General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to play carry at 3.5k+

How to play carry at 3.5k+ in General Discussion
ㄚ- 天照`

    It just seems like i do something wrong with item-decision i made or hero pickings and how to keeps momentum going on some hero

    Sry for my bad english

    Mlada i Luda

      i dont know what other problems you might have cause i only had a quick look of your profile , and saw that your a slark spammer and is your highest winrate hero which mean you got that mmr that you have now by spaming slark, no wonder why you feel that you strugling recently cause slark is in a rly shity spot in the current meta. you trying different heroes cause you probably realised that but you are not at same skill level with other herose as you are with slark. those are the side effects of spaming in long run .

      chicken spook,,,,

        You figured out your weaknesses? Good, now you can find some high mmr replays and see how you can fix that


          ^at first i thought that your profile pic was from bloodborne but then i guess it isnt

          ㄚ- 天照`

            @bartbot thanks for the good reply,gonna increase my hero pool soon

            @asd doing it right now!


              you're playing a lot of shitty carries. like jugg. and you have sub 50% wr on AM. so you're probably just not that good on the hero itself.

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              ㄚ- 天照`

                @diox oh hello there diox! yea my winrate on AM is not that high that's because i play AM and not buying linken vs LC,not focusing on high mana hero,and rushing BF without boots if i'm not mistaken


                  Seems like you really enjoy the carry role. Dota D. Bowie has some great tutorials on YouTube to improve your carry game. Small things (tricks, decision making, advice) that will surely help you improve.

                  ㄚ- 天照`

                    @AV- sorry for the late reply,yeah i watch Dota D. Bowie often now on and it helps me alot! like when to push or controlling lane

                    toxic or not u decide

                      Rushing bf on am without threads is bad
                      Threads Can give u agiliy, mana, hp when u switch it and good attack speed at early
                      First finish pms, ring and threads when laning phase
                      With this item u Can farm jungle medium camp
                      If i have support at my lane and facing solo offlaner
                      I usually rush threads, then very easy to kill offlaner with my support


                        I have the same problem playing carry. I'll manage to have a good start and get early items relatively soon but I'm just so bad at transitioning to midgame and finding a balance between fighting and farming which really puts myself and my teammates in a disadvantage regardless of our Early game advantage.

                        ㄚ- 天照`

                          @iamdonewiththisSHIT yea i tend to buy treads now rather rushing BF,and usually after treads i can trade hit with offlaner easily due to to atk speed and agi bonuses