General Discussion

General DiscussionRiP Iron Talon: November 1st, 2017

RiP Iron Talon: November 1st, 2017 in General Discussion

    Also, RiP Jungle Legion Commander. Fuck you.


      jungle lc didnt exist before iron talon? veyr interesting

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        Don't forget Poor Man's Shield BibleThump
        "Not room for peasants" GabeN


          It existed, but Iron Talon sure as hell enabled him.

          Riguma Borusu

            if you think this is going to stop people from jungling those heroes you are sorely mistaken

            this 1min first nc spawn and talon removal makes lvl 1 jungling completely useless now so I will have to learn to play the game it seems

            mid or safe farm

              blades of atack into phase then armlet.My suggestion now to Lc jungle pickers.

              Riguma Borusu

                to add to the above post, get at least one level of overwhelming odds since it makes you basically hasted with phase boots

                chicken spook,,,,

                  how can I come back from 1v3 lanes now

                  mid or safe farm

                    if u are smart u can go 3-1-1-1 and hit lvl 6 fast with phase and gank for easy duels.But then,if u were smart at first place,you wouldnt pick lc jungle so doesnt really matters.


                      Hopefully less retard commanders in my games now.

                      Dire Wolf

                        jesus I hope people quit jungling cus yeah waiting an extra 30 seconds for creeps and no talon = gg


                          i already had too many junglers, please kill the icefrog ty

                          <<SEXYest Man ever Alive

                            just want to said RIP and thx for being with us for many years poor man shield

                            👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                              Rip lina jungle


                                I think jungling is and always should be part of game,not mean lc hes a strong laner....i loved to have a backdoors in every game and was able to go jungle with Io for first levels.

                                👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                  Wait, it isn't clear to you that the frog does what ever in its omnipotent ability to eliminate dedicated junglers without destroying core parts of the game?

                                  I think its pretty clear, as we see in the last 2.5 years of the changes to the jungle


                                    Rip tinker woods was great time

                                    O.J.'s Juicy Bag of Nuts

                                      I hope you guys know that most people don't jungle because they want to win, but rather because they didn't get the position they wanted. Nerfing jungle is just making it worse for junglers' teammates and those games where ppl fight for positions.


                                        Nah. People can still jungle fine. They just have to spend about 2-3 minutes in the offlane before transitioning into the jungle.


                                          I had an axe walk into my safelane and tank all the creeps at level 1 because he had nothing to do. Push the entire wave to the offlane then left just as jungle was about to spawn. Lmao fuck. Lost that match so hard


                                            pretty sure it'll just mean people take their jungler into the safe lane till the neutrals spawn...

                                            👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                              Well I guess if you DO have a dedicated junglers, I guess the best thing they can do until the 1 min mark is to harass the offlane, than they would at least contribute some damage at that point

                                              But yes I do understand you speak about competing for last hits