General Discussion

General DiscussionAether Lens Pheonix

Aether Lens Pheonix in General Discussion

    So I'm going to try this today probably, on paper it sounds pretty good.
    I'm not sure how it interacts with dive, but it gives fire spirits more range, and more importantly, gives more range to sunray so you can stay away from danger.
    Also on a hero like phoenix with so much spell damage, the amp from aether lens isn't insignificant either.
    It also gives mana regen which phoenix's build doesn't give.
    So is it viable?
    Maybe the build goes something like tranqs midas veil aether shivas?

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    one syllable anglo-saxon

      new meta!!!!


        okay so the cast range doesn't work with Icarus dive, that's a fixed range, but it does give extra range to fire spirits and sun ray.

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          A veil hurts more and the range is enough
          After veil getting shiva might be better, considering if I took +150 GPM talent with midas I'll get it very quick so Aether will be slot consuming then either veil or lens will have to be sold soon.
          Veil > Aether most of the time because the fire from behind game is really short and situational then you fly in and egg
          That's the main game


            why wud u get 150 gpm over 65 fire spirits dps
            u know with veil, and the talents, fire spirits deals like 2000 dmg

            one syllable anglo-saxon

              did u know sandstorm(tHIs niBBAs' >> :dac15_cool: << second(2) skill!!) deals EIGHT THOUSAND DAMAGE(???) interesting!! fACt!


                sandstorm is stationary, but phoenix can actually put firespirits on people whereas no one will stand in sandstorm.


                  your mom will stand in sandstorm cause shes so fat


                    just a prank guyss

                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                      yes and to deal full dududu dmg u need to channel it for 50s(the time it take ur dad to finish) meanwhuile to deal TWO THOUSAND DAMAGE u will only have to keep the target under ur birds for 16 seconds!

                      feel the difference!! :cool:

                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                        okay im sry for the dad joke im sure hes a good husband and ciizen and is not to be put in fault for his son being such a retard

                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          see u in a week folks!


                            The spirits dont have to be on the same person tho


                              they will always hit ur mom Kappa


                                The other one i made were shitposts but now im asking a legit question


                                  whats the question

                                    Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.
                                    Act IV Waiting Room
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                                      Act IV Waiting Room

                                        Lens gives ~77 less total damage per spirit if you take the +60 DPS talent and ~40 if you don't, compared to veil. I'm not sure how it interacts with Sun Ray, but I'm pretty sure that until late into the game when HP pools get large it gives less additional damage as well (I'm not going to bother calculating rn).

                                        Also, in most cases, you're going to dive in, spirit some people and egg. You're going to hit 2-3 spirits most of the time, and on different people (you should try to hit as many people as you can anyway, so the egg has better chances of going off). There's almost never going to be a situation when you can hit all four on the same person for the full duration.

                                        Also, veil amplifies damage from the whole team.

                                        Don't buy lens, buy Urn and Lotus later if want the mana regen so badly; it's way more useful.

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                                        死の恐怖 Haseo

                                          who the hell play this hero ?


                                            There's almost never going to be a situation when you can hit all four on the same person for the full duration.

                                            I never said this, just that it deals 2000 dmg
                                            it doesn't have to deal the dmg to the one target.

                                            anyway I was just asking if it was good or not, just theorycrafting a bit

                                            I like urn, just confused abt order, do u buy it before or after midas or do u just skip midas and buy urn and fast veil?
                                            I also didn't suggest aether lens as an alternative to veil, but it does kinda take that spot

                                            either way thx for the answers

                                            死の恐怖 Haseo

                                              Act IV Waiting Room

                                                The point is, that 2000 damage is irrelevant, because there is no way you will deal that in a game to one target, and rarely to several.

                                                Order depends if you're playing support or core. If supp, go Urn first, then midas. If you're core, I think you can skip it or build midas earlier most of the time, unless you have a lane where you're in a position to spam spirits, or you fight a lot with your team right away.

                                                Even if you buy both veil and lens, you're gaining like 30 total damage per spirit with talent, and 16 without compared to veil only.

                                                Act IV Waiting Room

                                                  (unless I don't understand how magic resistance works and can't count, you're better off crunching the numbers yourself then)

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                                                      ^I'm just asking dude
                                                      sorry I don't have ur 7k intuition and know everything abt dota


                                                        ye ok ill stick to my regular old phoenix ty @Bubblegum


                                                          600 mmr invent new metas now ?