General Discussion

General DiscussionIo aghs tether - who benefits the most?

Io aghs tether - who benefits the most? in General Discussion
👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

    I think that those that benefit rhe most out of wisp now are supports/non aghs builders that have long cooldown spell that gets amplified by aghs. So he can tether them wgrn they cast the ability

    Like witch doctor, cm, maybe enigma, also ck can benefit if you have illusion hero

    And maybe wisp can defend himself by tethering a shadow dancing slark

    Also heroes like chen, because he can just request wisp to tether him when he want to persuade an ancient (can someone confirm whether the ancient die or not if tether break?)

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      👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

        Yea she is also one of those heroes



          Story Time

            crazy combos are incoming, including morph and sven, but i believe that dual medusa and IO are the way to go

            submissive & breedable fe...

              drow ranger? bcos aghs on her is situational. also jugg, if anyone want to play that hero after the nerf


                this shit is insane
                enemy team wins a fight
                we backdoor rax


                  Tether SF, get additional Souls, keep them when untethered.

                  I wonder of alchemist can give a whisp to other players now :thinking:


                    As funny as that would be, sadly, I don't think that works. Alc needs the actual Scepter to be able to give it away.

                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      single-use ultis are better than constant effects generally. or you just tether them one time and tether to someone else later.


                        in all honesty some of io's talents need a rework or nerf, theyre just insane

                        Insert C01n

                          I'm very happy with the changes to my discoball. 20+sec cd on relocate kinda hurts but I love the talents they gave it. The hero deserved some love.


                            Tethering lv 6 AA could be good. Agh upgrade at 10 mins of the game is insane for a devastating ult


                              Oh wait AA Io suck as support partner and how the hell your AA is lv 6 when Io at 15. Nvm


                                Matryoshka lifestealer combo. Tether, assimilate, infest, relocate. And other guy is natures prophet :D 5 man global gank. New uber wisp

                                Овај коментар је измењен

                                  Literally fucking anyone, that shit is lvl 25 talent worthy


                                    It will have a big impact in pro games,depends on player style/team but +90 spirits dmg is a real thing for pubs where is your dmg output very important especially if you pick dmg burst heroes like tiny to combo with.

                                    My stats on 7.07 io:


                                      ^ normal skill..

                                      Fee Too Pee

                                        Still, its hard to get decent winrate with IO for anyone though

                                        Its not that bad as example