General Discussion

General DiscussionRemoving the random hero option in RMM?

Removing the random hero option in RMM? in General Discussion

    To be honest I really do not understand why there still is a random hero option in ranked matchmaking.

    For me this just seems as some extra gamble effect which most of the times just ruins a game.

    Anyone has a proper explanation?

    Potato Marshal

      The last time someone on my team randomed, it was an Io. He ended the game with only brown boots, a shadow amulet, and an incomplete urn.

        Even a first random which results in a carry is awful. Counter picks incoming and lose the game (likely)


          if you don't random then you're a bitch, simple as that.

          NO PUSSAY


            Id love an option to queue ranked without an option to random just like the strict matchmaking option.

            randoming is really annoying. when mid and carry are marked you get a randomer who re randoms supports to secure his preious core role.


              Random, then double down, and type idc mmr in all chat.
              Be a man, do the right thing.


                a 4.0 player who keeps his mmr by randoming is way better than a 4.0k player with 3 hero wide hero pool

                зачем я начал поиск

                  Random should only be allowed for a first pick, IMO.

                  It's not about the randoming itself, but about:
                  a) Players may have a prearranged gameplan and a randoming player kills it by taking a role or by drafting a useless hero.
                  b) Player, who randomed, may not have the ability to play the randomed hero at all.

                  Guys, who random Wisp or Meepo in ranked, can't reroll, no one, out of 5 players can play these heroes = you're fucked and most likely lost the game.

                  Want a variety? Go queue up Random Draft Ranked.
                  Want to have fun? Go queue up All Random or w/e.

                  People should queue up ranked to win, not for beer dotka.

                  Have some respect for tryharding teammates.

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                    Randoming is fun and part of the game.

                    Road to 1K

                      @Jack Attack: If you want to have fun then go play all random. All pick rank is for pp want to try hard to win not to have fun. Also this is why you will stay in 2k forever.

                      Road to 1K

                        Totally agree wit you guys. I hate this so much. We should create a thread or something to request to remove that ruin game button.
                        i got 0% winrate with random on my team :(

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                          All pick rank is for pp want to try hard to win not to have fun.

                          where did u get this shit from ?

                          Road to 1K

                            Do you have fun when you lose? if yes your brain dead


                              people with spectre as most played hero and uneven total amount of matches were clearly being raped by their uncles at least thrice

                              does it work like this, or are u the only one to pull out random shit outta nowhere and post it as the ultimate truth?

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                                Had a guy random last game, got a weaver and proceed to jungle afk farm with only a talon, midas then a 20 minute maelstrom with nothing else. Safe to say he was a 5200 MMR solo player...compete trash. RANDOM needs to go.

                                Road to 1K
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                                  Road to 1K

                                    @TripleSteal with 36% winrate in 120 games invoker :) nice!
                                    I hope your team enjoy it when you random and got invoker.
                                    Also dont even talk if you can only play ez 2 buttons heroes.

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                                      Blackmask you talk8ng about my last game invoker ? That 35% wr invoker dod more work than anyone in the game....

                                      Road to 1K

                                        I totally agree with you StanceWorks33 that shitty button needs to be removed!!!!!

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                                          Uhm excuse me, we have the option to swap heroes with one another in strategy time??


                                            Nobody ever does, you request it and they don't. Or if they do decide to swap they don't mention they are 10% Winrate with 800 games played.


                                              in low mmr randoming is how you keep the game fun lol


                                                Blackmask.. I'm not a 2k.. also if someone is happy in 2k doesn't that make it okay? I never quite understood mmr shaming people. I still completely agree with randoming.

                                                Edit: @blackmask on a secondary note if you'd like to party up sometime in party ranked you seem like a decent core player and I'm a support player on US east. XD

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                                                  first-pick-Random every gamers are still better than one hero spammers who refuse to play different roles and lead to five carry teams. I guess all these things can be ironed out with some communication though.


                                                    Randoming is fine but maybe a QOL change to add a separate ranked queue with no random button would be nice for those who don't want it.
                                                    I dislike people who random as a 4th pick that's rlly retarded.


                                                      whers ur fucing stream bro
                                                      awesome invoker plays 4k god

                                                      pls and ur thread must get alive again

                                                        Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.
                                                          Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                                                            anyone who uses random is a game ruiner

                                                            I agree but when someone randoms and they get IO or earth spirit, i ask them to swap heroes with me, i guess learning unpopular heroes in 4k really pays off


                                                              if someone randoms i also snap random and proceed to throw the game