General Discussion

General DiscussionWho's the most toxic?

Who's the most toxic? in General Discussion
No need to Try Hard

    Player that always mad and blame every single player in the game,


    Player who dont give a fuck and keep spamming 'LOL' every minute

    #Pretty sure that we all have pass both way

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      Definitely the former imo.


        I dont think second type is toxic at all, he is just retard.
        But i am toxic player myself, and i can firmly say, i am toxic, because i am tryhard, ranked is for tryhards, were you spamm your best heroes, were you give it all to win, and when you see someone who is not, or who is simply not playing this level because of his bad pick, or enemy counter pick, you just get pissed. So despite being toxic is bad itself, sometimes you still need to listen what toxic man says to you

        No need to Try Hard

          I think it's called toxic coz you simply cant get used to it

          Watch Me and Learn

            The second one is my favorite

            chicken spook,,,,

              The one who cares about "toxic" people




                  two times I played with a guys with 1k, and under my experience, they aren't toxic at all, they just play randomly the game. I mean, they don't even notice what is happening in the game itself haha.

                  Mlada i Luda

                    the one that keept getting flamed constantly and every game he is surrounded with "toxic" players. not for " his fault" for sure. even he is always nice and playing " good" he keeps getting flamers on his team for some reason. so unfortunate.


                      Both.Playing with toxic players is not fun at all.Insta mute and report at end.But if i had to choose,i rather have the first case,the second case are always some retards that cant communicate and are useless the whole game.


                        @diox that legit made me laugh, I was about to write it.

                        OP the first one is the worst in unranked, but good luck winning ranked with the second one in your team.


                          ^ That

                          On ranked you can just mute the guy with full mouth, while "I dont care guy" will ruin the game.


                            The last few months I learn it's better to just mute anyone that's not positive. "Why did you die"? Muted. "Why did you do that"? Muted. Doesn't take much.


                              You forget to mention one more cohort: those players that choose mid/core; underperform/feed and then suddenly become 'very interested' in other teammates performance and/or item build to cover up for their poor play.
                              These are the type of player I hate most.
                              I wonder if there is a terminology for this one.



                                I'm pretty sure that the toxic ones are those who don't want to win. You pick mid/carry, you get v. hard lane (like being camped mid) & your shit teammates do nth to help you. You write 3 times to help u, no response. Then you just start flaming them, because you want to win & they call u toxic at the end & report. Just look at my last game as AW. I got matched mid vs Brood, where I clearly couldn't lane at all & retarded Sven didn't want to swap lanes, supports were afk. I then just started intentionally feeding. Does it mean I'm toxic? I'm toxic when someone deserves it, if I get normal teammates, I'm super nice.

                                Mlada i Luda

                                  @Imprecis . your the worst kind lul. the irony in your comment tho, you are the one who dont want to , win your team is way too normal compare to you , no overeacting actually your rly the worst kind kid. always think about yourself and crying when things not going good for you . 100% you are that retard that dont want to win , you just want to feel good about yourself and your team should always adapt to you , you could have won that game 100 % actually if you would play normally. how old are you btw? when i have those kinds of "stupid" ragers i always wonder if they all kids under 12 or what?

                                  you also feeded the huskar game . what was the excuse this time ? luuuuul

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                                    @Bart Bot - you clearly have no idea how 5.5k+ average games work. Those games were unwinnable. Don't use your trash bracket as a measure. It's funny that a guy who is 2.7k knows better if the game was winnable than nearly 6k xD I'm perfectly fine if team sacks my lane, if they clearly can't help or it's just worth it, but in that game, it was game losing. There was no coming back from it.


                                      Don’t matter, occasionally you can win a game that seems unwinable .feedIng solves nothing . Your teammates aren’t going to all of a sudden play better next game because you fed . Also you nullified any chance of winning when the darkest looking games feel the best when you win, even if it does not happen much .

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                                      Mlada i Luda

                                        @Imprecis.. lol, your pitful honestly. first im not 2.7k
                                        2-nd that yo uare 5.5k that doesnt mean that you know perfectly everything about dota. you not even close. honestly im not flaming you or something , im being real with you , maybe thats the reason why you are 5k +, maybe you have more potential and skills as a player but that attidute is holding you back, is not your team . is not guaranted that you would won that exact game by not giving up and playing normaly but is guaranted that you will win at least 25-30 % of those games maybe even more. im assuming 100% that you have a low behavior score, cause from my experience this is the worst part of 4k 5k players with low behavior, score they give up if things are going bad for them , cause are not good enough to realise that , maybe sometimes team cant actually help or do something about your bad lane, so they foccus more to win the other that can be helped, yeah sometimes they wrong, sometimes you are wrong. btw honestly i rly need to know how old are you ???


                                          @Bart Bot - you still have a view of 2-3k MMR on this. Seriously, at 5-6k people know how to punish you & will do it. Comeback happens, but some games are unwinnable or don't have any comeback potential. I don't know why u keep asking about age. All I can say is that I'm pretty sure I'm much older than you.

                                          Mlada i Luda

                                            trust me kid i know better than you how 5-6k plays. why jsut dont you answer ? how old are you? where is the problem? commebacks happen even in ti kid, kid,kid , kid, im 100% that your a kid, a" grown up "never would react like that no matter how retarded he is .5.5 k things he knows to analaise how % his chances for commeback are lul.



