General Discussion

General DiscussionComing back to dota after a week of not playing

Coming back to dota after a week of not playing in General Discussion

    Do you lose you reflexes and good decision making? I think I've lost a portion of those after a week without dota.


      yep , few pub matches and you back fresh


        Depends on what you did during the whole week


          I mean like no dota for the whole week. I just went to the city to process some documents. I cant even watch streams and all.

          死の恐怖 Haseo

            i didnt play dota for 3 days and i already forgot everything


              I didn't play data for 3 hours and I don't even remember how to build phase boots anymore



                u couldn't build phace boots even before your 3 hour break.

                gaear grimsurd

                  watching a pro match and analyze the game would instantly get you back


                    Have done this for the past month.
                    Couldnt play because of a very busy work schedule so I only get to do it during weekends.

                    I warm up about couple of party queue matches and keep on going until I lose. I need to feel that taste of defeat so I can get my head straightened up. You know, it's not all roses and butterflies in solo queue.

                    Once that is there, then I do the grind.


                      overthrow is a good warmup OP


                        What about improving skills that don't rust away when you don't play that much


                          Will play tmr and i havent played in a long time

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                            Nah. I won 3 of my 4 games after the hiatus. I just feel like something's lacking.


                              Let me catch up plz


                                Come catch me