General Discussion

General DiscussionIs offlane now the invisible pos 1?

Is offlane now the invisible pos 1? in General Discussion

    I am talking about early to mid game where almost every off laner got buffed + the map/rune spot changed.
    -You can get an insane farm and still rotate to jungle to stack(pretty much easier compared to 7.06)
    -Ganking the off laner is now kinda impossible since the area near hard camp is huge and you have plenty of time to go back under tower's safety
    -Most of off laners got insanely buffed
    For e.g.: Centaur is a beast now. His lvl 10 +10magic res. gives him a lot of advantages over magic-based heroes
    Necro is still viable as an off laner imo even though he got nerfed
    So is off lane the prioritized position right now?

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    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      10 magic res is pathetically low. it has almost no impact until you have like 4k hp. it depends on the hero. some heroes like ench, pugna, beastmaster and furion can carry from the offlane, but most of the time it wont happen.


        How is that pathetically low if you build pipe
        It's like taking 0 magical dmg + the natural strength of the hero he is way too buffed I like dat


          10% is nothing, 40 less damage from lion ulti think about it.
          10% evasion also is nothing

          maybe aggro lanes will be less messy, since theres more space to move around in the lane, and you can pull easier as offlaner and contest bounty runes?

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            if you build pipe its even more useless. magic resistance stacks diminishingly, so its not possible to get 100% magic res unless its all from one source (like bkb). if you get pipe on centaur, you get 52.75% magic res. with the talent it becomes 57.625%, so you only gain 4.875% magic res from your talent.


              How's that nothing people spend shit ton of gold to buu Kaya and get that extra +10% magic dmg
              Just imagine buying a pipe and rushing into the front line.
              I played cent twice today and I was standing for like 15 seconds near 3-4 enemies who dealt 0 magic dmg cuz of pipe and the talent


                What's up with that Beastmaster? The heck is that jungle he spawns every few seconds lol that hero is crazy

                Totentanz to The King: M ...



                    Mr caps on look I just used that as an example but you cant judge if thats shit or not since it depends on the enemies who you're playing with
                    Cent's talent is not the topic of this but its DB cant expect much


                      ^r u braindead?


                        Nope? Do you even read?

                        Puck  the Magic Dagon

                          He just explained to you that you'd save less then 40dmg off a lion ult so its a useless talent and therefore is not a reason why the offlane is strong. You seem to be immune to his logic.


                            What the heck is wrong with you and your stupid statements if you have nothing to say(stop repeating shit talk) then don't post in here. Plain simple

                            зачем я начал поиск

                              Go pick Pangolier offlane and just feed intentionally.


                                That hero is shit imo the only advantage of him is his shield I guess? His ult is like watching a drunk man driving a car
                                He'll tank damage and die, is that all? Lol

                                зачем я начал поиск

                                  Yes. Go do it.


                                    Do you even know what "stacks diminishingly" means?


                                      What about broodmama is that hero still *playable* she doesn't feel the same without the invisability
                                      Do you even read or you're all about being a cock and arguing?

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                                      зачем я начал поиск

                                        No, Broodmother is heavily nerfed and unplayable. I watched some dude analyze the patch and he told me that, so that must be true.
                                        Dotabuff forum professional gameplay analysis squad also thinks so. Pangolier is the real big OP deal this patch though. Very imbalanced and strong 1st spell.

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                                          36% wr, lowest of all > unbalanced

                                          зачем я начал поиск

                                            Invisibility was the sole reason Brood was strong, so she's dead now.
                                            You enter the lane, buy tranquils and feed with autoclicker is the new meta.


                                              He's probably high haha bunch of shitposting
                                              Im off gn

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                                                Like talking to a wall. The thing is your argument about "like taking 0 damage" is fundamentally flawed. Do you even read what Aggressive protector wrote? Read first yourself and than you may tell others to read.

                                                Brood IMO is buffed cause you don't lose your free pathing when attacked.

                                                Dark Hunter

                                                  i'm liking void offlane. U can get so much attack speed now with only 2-3 items. MKB is like perfect for him. Just don't fuck up your chono's and u'll be godlike in no time :D

                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                    losing invis is not a big deal. it really only mattered in the laning stage but she is super strong without invis anyway. free pathing makes her much harder to kill without vision heroes. she is shit in the offlane now though i think. you need to go mid/safelane.

                                                    Овај коментар је измењен

                                                      brood is i think a bit nerfed but overall its more of a role change, since she is much more vulnerable in laning
                                                      needs to go safe or mid
                                                      they didnt nerf her ulti, which has been buffed since it was originally 70dmg and 70% lifesteal if i remember correctly, to its current insane state
                                                      in the lategame she just doesnt need spiders, her main hero is a beast
                                                      but her early game spiders r nerfed

                                                      also the offlane isnt easier, both pms and talon are gone meaning u cant revert to jungle

                                                      зачем я начал поиск

                                                        ^best poster
                                                        Agree with him. It was definetely a significant nerf and spiders now are really weak, they die in one magic AOE nuke, overall way weaker to magic.
                                                        Very vulnerable in laning, too easy to zone you out now.
                                                        And yea, Broodmother would need PMS to jungle, so that's a big nerf too.

