark would be really good in that bracket or BB.


                            Race me to 2k !!!!!


                              ^Dear god, please make this acc buyer drop to 2k


                                ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                                  i climb from 1.1till now 2k. every hero work in 1k. to win in 1k ,u need to know what mentality 1k have. let say u see other people take 4 carry, u just dont pick carry. instead u pick supp. muted toxic player. learn to supp. supp is not just ward and courier. supp is making your carry have enough space. lets say u play cm, in early game i do expect u to ganking with ur mid or other carry.know that in dota have few stage. 1st stage is laning stage whick start at 0 till 10 minute , then early,mid and late stage . at the minute 10 usually if u good carry u have core item to kill someone and most of u can ulti, try to make and win the fight. to build a carry item, always in mind what is cheap regent item for u to survive and what item to fasten ur farm. learn each hero power spike. like if u blood most of ur impact game at early game,mean if u have ulti most of the time u can kill dont just jungle that just stupid. actually there so much to learn. go google purge gamer guide "welcome to dota2 you suck"and learn from it. if u get it i can guarantee u , u will get more than 2k.

                                  AT&T Samsung Galaxy

                                    best way to climb in lower mmr is to pick support, because normally every1 picks cores and if u actually have support chance of winning is a lot higher


                                      Pick support only if you are trigger resistant. Besides that i think the best heroes to spam till 3k are split pushers because opponents dont defend their towers or ambush you. So, heroes like ta, sf, invoker, np are good here but you must play them a bit before you know how the hero works and only after that you can expect mmr. Either that or extremly snowballing type of hero like ursa or pa, if you can snowball out of control on these heroes you can just wait for opponent to get out of base and kill them over and over again till you get so ahead that you can end the game single handedly but for this you need to learn what mistakes people at you mmr range make and punish it so analysing the replay helps here. Make sure you dont overextend in these types of heroes and feed your streaks. For me i pushed from 1 to 2.5 k just by watching a lot of pros, playing a lot and learning how to farm a bit better.


                                        It's hard to supp in SEA especially when you easily get triggered by the never ending demands of your retarded 4 core team. It's better to just go mid and mute chat than supporting in those kind of shit brackets.


                                          Terrorblade when the other team is physical heavy, morph/anti mage otherwise.

                                          Ramtin H

                                            Nature prophet just rat dota and ez life +25
                                            Even in higher mmrs in the middle of fights u just go rat dota
                                            But if they have brain they will start pushing each lane by themselves then u and ur team can us ethis and kill lone heroes so
                                            If u want higher mmr just go Nature prophet again and again and again
                                            For items
                                            Get ring of basi with 1 clarity and 1 tp ( for cour sniping) then just rush ur midas and always look ur team to help them and also at the start of the game watch enemy mid so u can cour sniper really ez and then just tp to shrine
                                            After midas rush necro 1 then go aghs get refresher and upgrade ur necro to lvl 3 get octraine
                                            Then go hex or ac ( I prefer hex) and linken if they have a spirit breaker
                                            And then just end the game +25 for sure

                                            Play for Fun


                                              Kenny Dope

                                                Play ganker bh or riki


                                                  I would also say Nature's Prophet with gay blade.

                                                  1st - people on 2k dont know how to play against rats.

                                                  2nd - they dont buy dusts, (sometimes gem on 50 min mark)

                                                  basement :)

                                                    It is also funny to kill couriers with NP.


                                                      It's funny to kill couriers*


                                                        dont listen to bws he's just a 1k scrub ;d

                                                        Story Time

                                                          i suggest bloodseeker if you are able to have a map control.


                                                            spam io. ez mmr


                                                              Vnz OD LUL


                                                                dont listen to bws he's just a 1k scrub ;d

                                                                100% confirmed

                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                  dont listen to bws he's just a 1k scrub ;d
                                                                  100% confirmed

                                                                  100% double-confirmed


                                                                    dont listen to bws he's just a 1k scrub ;d

                                                                    100% confirmed-spree


                                                                      dont listen to bws he's just a 1k scrub ;d

                                                                      100% quad confirmed

                                                                      chicken spook,,,,

                                                                        dont listen to bws he's just a 1k scrub ;d

                                                                        100% penta confirmed