General Discussion

General DiscussionTurbo Mode

Turbo Mode in General Discussion

    How do you guys feel about it? I think if anyone is new they'll immediately go " Why would I play the longer version of the same game?" I feel like it might take away from the base game a little, but I'm curious to see how you guys feel.

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      Ita a great intro for new players for learn all about heroes and items.
      Nothing more.
      It lacks on the deep mechanics dota have to offer.


        Very true. The only problem I foresee it having is new players will get too used to it and will think regular matches are drawn out in comparison. I hope they don't, but you never know.


          remember "easy-mode" in dota 1?

          this is that, but on steroids.

          Riguma Borusu

            valve is trying really hard to make their game more fun

            if people who want to have fun prefer the turbo mode then so be it

            I will probably play a lot of it because I mainly play for fun


              Good points. As long as people don't become elitist about which mode is better, I think we'll be good.

              chicken spook,,,,

                Very good addition to attract new players and making the casuals happy


                  I think they'll soon change the restrictions on new players. Make it something like "must play 5 games of turbo mode", combined with "10 games of normal mode, w the restricted hero pool", so they get a good feel of the game in its entirety.

                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                    I can't believe people still flame me for feeding like a tard in Turbo mode, the mode was meant for lulz
                    The game is accounted in the winrate and stats tho

                    casual gamer

                      very fun


                        I hope it will be permanent and popular. As 5k player said, it will make casuals happy, and I'm one of them. Usual matches vary between 30 and 80 minutes, and that's a lot.

                        update: but i think that buying from anywhere on the map is a more test feature, rather then turbo feature

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                          i like it, because now the normal unranked finally can be used to train heros for ranked

                          the people that want to try a hero, make mem builds or just want to agk hit creeps will play turbo mode now.

                          very VERY thankful


                            I think its bullshit that it's accounted in winrate and stats, its more like an arcade game


                              turbo mode should be low priority, not single draft


                                no its not BS, because its a mode for casual players. a casual player doesnt care if his winrate is 49% or 51%

                                👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                  I like the idea, but the problem is that the items and heroes have the same stats, and the game is balanced around all pick/captains mode. So like in 1v1, this game mode is not balanced, and there will be clear broken strats/heroes for this game mode


                                    @unhealable damage:
                                    how are we contradicting each other? I say its bullshit that winrate and stats are taken from turbo and you say a casual player doesn't care about the winrate...

                                    if it is a mode for casual games, why would you take the stats from it?

                                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                                      I don't even heal at shrine or fountain


                                        does it like affect your gpm, xpm, avg lasthits ? cause mine just dropped from 257 to 252 after one turbo mode game

                                        Yung Beethoven

                                          i dunno why the didnt just make the Easy Mode like in dota 1. At least there were the matches ~25min long. But now i can farm freaking mjolnir with safelane bane at min 4.

                                          I mean whats the point of that? Game is over at min 12~15.

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                                            Pc version of mobile legend

                                            Hingle McCringleBerry

                                              want to play dota 2 and want to end it fast because you have only 1 hour of your time before going into work or some stuff, PLAY TURBO MODE, NANNNNNNNNI!?

                                              Sam Deloges

                                                So let me say my idea!
                                                Its a mode that you could play when u dont have enough time to play 1 hour so you play in a short time and enjoy the day!
                                                So u could buy every where? Who cares! Lets buy!!
                                                More xp? More gold?? Its so yummy!
                                                I think its fun and new. I my self really like it cause I could become strong in a short time. No need to try hard! If I wanna play un turbo games I could play rank. So and if you play normal it means you wanna enjoy dota2 not to do it as a duty
                                                Ok you have 1 hour before going to work, school,ect and wanna play dota? So what if you have just 30min????
                                                You wont play and will be unhappy all the day?

                                                Овај коментар је измењен

                                                  It's a good idea that needs a few tweaks. I'm more concerned about the fact that it affects our Dotabuff winrate, I think they should ignore these matches, just like bot matches.


                                                    Same. It should be just for the memes. It's WAY easier to test builds on Turbo than Bot matches.


                                                      Turbo mode is a godsend from the frog.


                                                        > I'm more concerned about the fact that it affects our Dotabuff winrate, I think they should ignore these matches, just like bot matches.

                                                        We're still thinking about what to do here and welcome all feedback!