                                                        Overall hero got destroyed. Don't play her.

                                                        Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                          ^But you manage to win your 7.07 Broodmama games though...
                                                          Don't you feel like you can survive your lane better since you still run fast and have pathing after taking damage?

                                                          btw Offlane is nerfed, Shrine's further and creep wave closer to safelane t1

                                                          Овај коментар је измењен
                                                          зачем я начал поиск

                                                            My team carries me 24/7.
                                                            Offlane is nerfed too hard. I used to use that shrine every game, now I can't, it makes playing impossible. Especially as Brood, you really need that shrine.
                                                            Brood has no other way to regenerate that mana/hp now.
                                                            I lose my lane very often now.

                                                            Овај коментар је измењен

                                                              i think broodmother is still playable, but i gotta play more games to see how it goes first, the only question is whether free pathing > invis

                                                              chicken spook,,,,

                                                                bunch of shitposting

                                                                I only see one shitposter in this thread


                                                                  especially with the deny change, as an offlaner u cant sit back and sap xp or the carry will deny everything and ull be sad
                                                                  it forces u to contest the lane even if its a super dangerous lane
                                                                  the deny xp thing at 25% is getting changed its just insane
                                                                  if u can deny whole waves u can delay an enemies level 2 by 4 fucking creeps waves


                                                                    Dude offlane is horrible I mean I LOVE the offlane but no pms and not getting lvl 2 if enemy gets a single deny is just not fucking cool.....creeps meet closer to enemy tower too
                                                                    So I think we either gonna have dual offlanes to let farming offlaners like sk have a chance in winning the lane or go back to imma hit 6 and leave the lane offlaners like bm clock etc
                                                                    Again this is professional dotabuff replay analysis squad memeber so don't take it for granted maybe its still just the same

                                                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                                                      Safelane is like 4v4 now what the fuck


                                                                        " they die in one magic AOE nuke, overall way weaker to magic. "
                                                                        Wutface. They have 11% more EHP against magic and about 23% less EHP against Physical. Since most of AoE physical damage sources are reapplied constantly (cleave, Quills etc), that doesn't matter much.
                                                                        Also, ,less HP and more regen means that the little ones regen full hp in 9 seconds, and big ones in like 22.


                                                                          Ur bad at math if you think magic resist stacks badly. Imagine if there was an item that gave 50% magic resist and you had 1000 hp. If you bought one you have 50% magic resist and 2000 ehp. If you buy two you have only 75% resist, which is diminishing, but you don’t give a fuck about resist percentage you care about ehp. With two of this item you have 4000 ehp. With 3 although you only have 87.5 resist you have a whopping 8000 ehp which shows magic resist and evasion work exponentially for ehp.

                                                                          Not going to comment on which talent is better for centaur because I don’t play that hero but as a general rule of thumb magic resist/evasion stacks extremely well.

                                                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                            more like the invisible pos5 good luck getting levels


                                                                              Woaw OP found out that Centaur with Pipe is tanky .... so much woaw

                                                                              Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                Totally agreed with @Aggressive Perfector

                                                                                10% magic resist is shit especially when you build pipe. The magic resistance effect stack diminishingly.
                                                                                The formula is:
                                                                                Damage taken = Damage * (1 - magic resist 1) * (1 - magic resist 2) * ...
                                                                                Therefore the damage reduction fomula
                                                                                Reduction = 1 - (1 - magic resist 1) * (1 - magic resist 2) * ...
                                                                                If you build pipe:
                                                                                Reduction = 1 - (1 - 0.25)*(1 - 0.3) = 47.5%
                                                                                If you take the talent 10%:
                                                                                Reduction = 1 - (1 - 0.25)*(1 - 0.3)*(1 - 0.1) = 52.75%
                                                                                So effectively you gain only 5.25% from the 10% talent. This is, as said, pathetically low.


                                                                                  @CUTNPASTE: not quite true. We care about the damage reduction, not about the EHP. Let say you are taking 1000 magic damage, with pipe and talent, you take only 52.5 damage less. This is garbage.


                                                                                    Calcuate the EHP. For 1000 hp hero with 47.5 resist you have 1904 EHP. For 1000 hp hero with 52.75 resist you have 2116 EHP so you've gained 200 EHP for a talent that scales with more hp. Sounds like a sweet deal for a lvl 10 talent. Probably would rather a raw hp talent but magic resist scales nicely.

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                                                                                      The first thing I thought was I wouldn't mind having 57% magic resistance. That sounds like a lot. Lul. But what the fuck does that have to do with being an offlaner. And what the fuck does that have to do with being a pos 1 offlaner. Explain thanks


                                                                                          Offlane is new pos6 u wont get shit there no xp no farm offlane nerfed into the ground every single patch so no its far from becoming pos1

                                                                                          Justin Weaver

                                                                                            There was a video of singsing where the offlane bane in the enemy team was getting two levels per minute, either he was denying all the creeps or he was cheating, so how exactly u don't get exp from the offlane?


                                                                                              just retreat to jungle with iron talon. oh wait