General Discussion

General DiscussionWanna improve my gameplay! Looking for positive players to party with...

Wanna improve my gameplay! Looking for positive players to party with (Indian Server) in General Discussion

    A small intro on the state of things !

    So to be honest, this is a smurf account. I abandoned my main account because it was raining here and since my broadband assigns me dynamic IP, every time there is an attenuation spike, it will disconnect and reconnect, but with a different IP address which causes remote host interruption (according to steam) and thus the game coordinator locks me out for few seconds. And over the course of 30-40m, it was enough to award me abandons (6-7 days), giving me a total of 7 abandons and though I cleared the LP, I knew my behaviour score dropped from 9k to 4k. And since I returned to playing normal games, I have been getting cancer players every game!!! Each and every game since then I either get one of the following stereotypes: 'mid or feed', 'hand of midas CM with not even courier', 'non-stop pinger', 'some random guy with loud annoying music that makes someone else abandon', 'typical disconnection till abandon player', 'the statue player - assessed abandon due to inactivity' and the list go on... you should get the idea!

    So now I get the neutral games lately. Either I get a sensible team who responds to things such as "Help!" , "Push Now!" , "Get Back!" and sometimes great players who almost carry the entire game with timely ganks, counter-pushing and suggesting items and strategies. On the other hand, I am teamed up with players who won't even hold the tower against a push and keep roaming in jungle without even farming a small camp in the meanwhile and some even walk into enemy ganks when there are wards placed and we got vision of the enemies coming!

    Anyhow, I wish to improve my game and since I rarely get to learn from the people I meet in solo queue, I wish to party with high skilled players from whom I can learn and have good games (not necessarily winning but having a satisfying loss - unlike 12-40 or something). And also bit patient since sometimes I make stupid mistakes too :D!!

    I can play any role and I tend to counter-pick. And I stay positive 90% of times with no trash talk or flaming. The only times I get bit negative is when someone feeds intentionally or says things like "GG Support No wards" after getting killed by walking into a gank when I have already placed 4 observer wards and a few sentries to give vision along the line we are pushing (or) getting ganked!

    So, I would love to party with good & positive players everyday! If interested, kindly add me! Dota Friend ID: 458879398

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