General Discussion

General DiscussionSF's first big item?

SF's first big item? in General Discussion
Palmen aus Plastik

    Assault Cuirass vs Skadi vs Sange & Yasha vs Butterfly. When to buy what?
    Assuming I have Aquila, Treads, Dragon Lance.

    Also, is Drums viable? EULs?

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      If it goes well you can go Dragonlance into Butterfly into BKB, if it doesnt go as well, Just go DL into S&Y into BKB.


      chicken spook,,,,

        Pike? MoM? SB? I doubt rushing those items instantly with only 3 of those items is a good idea

        chicken spook,,,,

          SB is good for pickoffs
          You just need to know when to get it

          Palmen aus Plastik

            i am happy to find someone who doesn't like shadow blade on SF actually. Thanks for your advice man, I guess we need the tankiness SnY provides if things don't go well? Or is there some other reason? Why not AC? Too costly?

            Palmen aus Plastik

              I feel very scared on SF all the time, the wanker has no escape, so if I buy MoM I feel doubly scared to even engage in fights. If I'd have my way with this hero, I would safely farm till I at least have BKB while I pray to god the team makes plays. I'm not a very good SF player as you can see. I can't seem to get attuned to his no escape, glass cannon playstyle.


                just go pike directly then suit urself to situation
                either go BKB or u can go SnY, Mom is viable to early rosh

                chicken spook,,,,

                  AC is never a good item to rush honestly
                  But I would prioritize it against smth like ET
                  Iirc cutnpaste said it before you can get either dlance or sb first or both, order depending on situation


                    IMO AC is situational item where enemy carries hit hard and their got MKB to prevent butterfly


                      Pike + AC rush only against meepo, bkb after.


                        First big item has to be a choice between BKB or SB (SB if winning, BKB if losing). I get both. This follows Manta.

                        If you get butterfly first and win, you're probably against retards and would have won even with dagon 5.

                        SF's biggest nemesis is death. With other heroes, dying means less gold and xp (and more for enemy). For SF, he also loses right click damage and ult damage. So build items that maximize his survivablity and pushing ability.

                        Butterfly should only be bought if you're looking to 1v1 enemy hc (like AM or slark).

                        Palmen aus Plastik

                          how to play sf with sb? stop farming and go around looking for kills?


                            With shadowblade you farm, split push and when you see an enemy hitting creeps somewhere you can easily pick them off and return back to farming


                              the basic is treads aquila wand dlance sb bkb butterfly most games
                              if you don't like shadow blade, you might want to try blink sny.

                              but, regardlesss, bkb+butterfly is usually the items.

                              Овај коментар је измењен

                                Time to try MoM on my baby SF.


                                  blink or bkb after dragonlance 90% of games

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                                    "i am happy to find someone who doesn't like shadow blade on SF actually."

                                    "I'm not a very good SF player as you can see. I can't seem to get attuned to his no escape, glass cannon playstyle."

                                    Dude, what? So you're constantly scared as SF because you're fragile and lack mobility/escape, but you don't like Shadow Blade? SB offers you damage, attack speed and an active that improves your movement speed, gives you an additional burst of damage and lets you position for your ultimate perfectly. Even when the enemy "counters" it by purchasing detection, you can simply play around this knowledge. You are now forcing the enemy team to expend additional resources and item slots to focus on countering you.

                                    "how to play sf with sb? stop farming and go around looking for kills?"

                                    There is no such thing as "stop farming" as SF. That is sacrificing one of his greatest advantages, his extremely fast farming speed. As RAB8 said, you farm continually and stop to get easy picks if someone is out of position. Consider if the enemy team has been purchasing detection, and if it's likely for there to be a sentry where the target hero is. Consider where their team is, and how soon/will they be able to respond to your attack. Getting a kill is almost never worth dying, especially as SF due to Necromastery.

                                    Consider the target hero(es) and their durability/ability to escape vs your damage out-put. If it's Storm for instance, if you don't kill him with your ultimate and a single attack immediately, he's likely going to live. If it's Lina, if you don't kill her within about 1 second, you're vulnerable to getting turned on and 100-0'd. If a heroes' hp pool is rather low and/or your level is very high, (especially if you have + souls talent/aghs,) then your ultimate will often one-shot them. Remember that the phased movement of SB's active means you can cast your ultimate directly on top of them- the closer to SF the enemy is, the more damage they take. Also, the invisibility does not break until your ultimate completes it's channeling, if the enemy hero moves too far away you can simply stop the cast and re-position.

                                    SF's optimal position is to perform well in lane, gaining a level and gold advantage. Once you're level 5-7+, you can quickly clear each wave and a jungle camp or two to maximize your farm. Once you've established a lead, you want to have a high enough damage threat where no single hero on the enemy team can contest you. You can continue to power farm the map and split push to force the enemy team to react to you, as they will need to send 2+ heroes to deal with you, letting your team pressure them elsewhere.

                                    I don't really consider SB to be a big item on such a powerful farmer such as SF, I usually get it by 13-17 minutes. Then I have a Treads/Bottle/Aquila/DL/SB core and cannot be contested alone. If I'm doing well, I usually go Deso afterwards as I'll have it around 20 minutes, and then most heroes die in 4-7 hits and I can shred any tower that isn't actively defended.

