General Discussion

General DiscussionWinter wyvern hitter is coming to your pub

Winter wyvern hitter is coming to your pub in General Discussion
Forget me not

    Saw two games which are winter wyvern played as offlane position as another damage dealer from team. And the ukt was used to initiate. This one is from the new Mineski lineup with IceIceIce playing the winter wyvern.
    Mineski Vs CG.
    and this one is from ranked match played by Moo
    Col.Moo and Zfreek party MMR.
    The build up is phase into midas into Maelstrom then Pike agh.

    chicken spook,,,,

      It has always been underrated tbh


        You also have a nice wave clear

        meteor hammer

          hello u get 75 damage at lvl 15 on a hero with 1000 range


            Hello, this is an old meme
            Iceiceice was spamming it abt a month ago for the LULz

            I'd rather go phase Midas pike/solar then mjollnir
            Aghs also nice but not needed all the time, basically good to permakite melees and run around on cliffs
            Bloodthorn is rlly good lategame imo, u need the dmg
            Hex, Shiva, skadi, linkens, blink, all good
            Soul ring early on is also kind of needed, probably boots bottle wand sr then Midas then phase medallion Pike solar


              The biggest problem is early laning in the form of contesting lh cuz of her low base dmg, and shitty animation/projectile speed.
              Also in the early game ur cd on Arctic burn is a bit high to rlly abuse the enemy mid
              Also one time I rekt an mk in lane with wyvern

              Forget me not

                I'm not watching much pro player game after ti was over. That's why I just found it amusing to see a winter hitter. What you all think about bloodstone after the pike and maelstrom when the winter is played as position 2 rather than position 3 to get more farm and spam more skil 2?


                  beter not read feelbadman reply its worse than u and 1k mmr together

                  chicken spook,,,,

                    beter not read feelbadman reply its worse than u and 1k mmr together



                      beter not read feelbadman reply its worse than u and 1k mmr together



                        beter not read feelbadman reply its worse than u and 1k mmr together
                        no thought was put into this quote
                        You can do shit fucking ton of dmg at lvl 1 with arctic burn and you have a nice wave clear (splinter blast) and you have a heal. So what you need is to sustain your mana.

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                        chicken spook,,,,

                          Did I say core WW is bad? No
                          Did I mean that Daddy is a retard for talking shits about a hero he doesn't even play and theorycraft like he's some hot shit? Yes


                            I think Aghs is kinda sub-optimal for carry Wyvern. Arctic Burn already lasts 8 seconds with 20 seconds CD. That 4200 gold would be a better use elsewhere.


                              @ inx i fuck ur dead hot sexy aunt ,ty

                              the guy talk how mjolnir,( i would never finish that item maybe as a last after shards) solar are good on wiwern before going any stats lmao

                              he also said pike is good on ww even tho he have 1k range with AGH lmao

                              he even mention that agh is NOT needed for carry WW lmao
                              also Skadi( he has super good slow with Q ) Shiva(he has super slow with Q) are so bad on WS carry anf Sphere Hex Blink are situational items on any hero generally speaking

                              BSJ. LGD

                                shit hero guys how tf are you going to lane with a 50 second cd spell with 285 ms?

                                BSJ. LGD

                                  not to mention u have like 1 armor lvl 1

                                  meteor hammer

                                    u need fast mj or deso or at least mael

                                    i had been playing it mid and going 2null midas mael force mj, only went medal on support ww although it's still kinda good. the low base damage is a huge issue for me but she needs lvls

                                    i hadnt thought of it but sr is probably corr


                                      Did I mean that Daddy is a retard for talking shits about a hero he doesn't even play and theorycraft like he's some hot shit?

                                      Have u even looked at my wyvern games?


                                        Soul ring is kinda necessary I had huge Mana problems playing this build early game

                                        Medallion also helps with that a bit

                                        Pike is good as a defensive tool Katz, u have high range doesn't mean u cant get jumped on, it's like saying Pike is bad on sniper lmao
                                        Ur argument for that is so braindead it hurts

                                        Personally don't like Deso, maelstrom is better imo
                                        Think the build is null then null, bottle, boots, stick/wand, Sr, Midas, phase then a forcestaff if u need it or maelstrom if ur farming, and medallion if ur fighting a lot

                                        meteor hammer

                                          bottles bad i think no offense


                                            ^ye I'm too used to getting it on mid
                                            I think Sr replacement instead

                                            BSJ. LGD

                                              shes pretty good when she gets lvls in lane. pick when enemy has weak supports you can kill after phase boots easily. just rush it. boots first btw.

                                              BSJ. LGD

                                                Increased Arctic Burn icon.png Arctic Burn duration from 6 to 8. this is game changing.
                                                go double gloves of haste after phase too

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