General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to strengthen my laning stage as an Invoker

How to strengthen my laning stage as an Invoker in General Discussion
Siccness for the thiccness

    I die quite a lot before i get my aghs because im so bad at laning with voker. Any tips?


      Skip Midas

      meteor hammer

        go 2x null or null+wand, buy a ward for urself for 4 minute night if you dont have one, buy raindrop

        if u get dove and u cold snap+ss under tower they should die 100%. if they gank u without dust u can just qqw


          basilus is nice vs right click mid and if enemie doesnt use magics alot so Null and basilus are ok


            Its the harder time whit invoker.
            U have pressure of farming and to win the lane whit a shit hero in the first stages.
            Invoker is so much item dependend and also exp.
            Get early cheap items for help yourself. Get vision for prevent ganks.
            Get mana Regen so u can farm some camps fast while u mid.
            Best items are raindrop basilius into eagle null (1-2) stick (if worth) phase boots urn of shadow.
            My build is: null tango ( start) > regens> haste glove > raindrop> eaglering >boots> void stone > phase boots>core items


              ^ phase bpots invoker

              u crazy???srsly pls trash people dont make any idea about this game


                They are cheap and give a good boost to damage and movement speed.
                Something that invo really need in early mid.
                After u can sell and get travel.


                  U know u lost when your invoker mid gets phase boots

                  meteor hammer



                      or you skip that 840 gold and get a midas instead


                        The fuck is eagle ring

                        meteor hammer

                          u see hes 2k but he doesnt have 35% winrate so hes much more believable


                            So im wrong ok...
                            But what are your suggestions?

                            In mine suggestion midas wasnt on the list.
                            Its a build if u have problems on early game.
                            If you have free farm mid obv u rush midas.

                              Овај коментар је избрисан.
                              chicken spook,,,,

                                Invoker buying midas is like antimage buying BF

                                meteor hammer

                                  go 2x null or null+wand, buy a ward for urself for 4 minute night if you dont have one, buy raindrop
                                  if u get dove and u cold snap+ss under tower they should die 100%. if they gank u without dust u can just qqw

                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                    If you even think of getting anything other than said item because you're behind it's either you're garbage or the hero is garbage for that specific game

                                    Овај коментар је измењен

                                      Im sorry but midas is not a must have.
                                      Aghanim is.
                                      Aganim is the game changing item.
                                      If u are getting reckt mid and you and your team are far behind the enemy u have to go straight aga or you are gonna loose the game.
                                      Just yesterday watched a pro invoker whitout midas.


                                        midas voker is a must more than agh voker get it son??
                                        i mean go watch pro games little u gona learn alot




                                            Ok lets say midas is core and aghanim is situational i dont care anymore...
                                            I never trashtalked or flamed someone.
                                            I sayd my opinion and i got called crazy ; trash ; kid.
                                            I just think im not the trash crazy or kid here...
                                            Remember thats a community and it is based on respect first of all like every community...
                                            Well... Im done after 3 days i was following this one...
                                            Keep working keyboardkings ;)


                                              Skip Midas

                                              thats all


                                                xd u have no idea how stupid u look to nerd people here.
                                                maybe u are ripped have gf and 6k life symetrical, but no one gives a shit


                                                  Best Invoker item build: Bottle > Phase Boots > Aether Lens > Radiance > Shadow Blade > Dagon 5


                                                    ""xd u have no idea how stupid u look to nerd people here.
                                                    maybe u are ripped have gf and 6k life symetrical, but no one gives a shit""
                                                    To nerd people here...
                                                    No balls to talk for yourself?

                                                    Siccness for the thiccness

                                                      I know the itembuilds.

                                                      ㄚ- 天照`

                                                        Buy sange yasha

                                                        ㄚ- 天照`

                                                          @lesbolas u dont need phase boots in 90% of ur games,midas is a must buy item


                                                            I always Invoke Cookie whenever my lane is fucked. Fuck Alacrity, Sunstrike, Cold Snap. Cookie for the win.


                                                              Keep your lane as back as possible
                                                              If enemy is still good at harassing, you could even get lvl 3 quas at lvl 5 so u cant be harassed out of the lane. When they are trading hits with you, they should be trading with you, forge spirit and creeps.
                                                              Usually against melee heroes you go alacrity, forges against ranged.

                                                              Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                Invoke Cookie


                                                                  Easy. Don't pick invoker :)


                                                                    Summon your Spirit in lane, you can harass and coldsnap. Stack camps and farm with alecrity. Hit your sunstrikes and get the kills and you will have aghs in no time.