                                                          Absolutely. If there's anything you can do do not count Turbo matches against win rates that would be great!

                                                          зачем я начал поиск

                                                            This would make already flawed hero rankings moreso broken, for any player could simply abuse hero winrate in turbo.
                                                            I am all for not counting these games in.

                                                            Овај коментар је измењен
                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                              Just not having to buy shit from the store is so awesome. The thing is it doesn't really feel that much quicker, I think they did a great job here. Item timings and levels are still proportionate, just all the sudden you have 2 big items at like 15 mins and are level 20 and going whoa how'd that happen?

                                                              Downside is not alternating picks and I don't think we banned in it. So you're going to get a ton of bs heroes like all the new ones, am etc.

                                                              Овај коментар је измењен
                                                              Justin Weaver

                                                                It's really good for learning a hero


                                                                  my gf as a 2k player loves it, no more cancer 60+ min games , also u can try experiment in there and dont get cancer.
                                                                  its like dota 1 apem mode but a lot easier and forgiving.


                                                                    Fun! ;)


                                                                      It's like Overthrow but with laning stage and objectives.


                                                                        Definitely a huge gap between turbo and regular. Supports are uselsss I feel like in the mode. Five core lineups wreck due to the quick gold xp. Push strats are super broken due to weak towers. Just my opinion.


                                                                          I see turbo like "I want to play dota, but i have not enough time to play a whole game" so you go for a turbo game.


                                                                            Dumbest mode for really low skilled players as u can salve up at anytime. Don't even need a fountain. Can't believe it counts toward ur winrate lol. Plus I hope avg stats aren't counted as turbo mode gives 1200+gpm/xpm per game.

                                                                            To make this mode work they need to remove buy from anywhere on map, huge gimmick.
                                                                            And remove it counting for your stats since it's basically a bot match. Then you got a fun little mode for casuals.

                                                                            PS: Some of you mentioned getting in a Dota game before work or you'll be unhappy ... hate to be the guy to break it to ya but you have bigger issues besides dota turbo mode.

                                                                            Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                              Its the one night stand of game modes. The feel and look of a game of dota without the need for a commitment into a relationship lol. Where you can do meme-y stuff. I like it, it lets people who have no patience play that instead. Its like dota minus rage and hate. Though for some reason people still refuse to buy detection, when you can buy it anywhere MonkaS

                                                                              Potato PC

                                                                                It's good for player who don't have much time or don't want play too seriously. But the only problem is you can buy the items anywhere, i think each team should have flying courier with faster movement speed and more hp/armor at start instead.
                                                                                Also, i'm having fun even though i pick support and lose.

                                                                                Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                  I like it. Fast and fun.
                                                                                  Tbh wish there was a ranked mode for it


                                                                                    In first day its chill . Today i played turbo and people fucking tryhard ???

                                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                                      Played a few more, I don't think it diminishes supports, quite the opposite actually. What it does is it rewards killing heroes a fuck ton more than killing and farming creeps cus of the massive xp gains. So you need aggressive supports to snowball your carries. Otherwise in a passive game the 5 carry teams definitely win. As a carry you have to fight, you know those games where you're on say medusa and farming like mad and 0-0-1 at 25 minutes and you roll in and stomp a PA who is 8-2-5 but has 2 cs/min cus she's constantly fighting? In turbo mode that PA will be 6 slotted and have more farm than you.

                                                                                      Also you get max items quicker but games aren't really all that much shorter. With shrines in base gone seiging high ground is easier. I don't expect hour long matches to be the norm anymore. My one non turbo game was 37 mins, my turbo games are between 25-30.


                                                                                        Turbo mode is meme mode. Do your meme-iest build you can think of

                                                                                        Story Time

                                                                                          so riki can be addressed with dust immediately?


                                                                                            I just played a turbo mode game and dota buff didn't add it to my win count, is this normal or am I missing something?


                                                                                              ^check the first pinned thread

                                                                                              tl dr - its normal


                                                                                                best addition to dota since overthrow! :)

                                                                                                I'm as good as you

                                                                                                  once they get rid of world shop. then it will be good


                                                                                                    this mode grants exp trophies?


                                                                                                      I think a ranked mode for it would be nice that had its own rating . Then if you only had a limited amount of time but still wanted to try hard you could .