                                              I don't have issue with both just mute them retards


                                                Clearly u know better than me how 5-6k plays, when ur 3k trash & I'm 5.5-6k. Nice logic. TI comebacks? There are drafts that can comeback & drafts that can't. Not to mention it's different to play with 4 randoms, who don't give a shit about the game & in organized team. Where did you leave your brain? I seriously have no idea how constantly u keep mentioning age, if it clearly doesn't matter at all. I bet you're 20-25y old & think that you're a "grown up". In reality you're just a kid. I don't see any reason to say how old I'm, because it doesn't matter. All I can say is that I'm older than your "20-25".


                                                  hanter is most toxic


                                                    Also, nice 42% win-rate. I bet you will say that this is not your account & you're 7k on main. I bet you're one of those trashes who is always the worst in the team & say "don't blame others" because you're worried that someone will notice it.

                                                    Mlada i Luda

                                                      lol, since you dont want to say how old you are that proves indirectly that it matters. i dont believe your 20-25, im prety sure your like 16 below, but if you are how you say than you have serious problems son honestly. duning kruger is the least problematic one for sure. your 5.5k and you feel like your a dota god, and you know how games will go. meanhwile you have no idea, thats have not to do only with age actually but it has to do with the " only-mid player " sympthome, which usally are mostly kids " miraclewannabe" , you are good mechanicly compare to others cause you play only mid all the time, and your young age ofc your mechanics will improve cause of that, but your game knowledge is so small almost same as a 2-3k player at best scenario, you analise games only from your perspective, you have the nessecity to have a good time always cause you used too, and when things dont go as yo uwant you feel that you loosing the game, you think your good enoug to predict how thins will go 100% and cause yo uthink you gonna loose yo ustart crying and goo feed mid like a retard kid. you go next again do same thing next game as huskar cause your tilted, someone take mid from you , but yo ucant allow that cause if you dont play mid yo uwill loose the game cause your so good your the best inyour team and you must play mid, when that doesnt happen you go cry and feed again. bitch pls if your not a kid 15-16 or less, how is this explanable than? crying for a game, who would do that??


                                                        Yeah, for sure my game knowledge is 2-3k, that's why I'm around 6k. I bet you watch some competitive Dota & think your game knowledge is 6k, but only mechanics make you unable to climb, am I wrong? Who is ignorant & full of himself here? Dunning Kruger? You make a lot of assumptions, I even wouldn't call myself good at this game, not to mention being a god. I play mid mostly because it's the role I find to be the most fun for me. What's wrong with that? You think that at 5-6k MMR no one is trolling, no one is drunk & everyone plays to win? Wake up. I play this game for fun, I'm not an MMR bitch, so what if I go mid & feed? I lose 25 points, but I won't waste much time with retards. Who is a kid here? The older you get the less fuck you give about what happens in the game & with your MMR.


                                                          FYI any 5-6k player would still be the best support in 3-4k bracket if someone is that high MMR, it's not only because he has mechanical skills...

                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                            bart bot = fucking autist

                                                            jesus christ it's really rare I see someone as autistic as this guy


                                                              The first one is far more annoying


                                                                dont bother talking to mafioso aka bart bot. he's a retard 2k

                                                                Mlada i Luda

                                                                  @Imprecis , you still talking like i only imagine how 5-6k games can be lol. i dont know if you've been dont told but thats the reason im always 1 step ahead brah.

                                                                  "The older you get the less fuck you give about what happens in the game & with your MMR" , ok you got my respect in that, itrust in that point. cause thats me actually. everything what you said make sense actually, but cmmon brah its not mature at all to go and intentionally feed , its childish , i know that i used to make those kind of reaction myself not exactly int feeding but going afk, and jsut typing troll the shit of my team, cause i realised that we already lsot 100% , the truth is you dont know if you lsot 100% cause suddenly some shit can happen to enemy team as yo usaid by yourself even 6k play drunk and do bad shit, that can happen in both team in the exactly same game.

                                                                  but yeah still i also used to think jsut like you , cause idont care about mmr anymore at this point . so i was like " fuck this , those retards dont deserve to win always im not gonna try hard and carry them cause i dont care honestly" . but cmmon thats bullshit anyway bra, i said idone it myself , i know its hard to control frustration sometimes but if rly dont care about mmr, than your prepared for that shit , and when that happens , a worst case scenario i would jsut type some trolling funny dumbshit to my team and than continue play gaming normally and chill, not for the sake of mmr, cause actually you save some mmr this way , rly some of those games happen to be wins, but cause going intentionally feedin it jsut doesnt make sense it doesnt hepls at all by any means.

                                                                  Mlada i Luda

                                                                    about that talk about your mechanical skills and others stuf, well thats obvious that it is some " intentionaly speculation " from my part, i do that when i want to take some "real emocional reaction" from the person im talking since there is no other way cause we not talking directly . sry thats my way brah , harsh and not " fair " maybe, but it cant be else way XD. thats where all that hate comme from diox and others kids here about me , i worked for that XD . lul.


                                                                      @Imprecis I'm 100% sure someone boost ur account and ur 10 year old u feed all games expet the one that u flash farm in the first couple of min

                                                                      Mlada i Luda

                                                                        @nightmare, thats an option too lol