                                                                      normal strat : exort quas exort quas = forge spirit try to deny all the creeps to have xp advantage
                                                                      request help when enemy focused you
                                                                      need ward
                                                                      vs melee like ember : exort quas exort wext alcarity - deny half of creeps then kill all enemies and harrast enemy mid at their hg
                                                                      require sentry (Vs invise riki bh ) or wards but try to count supports showing on mini map and think where they going
                                                                      Vs heroes who depends on spells (or team like that ) ex : necro - Ta or so on
                                                                      wex quas build then try to put emp first and then cold snap or maybe tornado
                                                                      try to time it burn mana then they will retreat
                                                                      Try to do that again
                                                                      possible killing op : ez vs support a little hard vs cores
                                                                      Emp into tornado and cold snap (2 spell ready need to build last )
                                                                      then you can attack at max speed you can
                                                                      you can buy raindrop into urn and use when you coldsnap
                                                                      work vs early storm
                                                                      Vs some heroes like storm you need lots of quas because of storms ult casting time
                                                                      vs team who can team fight you should buy bots befor aghz
                                                                      also wq is amazing vs that team
                                                                      vs strong enemy melee cores you need level advantage and aghz
                                                                      vs hero like ember you need alcarity and icewall
                                                                      vs hero like qop need mobility
                                                                      vs hero like sniper need eul to do perfect combo
                                                                      vs hero with silence you need eul or linken
                                                                      vs aoe silence eul or bkb

                                                                      Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                      BSJ. LGD

                                                                        you die because u leave your hill.


                                                                          midas is good for invoker because simply he need lots of XP - not GOLD - midas is 2k gold and its gonna pay in 11 min
                                                                          so if you skip that you have less 30 AS (Which is nice for him ) and you are 11 min ahead in terms of gold at least
                                                                          you will use midas like 20 min if you buy 10 min midas normaly so you have 3k more gold (1k for actually selling midas )
                                                                          well thats worth it
                                                                          i used to save fast aghz and it worked
                                                                          you dont have to buy midas every time but it will work most of times
                                                                          Bots and Blink dagger will give you more XP too depends on game maybe you can skipmidas for early bots or early blinkdagger or force staff
                                                                          you should read future
                                                                          vs riki its an option to even save midas gold for early force staff
                                                                          you gonna have less gold in the late game but you will die less (or much less )
                                                                          vs early team fights you can buy bots fast ( i mean like in min 10 you have bots 2xnull talismal and wand ) thats huge for early game
                                                                          but thats happen when your cs is more than 60 in first ten min and you die two or less and you kill one or more
                                                                          everything less than that is losing early game
                                                                          if you cant cs 60 and deny at least 10 in 10 minutes item and strats is not your problem
                                                                          practice cs


                                                                            =)) Get aghs before you die! May skip Midas if you out-cs enemy mid a lot.


                                                                              dont play invoker if you cant lane on easiest lane hero in dota


                                                                                midas is a must. phase not good unless u playing 6.8++ patch style invoker quas wex. double null ensure u can have enough mana to use three spell. killsteal using sunstrike. lane to hard go jungle. get aghanim strt ganking ,pushing etc2.


                                                                                  you know you lost the hope of humanity when your middle invoker gets phase boots.


                                                                                    Im not an invoker player so I will just ask. Why phase boots are bad on quas wex invoker ? Doesnt he have much lower dmg than the exort one ?


                                                                                      AFAIK you still get phase for QW build,just never on QE,QW isn't even used much now as i haven't seen any around.also man the opinion on skipping midas and going straight aghs,you're not gonna go pick fights as soon as you get that 15 minute aghs now are you?and midas lets you farm aghs quickly too


                                                                                        Ask your supps for help, invo is usually weak at laning no matter what you do. (Except skipping midas, but you Need it)


                                                                                          phase boot is not problem
                                                                                          problem is invoker needs BOTS
                                                                                          if he phaseboot he cant bots so in +25 min play he is limited farming or splited so much from his team
                                                                                          eather lose teamfights or getganked
                                                                                          unless he manage his tp scroll timing
                                                                                          mostly people will spend all their gold while their losing the lane
                                                                                          thats why when i see phase boot on enemy i will be happy
                                                                                          and phase boots = delay midas timing = delay aghz timing right ?
                                                                                          and whene you limited that much gold you will not buy bots
                                                                                          i also dont buy phase boots in QW style
                                                                                          sure its good about 7 - 10 min but you will enter the phase you need bots
                                                                                          Also thriple wex gives you movement speed base on your base movement speed
                                                                                          phaseboot not gives you flat MS
                                                                                          bots-Eul and windlace does