General Discussion

General Discussionmatchmaking with new acc

matchmaking with new acc in General Discussion

    Does anyone else got matched with new accounts a lot lately? I've gotten matched with many level 2 level 8 accounts whereby 10 minutes into the game someones abandons or disconnects and never came back. I mean it just happened recently and its very frequent. It's not that I've never got games like these, but they are rare and this feels unusual. Is it just me?


      Might be because of this, but seams stupid to do in ranked games.

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      i have 5 reports to use

        Fuck dota I got 4 new accounts every fucking time on my team and every fucking time they do some griefy shit

        Potato Marshal

          It's part of the reason I've been playing less lately. Some asshole with 20 matches will just instalock a mid or carry then abandon when they get stomped and realised they're not playing with new players anymore.


            yeah, it has been this way for weeks. I always get 2-3 lvl 1-10 accounts on my team (regularly 4 new accounts). often obvious 1k smurfs that instalock invo mid or safelane AM and cry all game abou the team being bad while being carried to the win.

            thank god only in normal MM.

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            Story Time

              this is the reason to play ranked, not normal MM. I am smurfing now, and it is hilarious how many unpredictable new accounts there. Some of them bragging to be 5k and so on, but fail to last hit, and some silent ones that go jungle and then carry everyone. Ofc lots of leavers (coz u know it is just normal and not ranked). Also toxic dual mids. Things you no longer see in my usual 4k trash bracket, so i am even wondering why i call it trash since it can be much worse


                yeah unranked is horrible

                Story Time

                  also those party-players, where 1 is good and 2 trash players and then they all start flaming some those who are not in party :D mute button is nice but this "ping the map" non stop is bad af

                  👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                    I actually think that smart to let new players play with players with high behavior score, can be really helpful

                    I'm nit veteran per se, but I would gladly share my limited experience with a newcomer, seems like a great opportunity to bond with players

                    Friendly player

                      behavior score doesn't do anything. Rn i have 8800 bs but still every game there's atleast 1 guy who blames other people for their mistakes and after match report him

                      👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                        I never checked my behavior score, whatever it is, I probably deserve it, since it's impacted by my in-game behavior. So who ever I get queued with it is for the best, since that what I've been found suited for

                        Friendly player

                          dude sometimes i even get more friendly teammates in russia servers than eu west and east :D:D

                          lone dog

                            I have a low level account and I have never seen a new player in my games. Usually its the lvl 100+ accounts that are actually bad anyways.
                            Maybe like 1 out of every 20 games I get someone who griefs or something but I can live with that, but otherwise I almost always get enjoyable people in my games even though my behavior score is like 6.5k.

                            Friendly player

                              yeah that proves behavior score doesn't do anything.

                              Story Time

                                8800 is pretty bad, why so toxic man? I never went lower than 9500

                                lone dog

                                  If it makes you feel better my behavior score on my main is like 4k.