                                    Naturally, don't go SB if your team already has more than one other invis hero, as they will have detection already negating the advantage of forcing them to purchase detection that they otherwise would not. Blink is the superior option vs heroes with particular disjoint-able spells that threaten you. Blink is also cheaper, but it "clogs up" an inventory slot when you start transitioning to mid-late game big items all around. SB can turn into Silver Edge to maintain slot gold-efficiency while Blink will never provide any additional stats or effects.

                                    SF is all about acquiring a lead and crushing the opponent with it.

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                                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                                      Holy shit

                                      Mode : TOPSON

                                        Silver edge or manta
                                        SB is bae

                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                          People got it covered I guess

                                          Riguma Borusu

                                            never complete silver edge as your first big item unless the enemy has a problematic PA or bristle (or even spectre, in some cases). But in general, if you don't need break, don't finish silver edge as the first big item, it's stupid.

                                            Palmen aus Plastik

                                              Such nice replies in this thread man. wp trashcan. Thank you for all of that. I'll try splitpush shadowblade strat. I think my mistake, as i realise now with sf is joining in teamfights too often? If I play him like Alchemist, maybe it'd be slightly better...


                                                pike bfly or manta sb nice too

                                                Mode : TOPSON

                                                  I know it is stupid to buy se when break isnt needed
                                                  But it just work and ITS not stupid if its work

                                                  Овај коментар је измењен

                                                    silver edge is an ok item if you don't fall behind while making it

                                                    there's nothing worse than dying 5 times during buying silver edge and having nothing but aquila treads edge in 30th min


                                                      Dagger first item always stupid 2k monkeys


                                                        Lmao this guy above me actually rush dagger after naked boot and wraith band xD


                                                          Heyy LOOK i buy blink DAGGER im very PRO


                                                            Thats sf first big item no more no less. You play sf? No? Obviously


                                                              dragon lance, mom, butterfly.


                                                                Dagger first item always

                                                                this is incorrect; dagger gives you good mobility, but it doesn't give you actual fighting potential like dlance/sb/deso

                                                                For the horde

                                                                  Dagger on sf..... I want to puke when i se sfs with silver edge in 30 min, with dagger you improve your creep/hero farm so much, in 40's you can buy like any fuck you want and sell it if u need smth else


                                                                    Fair and balance gameplay you dont understand it cuz dont play sf. Dagger alows you to land triple raze. The earlier you get it the better. What your deso will do if enemy just walks away unscathed

                                                                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                      ^r u acc buyer?


                                                                        Triple raze XDD naked boot wraith band dagger at 16-18min triple raze xD who the hell gonna run from you . Any enemy core can kill you easily


                                                                          They wont even come close to you because you got blink dagger. Wtf

                                                                          chicken spook,,,,



                                                                              Treads rush, or naked boots into BoT after first big item?


                                                                                here we see a typical retard specimen brown boots aquila into 1st item blink kappa

                                                                                Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                  WAOW miracle BUILD it MUST BE GOOD in every game right !?!?!? Gotta copy dat build with zero knowledge why he do that haHA


                                                                                    he does it so no enemy cores can come close to him as he got a blink dagger and tripleraze solokill... i was watching this pro game full, so i remember coz it was the greatest prefessional sf plays ive ever seen. blink in that situation is just to massively outplay your opponent, if you cant outplay then its useless.

                                                                                    and i was watching replays of 8k mmr sf player who buys blink after dragon lance every game, is that shit too?

                                                                                    Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                      And when did i tell you that blink dagger is shit on sf?


                                                                                        Fair and balance gameplay you dont understand it cuz dont play sf. Dagger alows you to land triple raze. The earlier you get it the better. What your deso will do if enemy just walks away unscathed

                                                                                        if you need dagger to land a triple raze, you're not good at sf


                                                                                          dude its literally impossible to land triple razes on people who actively try to avoid getting triple razed without lockdown/blink.


                                                                                            lemme say it like this
                                                                                            BLINK RUSH ISNT GOOD EVERY GAME
                                                                                            ty ur welcome

                                                                                            heres why

                                                                                            They wont even come close to you because you got blink dagger. Wtf

                                                                                            not solo, but in this meta theyll just 3 man gank u over and over, if u had wand raindrop aquila and part of a lance or smth u might be able to turn it around, but blink is 2250 gold for literally no dmg or survivability on a paper hero
                                                                                            if the enemy has any hero that survives triple raze due to magic resist, high hp, or even a fucking raindrop, ur item becomes a lot more useless
                                                                                            if the enemy has venomancer ur item becomes a lot worse (turns out he is picked a lot)

                                                                                            u cant rely on triple raze as much considering that raindrop is an item
                                                                                            is it always bad? no
                                                                                            is it always the go-to item? absolutely not

                                                                                            meteor hammer

                                                                                              fast bkb+butter can be good i guess xd

                                                                                              u can disassemble op mom to bfly also


                                                                                                just tried MoM sf
                                                                                                i rate situational
                                                                                                ur squishy as fuck with it


                                                                                                  Thats why u need to have reflex and sensing when your gonna get ganked. Only situation youll gonna get killed is if theres bara charged at you.
                                                                                                  And yes ofcourse dagger first item wont lift your ass from dogshit bracket without other game knowledge


                                                                                                    I proven it again sf first item dagger=sure win. Well not for abnormal skill 3k dogs ofcourse. You just dont have the mechanical skills nor the game sense to unleash this builds potential