General Discussion

General DiscussionInvoker

Invoker in General Discussion
Pubic Enemy

    What are the chances that a player would be really good with invoker at the 2k bracket? Isn't Invoker the hardest to learn, just wondering cause I had an invoker in my last game with absolutely crazy reflexs.


      the chances of a player being really good at 2k bracket is 0

      Player 404335202

        Sometimes players get back to old accnt to have fun !




            @Triple, pretty sure you should allow for smurfers, boosters, as well as keeping in mind that to a 2k mmr guy, 4k mmr is a totally different game. That being said, I'd say more like, 1%, rather than 0.


              ^the chances of getting a really good invoker player in 4k is 1%, and they all wont play in 2k for fun, maybe 0.1% and in 5k+, way less too

              meteor hammer

                really better than other 2ks? pretty high, a lot of 2ks play invoker, right? so the fact that some are above average is inevitable


                  none. till 4k invos are absolute shit... mid vs invo at <3,5k is easiest mid ever


                    I actually struggled in mid as invoker when i played against 2k before, damn enemy supports keep on ganking me, but my supports were "afk"
                    But i still won

                    зачем я начал поиск

                      Check GPM/XPM in profile and his Dotabuff.

                      If he has a 60%+ stable winrate on that hero and good 500-700 avg GPM, then he's good for his rating most likely.

                      Same applies for any rating, not just 2k.

                      Check profile ingame and Opendota/Dotabuff. You will easily see, whether a player surpasses his own MMR average skill or may be below it on certain heroes/roles.

                      "Really good" is relative, thus obviously there are going to be 2k players, on the way to 3-4k, who are just doing great and starting to wreck their bracket.

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                        Actually good invoker? Quite low, and the ones you meet are probably boosters/high mmr people having fun
                        But decent enough to wreck retards, there should be lots of them


                          There could be "good" Invokers in your bracket, but your bracket alone. My Invoker is pretty damn good when I play with my friends and we go normal skill, but I struggle in my actual high skill bracket. They think I'm an Invoker god but in 3.4k I'm just average. Best thing to do is perhaps just baby Invoker as he has a midgame-lategame power spike, and don't tilt him by trashtalking as you've said - he's a hard hero to play.